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Horseshoe Bay Beacon

Horseshoe Bay Beacon

May 2, 2024 Issue

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Two seats on the seven member Llano Independent School District Board of Trustees are up for election on Saturday, May 4. Place 1 incumbent Rob Wilson, a lawyer headquartered in Llano, is being challenged by Pamela Huston. Wilson has served on the LISD Board since 2015. Place 5 incumbent Dean Campbell, a retired high school and college level coach, is being challenged by Reed Norman and Penny Wimberly.
On Sunday evening May 19 a concert to benefit Joseph’s Hammer, the non-profit constructing the multi-purpose Worship Chapel at the Ellen Halbert Women’s Prison in Burnet, will take place at St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church, 105 FM 1431 in Marble Falls. The concert will be the culmination of many months of work by a host of singers and musicians. Dr.
am halfway through my first year serving as the mayor of Horseshoe Bay. People often ask me, is it more time-consuming than you thought? More challenging? Are you enjoying it? The answers are yes, yes and yes. This month, I want to focus on that last question. I have been asking myself, “What is it about Horseshoe Bay that you love so much?” The answer is always the same.

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