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Hill Country Current


The Show must go on...and on it goes into the fifth season of Boerne Performing Arts. During the past four seasons, all roads have led to Boerne featuring world-renowned artists from Australia, Canada, Israel, China, Japan, Ireland, and the USA. Season Number Five will be no exception! Boerne Performing Arts will kick off their 2016 season in "red carpet"
Wed, November 19, 2014 6:24 PM
It doesn't get any better than the 22nd Annual Fredericksburg Fall Antiques Show opening Saturday, November 15 from 10 – 5 and continuing on Sunday, November 16 from 10 - 4. It is an incredible time of the year to visit the Texas Hill Country and spend time in on of Texas' best known locations.
Announcing 21st Annual Show and Sale
Wed, November 19, 2014 10:57 PM
Wimberley Valley Art League is home to 110 area artists who stage an annual show. This three-day event will highlight painters, jewelers, potters, photographers and many more artistic technicians. New work, slated for gifts, is shown at sale prices for the holidays. The show runs from 10am on Friday through Sunday at 4pm.
Annual Bertram Olde Tyme Christmas festival will be held on November 29, 2014. Avoid the crowds in the malls and come to our all handcrafted festival in Bertram. There will be Live Music, Antique Car Show, Children's games, food and Santa in the park. A professional photographer will be there to take pictures with Santa.
A Healthy Kick-Off to 2015
The Kyle-O-Meter Resolution Run presented by the Kyle Area Chamber of Commerce & Visitor's Bureau will take place on January 1, 2015 at Wallace Middle School in Kyle. The Kyle-O-Meter is the perfect motivation for those that are aiming toward a healthy lifestyle. Participants will be surrounded by local businesses that have a focus on healthy activities, including healthy tips, motivations, and a race guide to track their progress throughout the year. The entire family is encouraged to part ...
And 7th Annual Tannenbaum Ball
Of all the holiday events planned, expect the Gillespie County Historical Society, Pioneer Museum 57th Annual Holiday Home Tour to be among the most irresistible. Benefiting the Gillespie County Historical Society, Pioneer Museum. 'Tis the season when Fredericksburg captivates you with seven homes. Each bring sophisticated beauty and festive holiday spirit.