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Youth explore homelessness through overnight project
Several Llano High students got a first-hand look at being homeless last weekend. Pictured in the group are: Kenzie Johnson, Kenzie White, Grace Fletcher, Meredith Zyetz, Emily Fordyce, Laura Fordyce, Natalie Cole, Tyler Wootan, Damien Walker, Noah Petty, Quint Pincelli, Hayden Cowart, Ian Fletcher, Dalton Bauman, Brandon Edwards, Mason Brooks and Brendon LaValley.
Briley Mitchell

Imagine that you are 15 to 18 years old, and the only thing to your name is the clothes on your back, a toothbrush and a washcloth. You have no electronics, no cell phone, no social media, no food or snacks, no extra clothes, no wallet, no personal items and no transportation. This was the situation on Friday starting at 5 p.m.

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