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Horseshoe Bay Beacon

Horseshoe Bay Beacon

Front Page

The current issue of Horseshoe Bay Beacon is available to read with an online subscription. Keep up-to-date with news.
Formed in 2008, the Texas Guitar Quartet has been hailed as “impeccable in every respect” by Classical Guitar magazine. Throughout the United States, Central America, Spain and China, audiences have embraced the Quartet for their daring programs, dazzling virtuosity and joyful music making. “Red,” the Quartet’s first album, was released to critical acclaim and was praised by Guitar International as a “tremendous accomplishment for the classical guitar, the TxGQ performed with vi ...
With three recent resignations and an empty seat on the Horseshoe Bay Property Owners Association board of directors, the governance of the POA is in the hands of three individuals – board president Mike Thuss, and directors Chuck Haven and Maria West. Haven and West were elected to the board this spring. Joan Matera, who had served as board secretary, Bruce Baccus, who had served as board treasurer, and director David Storer all submitted their resignations this spring.
On Monday afternoon, state representative Andrew Murr presented the resolution to name Llano the Barrel Racing Capital of Texas to the Culture, Recreation, & Tourism Committee. From Llano, testifying in favor of the resolution was Briley Mitchell, executive director of the Llano Chamber of Commerce; Murr; City of Llano Mayor Gail Lang; John L Kuykendall Arena Manager Ray Craig; and Keri Craig.
The City of Horseshoe Bay will begin its annual spring sealcoating project April 21, as part of the regular preventative maintenance program for paved residential streets. The purpose of the sealcoat, is to seal the existing asphalt surface against the intrusion of water and to provide a new wear surface. The areas slated for sealcoating this spring are from Mountain Dew at Hi Ridge into Horseshoe bay South starting Wednesday, April 21, through May 10, depending on weather conditions.
The 14th annual Paint the Town Festival nears reality and momentum is rising for the Quick Draw competition that invites anyone to paint alongside seasoned artists from all over the country on Saturday, May 8. The competition offers an 80-minutes framework to capture a scene from a designated area in Marble Falls.
Two teams shot a 30-under par in Friday’s Horseshoe Bay Resort MGA IRS 4-Man Two Best Ball Shamble on Slick Rock Golf Course but after a scorecard playoff the team of Bob Stratton, Dean Lammert and Nick Summitt were crowned champions with their net 114 score. “All three of us played above our abilities,” said Stratton.
Thanks to Sondra Fox of Horseshoe Bay for this stunning photo of bluebonnets in bloom! Go out and enjoy them while you can.
After 18 months of work to get all qualifying irrigation backflow preventers tested in Horseshoe Bay, City staff will soon begin writing citations to homeowners and others who have not responded to multiple notices to have the devices tested or replaced to assure proper function. Backflow preventers protect public health by keeping contaminated water from siphoning out of irrigation pipes and into service lines, where it can flow into household plumbing or the public water supply. All irr ...
Llano County soon will be a hub for the Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccine, upping its vaccine distribution capabilities. “We’re going to be able to provide approximately 1,000 vaccines per day, 5 to 6 days per week,” said Dr. Jack Franklin, Llano County Health Authority. “This week we’ll have approximately 1,600 J&J vaccines arriving.
Joseph’s Hammer, the non-profit formed in 2018, is nearing their goal to break ground on the new worship center at the Ellen Halbert women’s prison in Burnet. “We are extremely grateful for the generosity that we have already experienced,” said director Paige Lechler. “Of the $1,100,000 proposed for the project, $200,000 is still needed.

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