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Hill Country Current


The 39th Annual Burnet Bluebonnet Festival, which draws approximately 30,000 visitors to town annually, will be in full swing April 8-10. Allison McKee, Burnet Chamber Executive Director states, “Bluebonnet Festival is an exciting event for the entire community. Our Grand Parade was on hiatus for 2021 due to gathering precautions, so we are excited to have it back and better than ever, as it is one of the big highlights of the weekend.” Pre-festival activities begin Thursday, April 7, ...
Why ride on hike and bike trails when you can come to Burnet for the Mountain Bike Park/Ranch? It boasts not one, but two, fantastic Mountain Bike trail facilities, Reveille Peak Ranch and Spider Mountain Bike Park. Between the two, from beginner to expert level, your mountain bike dreams will come true.
Tip your hat, hold the door, and a whole lot more. “There is something for everyone in Burnet. Outdoor enthusiasts can enjoy camping and hiking at Inks Lake State Park, the adventure and hills of Reveille Peak Ranch, Spider Mountain Bike Park, and the stunning views at Canyon of the Eagles.
Just inside the city limits and behind the population signs on the fringes of Mason, Texas; there lies a town, which at first glance; looks to be as if one were taking a step back in time. Appearances can be deceptive. While there is no doubt that Mason retains its original charm, centered around architecture, pride for community and tradition; one need only scratch the surface to find an exciting array of eclectic restaurants, interesting shops, antiques, wine bars and a thrift store filled ...
Disc golf players converge into Junction for the Freezer and Sizzler disc golf tournaments each year. Local enthusiasts, Charles Chapman and Hoyt Moss designed the courses that are growing in popularity throughout the disc golf community. After the success of the first two customized courses, the Disc Golfers partnered with the Junction Golf Club (ball golf) to place 18 disc baskets on their course.
If you missed out on a white Christmas and want to experience a day of snow, plan a visit to the Science Mill in Johnson City. On January 15th, the museum will transform into a winter wonderland with 30 tons of real snow. Visitors can partake in several winter-themed activities throughout the science park including a snowball slingshot, a snowman laboratory, and chainsaw ice sculpting.
The Mason County WinterFisch season provides an opportunity for Hill Country residents and visitors to reel in their limit of rainbow trout, a sportfish not native to area rivers and lakes. But there’s no limit on the amount of fun you can catch! Texas Parks & Wildlife Department releases 1,500 rainbow trout immediately preceding the annual WinterFisch Celebration, a day filled with activities, vendors, demonstrations and lots of fishing.
Horseshoe Bay Resort and Club Celebrates Its Golden Anniversary
It all started with a lake and a dream. Born of a quest for a personal family lakeside retreat in the Hill Country west of Austin, Horseshoe Bay Resort is the realization of one man’s vision. More than that, it is the crystallization of a dream — Norman C. Hurd’s dream. In the mid-1960s, Hurd, a prosperous entrepreneur, decided he’d like a retreat on the lake for his family.
Meet Your Next Adventure in Junction
Pristine rivers, stunning limestone cliffs, colorful fields of wildflowers, and rolling hills blanketed in oak and pecan trees surround Junction, a quaint village on the western edge of the Texas Hill Country. Along with being a visual treat, these scenic environs provide a fantastic backdrop to a whole range of outdoor adventures.
Celebrating its 60th year, the Stonewall Chamber of Commerce is staged to kick off another Annual Peach JAMboree and Rodeo. Set at the Stonewall Chamber fairgrounds; the event is slated to begin June 17th and continues through June 19th, 2021. Overall, Texas produces around 23 million pounds of peaches annually and Stonewall nurtures its long- standing legacy of being prime peach country.