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The Llano News

January 28, 2015 Issue

After much discussion, Council opted to reject the bid submitted by Chanas Aggregates for a five-year contract to dredge the Llano River at Badu Park. Chanas is currently completing work under a one-year contract for $48,000, that will be completed within the next couple of months. Crews attempted to open the flood gates on the dam at Badu Park on Tuesday, Jan.
The Llano County Commissioners Court adopted a Resolution in support of Online Voter Registration at its January 26, 2015 meeting, and urged the Texas Legislature to enact authorization for Texans to exercise the option of registering to vote by electronic means. Llano County Elections Administrator, Cindy Ware, stipulated that the measure would need to conform to security requirements of the Texas Secretary of State and the Department of Public Safety.
A part of Llano County history lost to the public is being restored. The Red Top Jail will be safe again. The historic Llano Red Top Jail, just a block east from the bridge on the south side of the Llano River, has been closed since 2011. Structural damages left it stressed.
Terry Lee Fontenot will be presenting a demonstration in drawing/illustrations at the Llano Fine Arts Gallery Studio on February 2 at 10:00 a.m. The public is invited. The studio is located at 503 Bessemer Avenue in Llano. A potluck lunch will be served afterward; a $5.00 donation will cover the demo and potluck luncheon. Terry was born in Port Arthur, Texas on August 5, 1951.
As we enter the New Year of 2015, it is a good time to look ahead. The City continues to monitor the river flows at both Junction and Mason and the effect on Llano by comparing the cubic feet per second to historical data and trends. Within the Water Conservation and Drought Contingency Plan, the discharge information for the Llano River at Mason and Junction can be used to predict when the City of Llano could be in Stage 3.
Llano Uplift Chapter of the National Society of Daughters of the American Revolution inducted into membership five new members at their meeting on Saturday, January 24, 2015 in Marble Falls. With the induction of these new members the chapter is proud to announce that their membership is now 156 Members and 11 Associate Members. Membership is open to any woman over the age of 18 who can prove her lineage to a Revolutionary War Patriot.
A lot of publicity has recently focused on the livestock industry in Llano County. Newspapers offered several write-ups and published numerous photos of events that took place at the annual Llano County Junior Livestock Show. The week before the show opened the second weekend in January, highlights of last year's show and its winners were recalled.
The foundation of any wildlife management program involves collecting survey data. Survey data may be collected in a variety of ways but consistency and trends are critical. With recent advances in technology, the use of infrared-triggered cameras (trail cameras) may be used as an acceptable form of gathering such data, especially on properties that may not be conducive to spotlight or helicopter surveys.
The Llano High School Band and Llano Junior High School Band recently entered students to compete in the Region Band Auditions. The high school auditions were held on December 6th in Tolar with 14 students selected to perform with the All-Region Band. These students rehearsed and performed with the ATSSB Region 7 Honor Band at Tarleton State University on January 16th and 17th.
This would have been one of those breakthrough wins, a signature moment, the most memorable triumph of the regular season. "Would have been," of course, tells you it did not happen. How close were the Llano boys to beating Taylor, which left with a 17-3 record, January 20? Closer than Dez Bryant was to making that catch against Green Bay.
SALADO—Must-win games can come along at various points of the season. They are not the private property of the final hours of the campaign. The Llano basketball boys had one, January 23, in the third contest of district play, and they escaped Salado with a 54-52 win. The Jackets (9-14 overall) are 1-2 in 25-4A competition; the Eagles drop to 0-3. "Our offense was really solid,"
This one got away. The Lady Jackets hit no field goals in the final quarter and were 6-for-14 from the line. Salado had four twos and was 9-for-13 with its free throws. The Eagles, therefore, had shaken off a 13-point deficit in the second quarter and erased a 43-37 Llano lead after three periods, to win the game, 54-49. The outcome meant the Jackets (0-5 in district) are the only winless team in 25-4A play at the halfway point of the campaign.
Terry Lee Fontenot will be presenting a demonstration in drawing/illustrations at the Llano Fine Arts Gallery Studio on February 2 at 10:00 a.m. The public is invited. The studio is located at 503 Bessemer Avenue in Llano. A potluck lunch will be served afterward; a $5.00 donation will cover the demo and potluck luncheon. Terry was born in Port Arthur, Texas on August 5, 1951.
Brianna Verette, 2010 graduate of Llano High School, has earned the honor of being on Tarleton State University Scholastic Honor's Dean's List for the fall 2014 semester. The Scholastic Honor's Dean's List is one of the highest honors Tarleton State University confers on their students. This distinction is the university's way of honoring academic achievements and recognizing commitment to achieving excellence as a truly outstanding student, according to Dr.
Do all of the Medicare options confuse you? Do you need help determining what is best for you? Then make plans to attend the Medicare Educational Workshop: "Understanding Your Medicare Choices" at the Llano Library on Thursday, January 29 at 3:00 p.m. This workshop is designed to assist Medicare and Medicaid recipients on "How to Choose, Change, Enroll in 2015 Medicare Health Advantage or Supplemental Plans and/or Prescription Drug Plans".
Jessica N. Wunderlich received Academic Honors at San Angelo State University by making the Dean's List for the 2014 Fall Semester. Jessica, a sophomore, is majoring in English with a minor is Education and Kinesiology. To be eligible for the Dean's List, a student must have a grade average of at least 3.25 Jessica is the daughter of Allen and Sheila Wunderlich of Llano.
Llano Uplift Chapter of the National Society of Daughters of the American Revolution inducted into membership five new members at their meeting on Saturday, January 24, 2015 in Marble Falls. With the induction of these new members the chapter is proud to announce that their membership is now 156 Members and 11 Associate Members. Membership is open to any woman over the age of 18 who can prove her lineage to a Revolutionary War Patriot.
On Saturday January 24, the family of Nora Oehler gathered at the home of Richard and Jeanne Wooten to celebrate the 104th birthday she had on Wednesday the 21st. Her sharp mind and still active ability to get up and go are an inspiration to not only her family but countless others around her.
Texas Lions Camp is a summer camp dedicated to serving children from the state of Texas with physical disabilities, type-1 diabetes and cancer between the ages of seven and sixteen. The camp is a modern facility located on over 500 acres outside of Kerrville in the beautiful Texas Hill Country.
Jimmy Graham of Llano passed away on Jan. 2, 2015 at the age 50. He was laid to rest at Six Mile Cemetery. He was born August 23, 1965 in Llano Texas to Ben and Betty Graham both of Llano. Jimmy was a lifetime resident of Llano. He loved sports, hunting, fishing, music and dancing. He is preceded in death by both parents and brother, Mike Graham.
Gwendolyn K. "Gwen" Anderson, 86 of Granite Shoals, Texas passed away on Monday, January 19, 2015. She was a daughter of Dave and Gertrude (Robertson) King, born November 2, 1928 in Robert Lee, Texas. Gwen grew up in Edith, Texas and married the love of her life, T. Harry Anderson on December 21, 1947.
William Richard Randolph, age 83 of Llano, Texas, passed away January 15, 2015. He was born on July 3, 1932 in Seminole, Texas, to John B. Paul and S.T. (Wright) Randolph. He grew up in Lamesa and graduated with a Bachelor Degree in Agriculture form Texas Tech University and for many years worked for General Sales Manager' s Office of the U.S.
Mary Vick Scott Hamilton passed away peacefully on January 18, 2015 at age 86. She was born on November 15, 1928 to Jeff Davis "Babe" and Laura Ellen (Clinger) Scott. She graduated from Llano High School in 1946 where she played the baritone and worked on the school newspaper. Upon graduation, she worked for several years at the Texas Highway Department in Austin, where she lived at a boarding house with her girlfriends.
David Roger Van Bramer, age 74, passed away after a lengthy illness on January 27, 2015, in Llano. He was born June 10, 1940 in Wink to Ercell and Roger Van Bramer and attended school in Jal, New Mexico. David worked and conducted business in Odessa and Midland for many years.
Kegan Lee Schmidt of Llano and Mason, passed away on Tuesday, January 20, at the age of 23. A Memorial Service celebrating Kegan's life was held on Tuesday, January 27, at 2:00 p.m. in the Mason Funeral Home Chapel. Survivors include his parents Sid Schmidt of Mason and Kalyn Kothmann of Llano; a brother Kaleb Schmidt and fiancé Emily of Tempe, Arizona; his grandmother Mary Schmidt, of Mason and several aunts, uncles and cousins.
December and early January featured the annual college football bowl games, nearly all of them ending with trophy presentations. The last few weeks have brought trophies to deserving professional teams as they eliminated lesser squads on their way to the big showdown. Now all eyes are on the two teams left in the chase that will soon compete for the most prestigious trophy of all: the one given to the undisputed champions, the winners of the Super Bowl. What makes a champion? A desire to win; n ...
The Hill Country Astronomers (HCA) will meet at 6:30 PM, Monday, February 2, in the HEB meeting room at the Hill Country University Center in Fredericksburg. Former shuttle astronaut Tom Henricks' program will show what it is like to be a NASA Space Shuttle astronaut through unique video taken in the cockpit during launch and landing followed by pictures of the Earth from space and scenes of life aboard the Shuttle.
The following are bits of miscellaneous information that hunters might find useful this hunting season in and around the central Texas deer woods. These observations will help hunters and managers to improve their deer herd this fall: •This years' fawn survival is very high. Lots of new mouths on the range mean responsible managers should reduce the adult mouths accordingly to make room for the new ones. •When harvesting antlerless deer, make certain it is a female and not a buck fawn.
Death by Mother Nature--by "natural causes"-- accidental death, death caused by something other than your weapon, that is what it is. Shooting at and wounding a deer that eventually dies from the wounds is not natural mortality. Starvation, flooding, fighting, predation, birthing complications, drought, snake bites, hung in fences and car accidents are examples of natural mortality. As managers, we can certainly control the harvest pressure and weapon accuracy, but can we really control natural ...
Silencers, or more accurately called "suppressors" are just that. They do not make a rifle shot silent, but rather muffled and far less intrusive to the human ear. According to OSHA, the human ear safety threshold is 140 decibels. Most common deer rifle shots are far louder and have resulted in, no doubt, generations of hearing damaged hunters. Suppressors are typically fitted to the end of the rifle barrel to simply muffle the sound as it exits the barrel and breaks the sound barrier.
By now you may have heard of the Managed Lands Deer Permit (MLDP) program? If not and you are interested in taking your deer herd management to the next level, then keep reading. The MLDP program was created in the late 1990's by landowners desiring to more aggressively manage their deer herd through efficient and effective harvest methods.
The bobwhite quail is the most important game bird in Texas. Texas landowners, managers, and hunters spend more time and effort per acre to produce these feathered rocket ships than any other game bird. Not only Texas sportsmen, but sportsmen all over the United States, endear northern bobwhite quail. The presence and abundance of bobwhites in Texas are responsible for bringing many out-of-state hunters into our woods and fields in search of the tiny targets.
I have been very busy lately with deer surveys all over Llano County. The rains have blessed the county and the improved range and nutritional conditions have been very good to the local deer herd. Bucks are supporting above average antler quality while the fawn survival rates are high this year, ranging from 70-100%.

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