January 22, 2015 Issue
Hill Country Science Mill
The new Hill Country Science Mill (HCSM) promises to introduce students to careers in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) fields using interactive, engaging exhibits and programs. The 14,000 square foot space features 35+ exhibits, sourced globally and many of which are unique to the HCSM. Bonnie Baskin, PhD and the museum's Founder and Chair of the Board, has designed a place where kids can fall in love with science.
As of January 2015, the state of the City of Johnson City has never been better. City personnel have been busy repairing and replacing outdated equipment and cleaning up city facilities. A new accounting system is going online in February that will provide better accounting of city funds as well as streamline the yearly budget process.
The annual Blanco County Youth Stock Show was held Jan. 15-17 at the Blanco County Show Barn. The event featured a whopping 525 entries and was a smashing success, according to Keitha Johnson, a director of the Blanco County Youth Council.
The stock show's live auction final tally topped $362,000. The dollars are down a bit from last year, but Johnson noted that the number of entries were also slightly lower.
"It went pretty smooth,"
Kudos to the volunteers at the Johnson City Food Pantry. Tuesday morning the food was unloaded at the pantry again. The truck arrived about 7 am with more than 1,500 pounds of food to unload and put away. The crew then went to breakfast. Ever notice how many of these projects revolve around eating?
Johnson City Library: Mark these dates on your calendar for the month of February.
Baker's Guns in Blanco does not offer drive-thru service, but apparently the thieves that sacked the business early Wednesday, Jan. 14, did not get the memo.
Around 5:30 a.m., a stolen Ford F-250 was used to ram through the front of the building just one week after a huge bolder rolled from the back of a pickup truck failed to breach the double-paned window.
One evening a boy was talking to his grandfather about current events. He asked what he thought about the shootings at schools, the computer age, and just things in general.
The granddad replied, "Well, let me think a minute. I was born before television, penicillin, polio shots, frozen foods, Xerox, contact lenses, Frisbees and the pill.
Joe Summy, Johnson City, Texas
Dear Editor,
The headlines last week in the Courier, "Joe Summy questions necessity of new stadium", needs some clarification. My comments and intent at the JCISD board meeting were to challenge the JCISD School Board to make it clear to the public what the new multi-million dollar sports stadium is going to be used for besides five high school football games a year.
I understand and assume the stadium will to be used more, but I don't really know...nor do I believe most of the people in the co ...