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Blanco County is holding steady at four confirmed cases of COVID-19 and 12 more “likely” cases, but area hospitals are abiding by an old adage by being “better safe than sorry.”
County officials announced the second two cases on April 6 and no further cases have been identified as of April 13.
Also holding steady are local hospitals such as Baylor Scott & White Medical Center in Marble Falls and Hill Country Memorial Hospital in Fredericksburg, both of which serve Blanco County re ...
AUSTIN — Gov. Greg Abbott on April 8 announced a partnership between the Texas Military Department and Prestige Ameritech to increase production of personal protective equipment for health care workers.
Prestige Ameritech, with a 220,000-square-foot plant in North Richland Hills near Fort Worth, is the United States’ largest domestic surgical mask manufacturer.
You don’t have to go to the Post Office to use many postal products and services. In fact, most simple tasks can be done from the convenience and safety of your home with or without a computer - like purchasing stamps. Using your computer, go to the Postal Store on and choose from different stamp denominations.
By Ully Sedtal and Claire Irwin
Most people who volunteer are inspired to do so by their heart, and those efforts can be seen every day in our communities. Some examples of volunteer-driven programs include meal deliveries to the homebound and driver programs that transport older adults with limited mobility. A study by the Corporation for National and Community Service reported 30.3 percent of adults in America volunteered nearly 6.9 billion hours in 2018, which translates into an estimate ...
HYE— Garrison Brothers Distillery feels the time is right for a magnanimous gesture of goodwill. Good bourbon can change the world. Here’s how we’re going to use our bourbon to change the world today.
Team Rubicon’s volunteers are at the forefront of this war with the virus. They are building mobile hospitals and testing centers in all fifty states at the request of the states and the federal government.
While the doors of the Science Mill are temporarily closed, anyone across the world can experience the best of the museum and its educational experiences through a new online learning resource. The Explorer Zone, an interactive science program, features weekly episodes examining the science behind different Science Mill exhibits and explaining fun, hands-on, easy-to-follow activities to try at home.
“The Science Mill has always been focused on one thing: inspiring the next generation of ...
The American Library Association (ALA) announced that the Johnson City Library has been selected to participate in Libraries Lead with Digital Skills, an initiative of ALA and the Public Library Association (PLA), sponsored by Grow With Google, the tech company’s economic opportunity initiative. The library will use the funding to offer four programs:
Jobs on Google Search-
May 19, noon- 1 p.m.
Edit Your Resume-
May 27, 5:30-6:30 p.m.
Write a Business Plan-
June 4, 10-11 a.m.
By Jakki Milford-Flores
As a community, Blanco has as yet to reach the crest of the COVID-19 pandemic. There are now four confirmed coronavirus cases in Blanco County, and the county has issued a shelter-in-place order.
Outside of the medical professionals, perhaps the brightest glimmer of hope has been from local distilleries.
Judge Brett Bray called the regular Blanco County Elections Commission meeting to order at 10:05 a.m. on April 7 via Zoom. Laura Walla, County Clerk; Kristen Spies, County Tax Assessor Collector; Carlette Lewis, Republican Party Chair; Terry Casparis, Democratic Party Chair; and Kim Ashby, assistant County Attorney, were present in the Zoom meeting.
First, in public comments, Kenneth Welch addressed the commission with his public comments which focused on the Texas Secretary of State Electi ...
FREDERICKSBURG- During the early morning of Saturday, April 11th, at approximately 12:45 a.m., Gillespie County Sheriff’s Office deputies were called to a residence within the 15000 block of Ranch Road 965 as it was reported that an intruder had been shot by a person in the home.
The homeowner, Curtis Roys, 73, was asleep when he heard a loud banging noise outside the residence.
At 1:25 p.m on Tuesday., two vehicles crashed at the 100 block of E. Main Street in Johnson City. Blanco County ESD 2 arrived promptly after the Johnson City VFD and Police. The block has been under construction since last week as a sidewalk has been refurbished. Photo by Marty Garcia.
Jackie Earley is doing her workout at home while keeping a social distance. Student athletes are staying in shape during home learning. The Record Courier invites all parents to share images of their home workouts to
[email protected]. Courtesy photo.
By Julie Storer
The LBJ High School Wildlife team of Juniors Brinley Portie, Colin Shoemaker and Brett Sultemeier placed second last week in the Burnet High School Online Wildlife Contest - their first "virtual" contest of the season. Portie placed 2nd and Sultemeier 3rd out of 58 contestants in the individual standings.
A Marble Falls resident with dreams of a multi-sport complex incorporating fields for baseball, softball and soccer, basketball and sand volleyball courts, and fitness trails has put the plans on hold until the transition from the current COVID-19"shelter-in-place" restrictions to a more familiar schedule of social activity has begun. Arkansas native Abraham Santiillan has lived in Marble Falls since 2003 and says he considers it his hometown now; with his love for the city and the surroundin ...
By Julie Storer
The latest information released by the University Interscholastic League (UIL) regarding a return to play for the sports of Boys' Basketball, Soccer, Golf, Tennis and Track & Field indicates there is still a possibility of the seasons being completed with modifications if the current "stay-at-home" restrictions are released.
Hunter was born October 14, 1997 in Austin. He graduated from Coleman High School in 2016. Hunter passed from this Earth to be with his Heavenly father on March 28, 2020 in Santa Anna, Texas. He was full of life and a friend to everyone. Hunter was not one to pass up a dare and would always give it his all in everything he did and never did anything halfway. The pride and joy of his world was his son Bhodie.
Hunter leaves behind his son, Bhodie James Kubala, and love of his life, Tricia ...
The local newspaper reported that “The Overland Stage was held up somewhere near Riverbed on the western desert and robbed of $40,000 in gold bullion from California.”
From the late1840’s through the 1870’s Orrin Porter Rockwell was renowned in the Great Basin and throughout the west as one man with whom one did not trifle.
Easter was celebrated on April 12 and for many of us, myself included, it was celebrated without attending church worship services, due to attendance limitations. But that does not prevent us from celebrating this most important day at home.
He is risen! He is risen indeed! With these words we can praise God and give Him thanks that in Jesus Christ the victory is won over sin, the devil, and all the evils of this world, including Covid-19.
The faithful gathered for the Drive-In Resurrection Day Service in the Community Church of the Hills' parking lot, where the traditional Easter greeting, "He is risen!" was met with a wide range of vehicles honking their horns in response, "He is risen, indeed!" The service was heard on 87.9FM while people stayed in their cars listening to the message which was preached from the back of a Ford F-150.
There has been another fatality at a low water crossing in the Hill Country. This time it was in Gillespie County on Alfred Petsch Road. I have called upon the Blanco County Commissioners Court to get serious about a low water crossing upgrade program for our county. There are dangerous low water crossings throughout Blanco County.
I’m a retired nurse escapee from Houston who with my husband, enjoys the peace, tranquility and CLEAN AIR of rural Blanco County outside Johnson City.
I can’t help but be concerned when seeing how some people in the community are wearing Latex or Nitrile gloves (and SOMETIMES, gloves made of fabric) POSSIBLY running the risk of infecting themselves BELIEVING that this measure protects them while only helping to spread the Coronavirus.
The CDC and other healthcare provider guidelin ...