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The Llano News

April 20, 2016 Issue

Top 4 will advance to regionals Regionals is April 29, 30 in Kingsville Long jump-Levi Hofmann 18’3” 7th Triple jump-Bode McMillan 36’4” 8th Discus- Bricio Balderas 144’4 3rd, Xzavier Herrera 128’6 5th Shot-Xzavier Herrera 40’6” 8th 3200-Cason Dudney 11:07. 2nd 1600-Cason Dudney 4:56.0 3rd 100-Josh Herrera 11.5 4th 400-Spencer Bierschwale 52.9 3rd 110H-Bierschwale 15.46 2nd, Caleb Hyatt 15.9 4th 300-Jackson Chapman42.2 3rd 4x100-Segura, Martinez, Chapman, Herrera 8th 4x200-Segur ...
Varsity Cowgirl Results--Area 27/28 AA Championships Flatonia--Saturday, April 16 Shot Put--Kristen Gipson--1st--39’ 1 ¼”--New Mason HS Record; Discus--Kristen Gipson--1st--116’ 5”; Triple Jump--Shay Baker--4th--33’ 8 ¾”; 200m--Raegan Palacio--3rd--27.63; 800m--Angelica Ramirez--3rd--2:26.21; 100m Hurdles--Victoria Baltierra--5th--17.27; 300m Hurdles--Sandra Duarte--6th--52.48; 4x200m Relay--3rd--1:52.54--Raegan Palacio, Mackenzie Carter, Madison Anderson, Kirsten Allen; 4x400m Re ...
Physicals for all incoming 7th, 9th, and 11th grade athletes will be administered in the high school gym on May 18th from 5 - 6:30 p.m. All girls and boys that will be participating in athletics and are entering these grades are required to get a physical prior to participation in athletics.
The forecast Monday looked like a repeat of last year. Three storm systems, with heavy rains, all verging on Corpus Christi. But, during the course of the night, the rains split and spared Corpus. The skies were cloudy but no rain. The Punchers played their rounds at Gabe Lozano Golf course and the girls were at Oso Golf course.
The Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) will conduct a public meeting to receive comments on the FY 2017-2020 Rural Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) for Blanco, Gillespie, Llano, Lee and Mason Counties. The TIP is a mechanism used by TxDOT and FHWA to fund projects for the next four years and includes all federally funded projects.
April 24, 2016, the Seekers Christian Education class of the Church at Horseshoe Bay (600 Hi Ridge Rd) will begin a 24 week course entitled “Jesus and His Jewish Influences.” The DVDs that the class members will watch come from The Teaching Company’s Great Courses selection. The instructor on the video is Dr.
Tickets are now on sale to the general public for the hilarious comedy “A Little Off the Top” written by Carl L. Williams and presented by the Hill Country Community Theatre. Reservations can be made by calling (830) 798-8944, online at, or at the box office (12:00 noon to 4:00 PM, Monday through Friday). Veteran playwright, and Houston resident, Carl L.
Plan now to attend an open house at Quail Point on either May 3rd from 6:00 to 8:00 P.M. or May 11th from 3:00 to 5:00 P.M. to express your opinions on what goals the City’s Long Range Plan should include for the future of Horseshoe Bay and then vote on their priority. These open houses are sponsored by the City Council appointed Long Range Planning Committee to insure every resident has an opportunity to learn the issues the committee has identified plus the results from stakeholder intervie ...
Early Voting for the May 7, 2016 Joint Local Election starts Monday, April 25th and runs through Tuesday, May 3rd. The City of Llano has a six candidates running for three Alderman spots. The Llano Independent School District is conducting a Trustee Election for Place 2, Place 6 and Place 7. Voters may cast their ballots at any of the three Llano County Early Voting locations.
Preparations are underway for the Seton Gala 2016 “Bobby Socks and Classy Chassis,” which is scheduled for October 6, 2016. This will be the 25th anniversary of the Horseshoe Bay Seton Associates Gala, and the event will be held under the tent on the lawn at the beautiful Escondido Golf and Lake Club.
Rain or shine, Earth Day Expo, 2016, will be held at Quail Point on Friday, April 22nd from 10:00 until 2:00. Working together, the HSB POA, City of HSB and the HSB Business Alliance are bringing to the community a wealth of experience and expertise from organic gardening to proper disposal of medicines.
Tony Meinert, the Veteran WRAP Coordinator for Hill Country MHDD stopped by Mason on Monday to alert the News that he would now be visiting Mason on the third Monday of every month to offer services to Mason County veterans. Tony will be at the American Legion Hall from 10:00 a.m.
Tony Meinert, the Veteran WRAP Coordinator for Hill Country MHDD stopped by Mason on Monday to alert the News that he would now be visiting Mason on the third Monday of every month to offer services to Mason County veterans. Tony will be at the American Legion Hall from 10:00 a.m.
Great food, amazing drinks and fantastic auction items!!! Second Chance will be holding its first formal Capital Campaign event this coming Saturday. Our PawTails Party will be on April 23, 2016 beginning at 6:30 p.m. at the home of Keith and Sue Kaan. Second Chance is a 501 (c) (3) tax exempt Texas non-profit corporation dedicated to the rescuing of dogs and cats within Mason County.
St. Joseph Catholic Church will have their BBQ pits fired up this Sunday – April 24th - for their Annual BBQ Chicken Dinner. The dinner offers a plate full of delicious food for a minimum donation of $10. You may ‘Dine In’ at the Parish Hall and visit while you eat or ‘Drive Thru’ to pick up your order. The parishioners appreciate the community’s support for this fundraiser and look forward to serving you.
Physicals for all incoming 7th, 9th, and 11th grade athletes will be administered in the high school gym on May 18th from 5 - 6:30 p.m. All girls and boys that will be participating in athletics and are entering these grades are required to get a physical prior to participation in athletics.
Spanish classes at the Mason Co. M. Beven Eckert Memorial Library will resume the second week of May. Carmen Griffith will teach a beginner’s level at 9:30 A.M. on Thursdays and an intermediate level at 10:00 A.M. on Thursdays. The classes are free of charge. Please register in advance by calling 325-347-5446.
Spanish classes at the Mason Co. M. Beven Eckert Memorial Library will resume the second week of May. Carmen Griffith will teach a beginner’s level at 9:30 A.M. on Thursdays and an intermediate level at 10:00 A.M. on Thursdays. The classes are free of charge. Please register in advance by calling 325-347-5446.
Award-winning Texas author Reavis Z. Wortham will give a book talk and author reading at the Mason Co. M. Beven Eckert Memorial Library on Tuesday, April 26th. The program will begin at 6:30 P.M. The library is located at 410 Post Hill Street, and admission is free to the public. Mystery People listed Wortham as one of the Top 5 Texas Authors for 2015.
Would you like to use Microsoft Word or Excel, but don’t want to have to purchase the software? Now you can, using OneDrive and Office Online. Both of these tools are accessible from anywhere with an Internet connection, and both are free. Office Online is accessed through Microsoft’s OneDrive, a cloud-based storage service that allows you to create, upload, and share Office documents and other files. Please contact the Mason Co.
What a beautiful rainy week. As I write this Sunday evening, we have emptied over 3 inches from the rain gauge. I hope the oak tree pollen is all washed away. John had another kidney stone episode this week. He had two more removed at Audie Murphy VA Hospital in San Antonio.
WHEREAS, in Federal fiscal year 2015, the Texas Department of Family & Protective Services confirmed 66,721 cases of child abuse or neglect, including 72 in Mason, Menard, McCulloch Kimble & Edwards counties. WHEREAS, child abuse and neglect is a serious problem affecting every segment of our community, and finding solutions requires input and action from everyone in our community; and WHEREAS, our children are our most valuable resources and will shape the future of Texas; and WHEREAS, ...
All aboard! Line up, everyone. Two by two. Keep moving. That’s right. Keep the line moving. There’s room for all The Ark is now loading. Yep. Michael, row the boat ashore. Hallelujah. When it rains, it pours. And that certainly proved to be true. As it poured and poured these past couple days. Night and day. Day and night. Didn’t stop the hummingbird. But all the other birds took cover. Hummingbirds don’t have that luxury. Their lives are on the line. And no time to waste. Bless their t ...
What a beautiful rainy week. As I write this Sunday evening, we have emptied over 3 inches from the rain gauge. I hope the oak tree pollen is all washed away. John had another kidney stone episode this week. He had two more removed at Audie Murphy VA Hospital in San Antonio.
Lye Soap This week I am taking a different twist. I found my mom’s recipe for lye soap and I had to share. I have good memories about lye soap or the process of making it. When I was a young girl I spent a lot of time at our neighbor Aunt Alice Doyal’s house.
Assaulted by Words... A different kind of avalanche sure to qualify as “breaking news” may soon come crashing down. And lesser ones will follow. Crumbling fast are some universal, rock-solid beliefs the masses have believed to be unchanging truths. To illustrate, I cite findings I didn’t even know I was looking for during a recent visit to Globe Life Park, where the Texas Rangers play baseball. At the outset, I point to an adage dating back to 1862: “Sticks and stones m ...
Oh my, It ‘s raining! Which means, you better have a rain gauge if you live in Mason. Around these parts the first thing you’ll be asked when there is a rain is,”How much rain did you get.” Of course, some seem to get more. You’re just thankful for what you got and go on. Another thing in Mason County is, waving at on coming cars.
For Sale: One slightly used rocket Just the other day I was saying to my wife, “You know, I’d sure like to get hold of a second hand steam-powered rocket, but you never see them for sale anywhere.” And then, out of the blue, I found one. As luck would have it, Mad Mike Hughes wants to sell his. A while back someone sent me a link to a story in ‘Scientific Method’ about ‘Mad’ Mike Hughes, a 60-year-old limo driver/stunt man from California.
Today is National Volunteer Recognition Day, and I want to thank all the people that make our classes and programs possible: Bob Laury, Linda Lloyd, Jane Lakin, Trudy Irwin, Wendy and Craton Hastings, Christy Keller, June Hall, Carol Tucker, Carmen Griffith, Carolyn Thomas, Jutta Dreyer, Carol Kothmann, Craig Grote, Rosemary Davis, Margaret Persky, Martha and Riley Kothmann, Mistie Lehne, Ceil Worden, Nanci Gibbons, the Friends of the Library members, and Mason Study Club members.
Cactus Rose Every year, when the prickly pears begin their magnificent ritual of putting forth blooms of yellow and orange, I cannot help but think to myself that they are the prettiest flowers I’ve ever seen. They evoke memories of a childhood spent in pastures where something so beautiful drew my attention along with the bees.
We’re at the end of another school year. If you have younger kids, you might be thinking about summer camps and other activities. But in the not-too-distant future, your children will be facing a bigger transition as they head off to college. Will you be financially prepared for that day? A college education is a good investment – college graduates earn, on average, $1 million more over their lifetimes than high school graduates, according to a study by Georgetown University – but a bache ...

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