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Help Wanted

SPRING IS IN THE AIR: Klepac Greenhouses is hiring full-time and part-time with flexible schedules and working with beautiful flowers and plants! Applications at River Location. (830) 833-4574
Charlies store is hiring for PT delivery & warehouse. Call 325-247-4108
Full Time Housekeeper & Groundskeeper Position Near Fredonia We are currently taking applications for a Full-Time Housekeeper & Groundskeeper position for a large ranch located on the southwest side of San Saba County. We offer: Competitive Salary, Work week Monday-Friday, Medical Benefits, Company Matching 401k, Paid Holidays, Paid Sick Leave, Paid Vacation, Must Pass Drug and Background Check, must have a valid driver's license, Ability to complete housekeeping duties without limitations. We speak Spanish. Some experience required. Resume required. Please call 325-622-4868 to establish contact to set up an interview.

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