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The Llano News

April 6, 2016 Issue

By Bill Mosley “Entrepreneur” Paul La Fluer wants to bring in kayak and canoe rental business to Badu Park. La Fluer has a successful business of this type in Kerrville. Eugene Long, director of public works for the City of Llano, presented the recommendation of the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board to the meeting of the city council Monday night. Alderman Glenn Conner raised concerns for enforcement of safety laws.
Candidates for City of Llano alderman and Llano ISD board have been invited to participate in a Forum to be held at the American Legion Hall on Thursday, April 7. The event, hosted by the Llano Tea Party at the American Legion Hall in Llano, begins at 7 p.m. Candidates will be available from 5:30-6:30 p.m.
Varsity Boys: Marion 151 Llano 146 Antonian 90.5 Comfort 73 Mason 61 Heritage 48 McMullen County 26 Stacey 22 100-Josh Herrera 11.7 4th 200-Marcelino Segura 24.27 5th 400-Garrett Bibb 54.7 4th 800-Cason Dudney 2:10.8 5th, Evan Dayton 2:11.1 6th 1600-Dudney 5:01.9 6th 110H-Caleb Hyatt 16.09 3rd 300H-Jackson Chapman 42.2 3rd 4x100-Segura, Martinez, McMillan, Herrera 46.3 6th 4x200-Segura, Martinez, Hyatt, Herrera 1:36.7 5th 4x400-Bibb, Bierschwale, Dayton, McMillan 3:45.8 4th Shot-Bricio Balderas ...
7th Shot Put – Gage Watson – 2nd – 29’9 ½” Discus – Gage Watson – 1st – 103’ 6”, Joseph Martinez – 5th – 85’ Triple Jump – Aeron Dayton – 2nd – 30’ 2 ½” High Jump – Matthew Kerr – 4th – 4’6”, Aeron Dayton – 4th – 4’6” Pole Vault – Rylan Jordan – 1st – 7’ 6”, Ty Spencer – 4th – 6’0” 4x100m Relay – 3rd – Gage Watson, Tyler Schmidt, J.J.
An outstanding effort by Emanuel Martinez carried Punchers to a 2-0 win in seven innings over Junction on Tuesday. Martinez baffled Junction , striking out 13 batters. The Punchers’ pitcher tossed seven innings of shutout ball and allowed only one hit. Martinez got a hit in each of his three at bats.
Varsity Cowgirl Track Results--Comfort Relays--Thursday, March 31st 100m--Madison Anderson, 6th, 13.60; 200m--Raegan Palacio, 2nd, 27.44; 400m--Angelica Ramirez, 6th, 66.19; 800m--Angelica Ramirez, 1st, 2:31.73; Shay Baker, 4th, 2:38.70; 100m Hurdles--Sandra Duarte, 4th, 17.60; 300m Hurdles--Sandra Duarte, 4th, 51.93; 4x100m Relay--5th, 53.23, K’lee Anders, Corinne Perlichek, Raegan Palacio, Madison Anderson; 4x200m Relay--4th, 1:57.95, K’lee Anders, Corinne Perlichek, Shay Baker, Kirsten A ...
Mason High School’s performance of scenes from You Can’t Take It With You won the Bidistrict contest on April 1 and will travel to Area contest at Hendrickson High School in Pflugerville on April 8, 2016. The company overcame some adversity when the light board did not function at the opening of the show.
7th Long Jump – Matthew Kerr – 4th- 14’11” Shot Put – Gage Watson – 2nd – 32’ ½” Discus – Gage Watson – 4th – 79’11” Triple Jump – Tyler Schmidt – 4th – 29’10” High Jump – Aeron Dayton – 2nd – 4’10”, Matthew Kerr – 3rd – 4’8”, Preston George – 4th – 4’4” Pole Vault – Rylan Jordan – 3rd – 7’6”, Ty Spencer – 5th – 6’6” 4x100m Relay – 1st – 54.73 – Gage Watson, Tyler Schmidt, J.J.
The Mason County M. Beven Eckert Memorial Library is pleased to welcome acclaimed Celtic fingerstyle guitarist Jerry Barlow in concert. The event will be held on Tuesday, April 19th at 6:30 p.m. at the Library, 410 Post Hill Road in Mason. The program is sponsored by the Library and is free to the community.
Debut author Antonio Ruiz-Camacho will speak at the Marble Falls Public Library’s Lunch with an Author program, Friday, April 22 at 11:30 AM. His story collection “Barefoot Dogs” follows the Arteaga family in the aftermath of the kidnapping of the family patriarch, and their flight from modern Mexico. In a New York Times book review (April 3, 2015), Patricia Engel describes Antonio’s writing style as “...muscular and evocative.
Classes for April These upcoming classes are offered through Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI)-Texas Tech University (TTU) Hill Country. Enrollment is open to anyone over age 50. Sign up for classes in any of the following ways: Online: Email: [email protected]: 830-990-2717 Membership in OLLI Hill Country is $25 per person, and is valid from September to July.
The New Testament book of Romans: This letter is credited as being one of the most profoundly influential letters for individuals and for the Church. Many Christian leaders throughout the centuries have written about the influence the Book of Romans has had on their lives. Writings from 386 AD to the present – from Aurelius Augustine, whose writings have shaped the Western Church for more than 1500 years; to the writings of Karl Barth, who became the most prolific and influential theologian o ...
Ken Mercer, an elected member of the State Board of Education, and education advocate Alice Linahan will speak to Star Republican Women on Tuesday, April 19 at Quail Point Lodge in Horseshoe Bay. A complimentary luncheon will be served at 12:30 p.m. and the program will begin at 1 p.m. Ken Mercer was elected to the State Board of Education for District 5 in 2006 and re-elected in 2010 and 2012.
Saturday, April 9th from 10 am-2 pm on the Courthouse Lawn Proceeds benefit the Family, Career, and Community Leaders of America 2016 scholarship for a graduating senior. Thank you for your support and we hope to see y’all there! Special thanks to Carlene Brollier for donating many of the items to be sold.
Frontera’s Brady clinic will now be open Saturday mornings, along with our new extended clinic hours. Brady Clinic: 2205 S. Bridge St, Suite #300 Brady, Tx 76849 Hours: Monday & Wednesday from 7am-7pm Tuesday, Thursday & Friday from 7am-6pm Saturday from 8am-12pm All Walk-ins Welcome!
As part of ongoing diabetes education efforts, the Hill Country Memorial Wellness Center announces its “What Is Pre-Diabetes?” class schedule for 2016. All classes are free and open to interested individuals and family members. Kim Thornton, a registered dietitian and certified diabetes educator, will lead the classes. “Think of pre-diabetes as a warning sign,” said Thornton.
Hill Country Memorial Hospice announces its bereavement support group schedule for April, May and June in Fredericksburg and Kerrville. All HCM support groups are free to the community. The Living with Loss-Fredericksburg support group will meet weekly on Tuesdays from April 5 to May 24 at 9:30 a.m. The group is open to anyone who has suffered any kind of death or loss. A divorce support group will meet weekly on Fridays from April 22 to June 10 at 5:30 p.m. Both groups meet at the Cancer Resou ...
Our legislative meeting will be hosted by the Gillespie County members, and will be held in Harper, TX. All ladies that are interested in joining are welcome to attend!!! WHEN: April 19, 2016 TIME: Social 10:00 am with meal to follow WHERE: St. James Lutheran Church, 23932 US Hwy. 290 W, Harper, TX 78631 COST: $18.00 per person GUEST SPEAKER: We are thrilled to have Julie Krebs, daughter of member Mary Krebs, to talk to us about her experience at the Ranch Brigade last summer. PLEASE RSVP TO JA ...
The Friends of the Fredericksburg Nature Center are preparing for the sixth annual Wings Over the Hills Nature Festival to be held in Lady Bird Johnson Municipal Park on April 29, 30 and May 1. Everyone is invited to participate in a variety of educational, entertaining, and fun filled activities for the whole family to enjoy.
Spring time has arrived in Kimble County and that means it is time for the annual Kimble County Gun & Knife Show and Flea Market. The show is this weekend, April 9th, & 10th, at the Coke Stevenson Center Hwy 83-377, one mile north of Junction, Texas. Doors open at 8:00 A.M.
The Hill Country Sheep and Goat Organization offers scholarships to graduating high school seniors and full time college students enrolled in an Agriculture-related degree program in a Texas College or University. The students must have graduated from an accredited high school in Bandera, Blanco, Edwards, Gillespie, Kendall, Kerr, Kimble, Llano, Menard, Real, Mason, or Sutton counties. HCS&GO wishes to remind potential applicants that the deadline to receive completed applications is April ...
Mason County Livestock Show, Inc. will be having a membership meeting on April 14, 2016, at the Mason County Extension office at 6:00 PM. Membership is open to any person interested in the scientific and educational purposes of encouraging and fostering the improvement of livestock and having an interest in educating local youth through livestock projects.
The Llano Country Opry will celebrate its 17th Anniversary on Saturday, April 9, at the Lantex Theater in downtown Llano. Country Music Hall of Famer Bobby Bare and Pretty Miss Norma Jean will headline the 2:30 PM & 7:30 PM shows. Tickets are $20 and on sale at (325) 247-5354 or online at Bobby Bare’s story is nearly as fascinating as his music.
Timed to coincide with the area’s spring wildflower season, the second McCulloch County Early Days will be held on April 8-9 at Richards Park in Brady. On Friday, area students will get “hands-on” experience with the way life was on the frontier. The general public will enjoy the same presentations on Saturday, as well as several new activities and entertainers, including the addition of food vendors. An estimated 125 living historians and exhibitors in more than 30 groups will authentica ...
MONARCH BUTTERFLIES– Exploring the Past, Present and Future of Monarch Populations will be the topic of the Monday, April 25th monthly Texas Master Naturalist Hill Country Chapter meeting. Cathy Downs, Hill Country Master Naturalist and Monarch Watch Conservation Specialist, will speak on the iconic Monarch Butterfly and their past, present and future populations.
Since her last visit to Mason, Stephanie Urbina Jones has been around the world and back. The international artist is crossing one border at a time taking her Latin Country/Americana Rock across the U.S., Europe and Japan. Stephanie brings her unique blend of bicultural, transformational music to the Odeon Theater in Mason Saturday April 23 at 7:00 p.m. From listening rooms to private parties, honky tonks to churches, the Montreaux Jazz Festival in Switzerland to the Kerrville Folk in Texas Ste ...
Here we are in April, were you fooled on Friday the 1st? We at the Senior Center decided we are beyond being fooled or acting foolish. In other words, they didn’t fall victims to my April fool’s joke. They are much smarter than me. Sometimes I feel like a small child on their watch. Judge Bearden declared yesterday, Tuesday, April 5 as National Service Recognition Day.
The Mason County Republican Women’s 30th Annual Home Tour is set for Saturday, April 16, 2016, from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Each year the home owners graciously agree to open their homes to the public in order to benefit graduating seniors who are college or trade school bound. Two $1000.00 scholarships are awarded each year based on the essays submitted by these seniors.
As the recent events in Mason indicate, spring brings renewed activities after winter’s end. Fund raisers, spring sports, one-act play, and, most importantly, wildflowers! Mason and surrounding roadways are awash in bluebonnets, Indian paintbrush, and many others, bringing visitors from far and near to our fair city. After the wildflowers have begun blooming, traffic on the road becomes hazardous, as many visitors stop to take pictures of our colorful display.
The Mason Division of Emergency Management will conduct its monthly test of the emergency siren warning system at noon on Thursday April 7. The test should last from 1 to 3 minutes. Monthly test are to be conducted on the first Thursday of the month at noon, weather permitting.
The 3MC Texas Aggie Muster to be held in Mason on Thursday, April 21, 2016, at 6:00 p.m. Each year on San Jacinto Day, Aggies from Menard, Mason, McCulloch, and Concho Counties join to honor those who have passed on since the last Roll Call. Muster is also a perfect time to renew old friendships, make new ones, and to celebrate together the Spirit of Aggieland.
Mike Ritchey William Michael Ritchey, beloved husband, father, grandfather, brother, mentor, and friend, passed away on March 29, 2016, at his home in Mason, Texas at the age of 71. Mike was welcomed into heaven and reunited with the love of his life, Mary with whom he shared 33 wonderful years. Mike was also preceded in death by his parents Dr.
Melvin Seth Leifeste Melvin Seth Leifeste passed away on Thursday, March 31, 2016, at the age of 92 years. His parents were Charlie and Cordie Leifeste. Melvin was born May 20, 1923, in Mason County where he lived all his life on the same ranch. Melvin was one of the last true ole time cowboys when a hand shake and your word really meant something.
Linda Lorene Kensing Linda Lorene Kensing, of Mason, passed away on Thursday, March 31, at the age of 93. Mrs. Kensing is survived by her children Patricia Ann Neale and husband Bob of Longview, Seth H. Kensing Jr. and wife Cheryl of Willow Park and Katherine Pitzer and husband Richard of Mason.
John C. O’Donnell John Christian O’Donnell passed away on April 2, 2016, at the age of 99. He was born in San Antonio, Texas, to Eua Lacy and John O’Donnell. After graduating from Mason High School, he left Mason to attend Howard Payne College in Brownwood, Texas. He married Emily Ruth Martin of Mason, Texas in 1941.
Soft rain. Slight breeze. Still a chill in the air. Kids cut across the grassy lot, talking talking. Walking to school. And above, the towering pecan. Its limbs stretched over the three teenagers walking on... On into their lives. They know not what lies ahead. But then, who does? Forward they go, oblivious of the witness. The pecan tree watching, listening. As it has for more than 60 years. And what it has seen...and keeps to itself. Confidentiality is key. Being a tree, there isn
I trust you had a good week. There is always a letdown after Easter when the company goes home, you eat all the leftovers, and the Easter Chocolate is gone. Our family was saddened to learn of the death of my aunt, Linda Kensing, this past week. She was 93 years old and had lived a long, happy life.
A “Fine” How-Do-You-Don’t... Easter Season reminds us annually of the “ultimate wrongness.” Christians hope to make good on half of the directive to “go, and sin no more.” We go, but we sin some more. Creative, we mere mortals be--adding new “wrongs” on a daily basis. Thankfully, seasons are not named to commemorate our blunders. Some miscues are the result of fiendish premeditation inflated by dreams of “15 minutes of fame.” I remember extreme tackiness l ...
I really need to get out more. Because when I do, I hear things that are really good material for this article. For example, some folks feel like I do. And there are those who don’t feel like I do. Of course I appreciate the ones who think like me and the ones that don’t won’t make it in print.
Mildly threatening Those of you who have absolutely nothing better to do might want to check out the listing for alligators, found in the ‘Reptiles & Amphibians’ section of the Smithsonian National Zoological Park website. And when I say ‘absolutely nothing better to do,’ that includes rearranging your sock drawer and rotating the wheels on your lawn mower.
We want to send out a huge “Thank you!” to the Friends of the Library. They have the setup, sale, and take down for the annual Book & Bake Sale down to a science—it was a wonderful success! We also thank everyone who came and donated to the library—I’m always amazed at the unbelievable generosity of this little community! DVDs: The Peanuts Movie A Place in the Heart A Walk in the Clouds A Country Called Home Daddy’s Home Audiobooks: No Safe Secret by Fern Michaels (CD F MIC) Orh ...
What a Great Beginning to Our Spring! Were you in Mason last weekend? Though spring officially began almost three weeks ago, I think we could all agree that, with weather and events, this last weekend was a poster-perfect example of how exciting and fun a few days in Mason can be. The flowers along the highways had already started drawing them in on Thursday and Friday, so there were lots of cars all around the square. Tennis players were popping in and out of downtown between ...
My estimation is approximately 25% of the permanent residents in Horseshoe Bay are golfers. Many more than that are probably golf fans, especially this week because it is Master’s Week in Augusta, Georgia. Since NBC now owns the Golf Channel, coverage has expanded to include the Chip, Putt and Drive competition for youngsters to daily coverage of the driving range at Augusta National.
If you’re a golfer, you know the joys (and occasional frustrations) of the game. But you might not realize that some of the lessons you learn on the links can carry over to other areas of your life – such as retirement planning. So whether you’re already retired or are planning to retire in the next few years, consider the following suggestions: • Try to overcome the “yips.” When you miss those short puts – the ones you know you should be making – you might be in the grip of you ...
Dear Editor, Well. now that I have aired my opinions on the Rain Harvesting System and the New Yard Light programs, it is time to turn my attention to something that really affects life here in Horseshoe Bay. Since we have added the new turn lanes along 2147, that has been a good thing.

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