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The Llano News

March 18, 2015 Issue

Lee Ackley is proud to announce the arrival of his sister and brother, Jamy Lou and Jeryn Lott. The twins were born Thursday, February 19, 2015 at College Station Medical Center. Jamy was born at 5:50 pm weighing 7 lbs. 8 oz. and was 19 1/2 inches long. Jeryn was born at 5:52 pm weighing 5 lbs.
The art contest sponsored by the Daughters of the Republic of Texas announced the winners. A ceremony was held at the DRT Museum in Austin with the awards presented by Jean Sitterle, chairman of the Museum Committee. Winners representing Llano Christian Academy in the poster contest for grades kindergarten through fifth grade were Hannah Etter and Madisyn Blackmon.
In Remembrance of Loyal Caregiver
Dear Editor, Nell Ross was a private, thoughtful person and a loyal friend. Years ago, Nell wrote a letter to her children, Brian and Nancy, that said when her time came to die, she did not want a funeral or an obituary. For those of us who were lucky enough to know Nell, humility was ingrained in her strong, rural Texas upbringing.
Church Appraisal Opposed
Dear Editor, It's hard to believe that Llano Central Appraisal District began to appraise Llano Gospel Church property / sanctuary in 2002. In 2014 they increased the appraised value of the church by more than 300% above the 2010 value, and more than 500% above the 2008 value. Today Llano Gospel Church, which had never been appraised / taxed from 1958 – 2001, owes more than $4,500 in property taxes. It's also hard to believe that in 2015 the appraisal district removed the homestead exemption ...
On Thursday, February 26, an especially large gathering of Highland Lakes Democratic Women (HLDW) welcomed and enjoyed Ross Ramsey, Executive Editor and co-founder of The Texas Tribune, the only member-supported, digital-first, nonpartisan media organization that informs Texans — and engages with them — about public policy, politics, government and statewide issues.
Lee Ackley is proud to announce the arrival of his sister and brother, Jamy Lou and Jeryn Lott. The twins were born Thursday, February 19, 2015 at College Station Medical Center. Jamy was born at 5:50 pm weighing 7 lbs. 8 oz. and was 19 1/2 inches long. Jeryn was born at 5:52 pm weighing 5 lbs.
In Remembrance of Loyal Caregiver
Dear Editor, Nell Ross was a private, thoughtful person and a loyal friend. Years ago, Nell wrote a letter to her children, Brian and Nancy, that said when her time came to die, she did not want a funeral or an obituary. For those of us who were lucky enough to know Nell, humility was ingrained in her strong, rural Texas upbringing.
Church Appraisal Opposed
Dear Editor, It's hard to believe that Llano Central Appraisal District began to appraise Llano Gospel Church property / sanctuary in 2002. In 2014 they increased the appraised value of the church by more than 300% above the 2010 value, and more than 500% above the 2008 value. Today Llano Gospel Church, which had never been appraised / taxed from 1958 – 2001, owes more than $4,500 in property taxes. It's also hard to believe that in 2015 the appraisal district removed the homestead exemption ...

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