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Horseshoe Bay Council Comments

he City of Horseshoe Bay City Council Meeting was held Tuesday, October 12, 2021. Mayor Clinesmith welcomed all and Reverend John Duncan gave invocation followed by the pledges to the American Flag and State of Texas Flag.

October is Pastor Appreciation Month. Council Member Elaine Waddill thanked Reverend Duncan personally for his care and support of our Horseshoe Bay community and extended the gratitude to our other local community Pastors. Many thanks to Father Ruben Patino, Pastor Lanny Tanton and Reverend Dr. Malcolm McQueen for their many contributions and support for the Horseshoe Bay community.

City Secretary Kerri Craig provided an update and reminder that applications for appointment to the various Boards, Commissions, and Committees will be available until November 1, 2021. Applications are available on the City’s website and from the City Secretary’s Office.

Police Chief Rocky Wardlow presented Lieutenant John Insalata with a plaque commemorating his 5 years of Service to Horseshoe Bay. John joined the Department in October 2016 as a patrol officer. In 2018, John promoted to Lieutenant where he supervises patrol squad A and assists Asst. Chief Graham with the oversight of our Patrol Division. John has over 30 years as a Texas Peace Officer and holds a Master Peace Officer certification from the State. Prior to joining HSBPD in 2016, John worked for the cities of Kerrville and San Antonio where he retired after serving San Antonio for 25 years.

Chief Wardlow also presented a plaque to Investigator Bill Pond on his 5 years of service to the City of Horseshoe Bay. Investigator Pond joined the Department in October of 2016 as a patrol officer. Bill promoted to Lieutenant where he supervised patrol squad A and assisted Asst. Chief Graham with the oversight of the Patrol Division. In 2018, Bill became a crime investigator (CID). Bill has over 43 years as a Texas peace Officer and holds a Master Peace Officer certification. Prior to joining HSBPD, Bill worked for the DFW Airport Police and the cities of North Richland Hills and Bedford.

During Public Comment Jim Jorden provided an update on the sales of the recently completed book The Story of Horseshoe Bay, Texas 1971-2021. Jim co-authored the book detailing the history of the development of Horseshoe Bay. At this time 650 books have been sold. Jim also shared that the book has received state-wide recognition with The Texas State Historical Association. Great Christmas gifts, copies may be purchased at the City front office.

A Public Hearing was held, and information provided by Development Services Director Sally McFeron, regarding amendments to Chapter 10 of the City’s Code of Ordinances relating to Subdivision Regulation. The City’s current subdivision ordinance requires adherence with the drainage criteria manual of the City of Austin. In recognition of the unique drainage conditions associated with the Horseshoe Bay Community, City Staff worked with Walter P. Moore Engineering to produce the City of Horseshoe Bay Drainage Criteria Manual. By referencing the manual in the Subdivision Ordinance, the manual will be the technical design criteria for drainage and management of storm water and runoff from existing and new developed areas of Horseshoe Bay. Mayor Clinesmith asked that residents be notified if work is being done within 200 ft. of their home by email in addition to the required postal mail. It is, however, the responsibility of the residents to keep the city informed of accurate contact information. The Council reviewed the changes and voted to pass the Ordinance. It was clarified that this does not replace the extensive drainage study to be conducted in the coming year to identify needed overall plans to guide future development in residential, particularly “in fill”, areas.

City Manager Stan Farmer presented an Ordinance recommended by the Long-Range Planning Advisory Committee suggesting improvements to transportation within the City. The Ordinance creates a Transportation Advisory Committee. After discussing the function of the new Committee and indicating that the City would benefit from recruiting individuals within the community who have a background and experience in Transportation, the Council voted to approve the Ordinance. Mayor Clinesmith encouraged individuals who are interested and have experience in transportation to contact the City to get more information about serving on the newly developed committee. The goal will be to examine the potential for proactive auto transit routes as we grow – as well as hiking, biking, golf cart paths.

The Department Directors for Development Services, Fire, Finance, and Police completed their annual ordinance review of the current fees and charges within each Department. Many of the existing fees have not changed since the incorporation of the City of Horseshoe Bay and need to be updated to cover the City’s costs. In addition to analyzing dedicated staff time and resources, a survey was conducted of nearby communities including Marble Falls, Fredericksburg, and Bee Cave. Based on the results of the survey and analysis, staff is recommending adjustments to several categories. The City Council reviewed the changes and voted to approve the Ordinance.

In correlation with the development of the Utility Fund Fiscal Year 2021-2022 Budget, staff reviewed and has revised the rates to complement revenue requirements. The City Council reviewed the recommended changes and voted to approve the Ordinance. Changes made to the fee structure will be posted on the City of Horseshoe Bay website and go into effect November 1, 2021.

The Council discussed upcoming events for Christmas in Horseshoe Bay. Mayor Clinesmith suggested that we continue and further enhance the celebration as we develop Community Traditions. The Christmas tree lighting is a wonderful time of unity and further enhancing the holiday spirit within our community. Additional discussions will be held next month to include a possible collaboration with the HSBBA during the annual Holidaze event on December 2nd.

Council Member Frank Hosea provided an update regarding Broadband Internet for the Horseshoe Bay community. He indicated that progress is being made in moving the internet backbone into Horseshoe Bay West. Agreements are coming together between the Resort, Spectrum, Vyve, and the City of Horseshoe Bay. The agreements are now going through legal review and we are hopeful to come to resolution soon.

Each City Department presented their End of Fiscal Year Balanced Scorecards. The purpose of the Balanced Scorecards is to measure progress toward performance goals for the year within each department. By working with intentional focus and encouraging each individual to strive for success, our community benefits by living in a fiscally responsible, safer, cleaner and healthier environment. Horseshoe Bay citizens can be proud of the level of proficiency and dedication evident in the work….and the dedicated staff who provide it. We in Horseshoe Bay are blessed to live in a wonderful community!


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