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The Llano News

July 22, 2015 Issue

Budget talks for Llano County Commissioners began Monday, July 20 with a Budget Workshop held at the Llano Law Enforcement Center. Addressing a full room, Llano County Judge Mary Cunningham gave a brief overview of the budget she put before the Court, highlighting some of the changes she would like to see the County make, and that she believes are necessary. Among those changes, Judge Cunningham has proposed that the County install GPS in the newest vehicles in their fleet of more than 80 vehic ...
Former City Manager George Rogers passed away last week, leaving a legacy of service to his community as well as his family. Rogers began his work for the City of Llano in 1947, working first in the electric department. In 1963, he became City Manager, and served in that capacity, with much success, until his retirement in December of 1991. Llano residents remember the public servant fondly, and honored his life with a memorial attended by close to 500 people. Many attribute the City's earlier ...
Dean Sharp, consultant and project manager for the current bond projects presented a Power Point program to the Llano school Board Tuesday night. He featured an aerial14video taken with "Dauber the rone" showing before and after views of the stadium turf and track project. Actually, it's "before and middle," since the project is not finished.
Well, there's no doubt about it – summer is here. As those temps top out at 100 degrees and above it's the perfect time to stay inside with a good book or movie. Stop by the library to pick up some of the newest releases by your favorite authors or that blockbuster movie that is now out on DVD.
The 15th Annual Extension Banquet, sponsored by the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service in Llano County and the Llano County Leadership Advisory Board, will be held Thursday, August 6, 2015, at 6:00 p.m. at the St. James Lutheran Church Activity Center (Schorlemmer Hall) in Llano. The Leadership Advisory Board is composed of individuals who serve on committees which give direction to the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service's programs in Llano County. Representative Andrew Murr from Ju ...
Dear Editor, The City of Llano proclaimed July 26 as Americans With Disabilities Act Awareness Day in honor of the 25th Anniversary of the ADA, the Americans With Disabilities Act. Two Texans, President George H.W. Bush and Justin Dart, were the leaders in creating the ADA and making it the law of the land.
George Curtis Rogers, better known as "Poppy" or "Pop", was born November 8, 1929, at his home on Wright Creek in Llano, Texas. He is survived by his wife, Pat; children Karen Wootan and husband Terry, Patti Browning and husband Randy, and Becky Barrett. George is also survived by seven grandchildren, Chad and wife Darla, Jason and wife Megan, Britany and husband Royce, Justin and wife Shawna, Josh and wife Sharla, Casey and Spencer.
When I was young, I always looked forward to my birthday. I could not wait until it came around and usually it was in the summer. I distinctly remember graduating from the age of nine to the double-digit number of 10, I thought I had arrived. When I hit the age of 16 and got my driver's license and started driving around, of course my driving around was contingent upon my father allowing me to borrow his car.
One morning, the following prayer greeted me at my fax machine: "Dear God, So far today I've done alright. I haven't gossiped. I haven't lost my temper. I haven't been greedy, grumpy, unpleasant, selfish or overindulgent. I've been very thankful for that. But in a few minutes, I'm going to get out of bed; And from then on, I'm probably going to need a lot more help.
Dean Sharp, consultant and project manager for the current bond projects presented a Power Point program to the Llano school Board Tuesday night. He featured an aerial14video taken with "Dauber the rone" showing before and after views of the stadium turf and track project. Actually, it's "before and middle," since the project is not finished.
George Curtis Rogers, better known as "Poppy" or "Pop", was born November 8, 1929, at his home on Wright Creek in Llano, Texas. He is survived by his wife, Pat; children Karen Wootan and husband Terry, Patti Browning and husband Randy, and Becky Barrett. George is also survived by seven grandchildren, Chad and wife Darla, Jason and wife Megan, Britany and husband Royce, Justin and wife Shawna, Josh and wife Sharla, Casey and Spencer.
When I was young, I always looked forward to my birthday. I could not wait until it came around and usually it was in the summer. I distinctly remember graduating from the age of nine to the double-digit number of 10, I thought I had arrived. When I hit the age of 16 and got my driver's license and started driving around, of course my driving around was contingent upon my father allowing me to borrow his car.
One morning, the following prayer greeted me at my fax machine: "Dear God, So far today I've done alright. I haven't gossiped. I haven't lost my temper. I haven't been greedy, grumpy, unpleasant, selfish or overindulgent. I've been very thankful for that. But in a few minutes, I'm going to get out of bed; And from then on, I'm probably going to need a lot more help.
Dear Editor, The City of Llano proclaimed July 26 as Americans With Disabilities Act Awareness Day in honor of the 25th Anniversary of the ADA, the Americans With Disabilities Act. Two Texans, President George H.W. Bush and Justin Dart, were the leaders in creating the ADA and making it the law of the land.

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