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The Llano News

February 11, 2015 Issue

This month's City of Llano utility bill shocked many residents and business owners, many of whom took to Facebook to discuss a 'new charge' that showed up on the bill, as well as the fact that many residents saw their bills double, and some say, even triple over last month's bill. The good news is that the 'new charge' isn't really new, but is a breakdown of how the electric portion of the City's utility bill is structured.
Rate disputes are nothing new for the Lower Colorado River Authority (LCRA). Earlier this month, Llano County residents were shocked to see sharp increases in their electricity bills— in some instances literally double and triple. For its part, LCRA is blaming the cold winter of 2013 — and the City of Llano — for the high electrical costs. "LCRA incurred higher-than-expected fuel and power costs during the last fiscal year, and began to recover those costs in July 2014 from customers that ...
Is it time to celebrate the end of construction delays while traveling east from Llano on Highway 71? Well, yes and no. There are some repairs still to be made and another "Super Two" project yet to come. I asked Kelli Reyna, TxDOT Public Information Officer for this district, about this stretch of road.
Llano High School students will be able to earn both high school and college credit for some of their courses beginning this fall through a new dual credit partnership between the Llano Independent School District and Angelo State University. On Monday, Feb. 9, Llano ISD became ASU's latest partner for a new off-site dual credit program that offers students the opportunity to earn dual credit for applicable courses taken at their high school campuses.
Each year the Llano Pioneers Chapter along with all chapters of the Daughters of the Republic of Texas honor Mirabeau B. Lamar on one of the twelve "Honor Days" celebrated by the DRT. Lamar was the second President of the Republic of Texas from 1838 to 1841 and is recognized as the "Texas Father of Education".
We may not be sure about what Texas weather will be from one day to the next, but one thing is for certain – it's always the right weather for SOUP! The Friends of the Llano will be serving up delicious soup – many different varieties – starting at 5:30 on Thursday, February 12 at the annual "Souper"
In my last article, I mentioned Town Lake would be lowered. The lowering of the water level of the lake was accomplished early Tuesday morning of February 3rd, and took a little over 14 hours. The lowering of the lake level had been planned for Monday January 26th, however the first attempt to open the south maintenance gate was not successful.
Recently Llano PD officer Allyn Rub retired from 17 years of service to the city. He joins his partner Cora who retired December 31, 2013, and lives at the same address. Officer Rub is 48. Cora retired at the age of nine. Cora is a trained K-9 drug dog and was party to many arrests over the years.
This time of year Llano County often experiences its coldest temperatures. January brings frequent readings near or below freezing, occasionally down into the teens. The cold weather may or may not be accompanied by snow or sleet. We are at least blessed with some much needed rain during this time period.
‘Hawks Pass up a Win
A man who says he'll book flights to Saturn will do a bigger business than a Pete Carroll Fan Club will this month. Beetle Bailey will become a General before Carroll can play doubles tennis. Seahawk fans will root for Mr. Potter over another Bailey—George—before they'll toast their coach. Norman Bates will get a Chamber of Commerce medal when Pete Carroll teaches the course: "Football Strategy: The Last Yard is the Toughest." Bomani Jones, on ESPN's Around the Horn, said the call was, "stu ...
Llano High School students will be able to earn both high school and college credit for some of their courses beginning this fall through a new dual credit partnership between the Llano Independent School District and Angelo State University. On Monday, Feb. 9, Llano ISD became ASU's latest partner for a new off-site dual credit program that offers students the opportunity to earn dual credit for applicable courses taken at their high school campuses.
Call your sweetie and make a date. There are only a few tickets left for the meal, but a whole auditorium waiting to be sold out for the variety show! This year's Project Graduation benefit is sure to fill your tummy, tickle your funny bone, and get your feet to tapping.
Fifty-three members of the Llano Junior High Bands participated in Region 7 (west zone) Solo and Ensemble contest at Howard Payne University, in Brownwood this past Saturday. These students performed either a solo, ensemble (group of 3 to 6 people), or both, before a judge. The judge then critiqued the student(s) and gave them a rating from I-V.
I hope you all had a wonderful holiday season. I enjoyed spending time with family and friends. It’s hard to believe that the second semester is already under way! Our students and teachers hit the ground running since January. As we move through the second semester, our teachers will continue their work on academic improvement for all students.
LAMPASAS—The 82-47 loss in Taylor, February 6, hurt, as it should have, but it was not as damaging as the setback to the Badgers 72 hours before. A bad start offset a big night of three-point shooting by the Jacket boys, and Lampasas held on for a crucial 53-50 win. What followed a miserable first quarter, in which Llano fell behind 14-3, were nine threes by the visitors, five from Joey Albor.
Last week in The Llano News, you read what a lot of people—and probably yourself—thought of Seattle's Pete Carroll calling for a pass instead of a run on second-and-goal from the one while the Seahawks trailed New England, 28-24, with 26 seconds to go. The pass was intercepted. The following list includes unfortunate gaffes in sports history which preceded Carroll.
SAN SABA—I don't want to pull a Brian Williams here; I was NOT in San Saba for the Powerlifting Meet, but head coach Clint Easley told me he would help me out if I went to Brady, February 12. I said okay. The much-better lead includes: the Jackets won the boys' team competition; Colton Center returned to the squad for all three demands; Trevor Penny won his third consecutive meet; Dalton Dewveall claimed his second title; and freshman Felicia Perez got her first. "It's always good when you ge ...
Just about the rudest kind of season came to an end in Salado, Tuesday, February 10—after press time—for the Llano Ladies' basketball team. The squad needed a victory to prevent going winless in 25-4A play. The ninth defeat occurred three nights before when a talented Taylor team dominated the middle quarters to win, 61-35. "We are what we are,"
Recently Llano PD officer Allyn Rub retired from 17 years of service to the city. He joins his partner Cora who retired December 31, 2013, and lives at the same address. Officer Rub is 48. Cora retired at the age of nine. Cora is a trained K-9 drug dog and was party to many arrests over the years.
Larry Fagarason will be speaking to The Llano County Master Gardeners about succulents on Thursday, February 19 at 5:30 at the Extension Office in Llano. The public is welcome to attend the program. Larry is a retired Cardiothoracic surgeon who, after 35 years of practice, moved to Kerrville. Since he has always been interested in plants, he planned on turning those interests into a post-retirement hobby/"job." His interest in cacti and succulents dates back to an Army posting at Ft.
Lorien Erna Miiller of Llano passed away Tuesday, February 3 2015 at the age of 82. She was born January 25, 1933 in Llano County, to Carl and Frieda Miiller. She was a homemaker and took care of the elderly. Her nieces and nephews were her joy in life. She was always a giver to anyone in need.
Richard "Ricky" Limon, Jr. 30, passed away at home on February 7, 2015. He was a son of Richard and Anna Maria (Garcia) Limon, Sr. born in Lubbock, Texas on March 2, 1984. Ricky had been disabled for some time although he enjoyed playing football in high school and enjoyed playing with his nieces and nephews. Ricky is survived by his parents, Richard and Anna Maria Limon; brother Raymon Limon and sisters, Maria Ramirez, Rene Limon and Nasaria Limon all of Kingsland, Texas; maternal grandmother, ...
I'm not sure who came up with the idea of giving your "Sweetheart" a box of chocolates on Valentine's Day, but I would like to shake his hand sometime. Of all the gizmos, doodads and gimmicks in the wide world, this one tops them all. It took me a long time to uncover this mystery of romance.
The chosen Biblical text for many weddings is Paul's eloquent description of love found in 1 Corinthians 13. These warm words frequently capture the hearts of lovers and are often chosen to either precede or follow their marriage vows. Why then do these same people often find their love declining?
In my last article, I mentioned Town Lake would be lowered. The lowering of the water level of the lake was accomplished early Tuesday morning of February 3rd, and took a little over 14 hours. The lowering of the lake level had been planned for Monday January 26th, however the first attempt to open the south maintenance gate was not successful.
Alderman Questions Increase
Dear Editor, The City Manager recently changed the format of our electric bills, and, at the same time, people from all over the city had huge and undue increases to their electrical usage. Combined with this we have been told that the LCRA undercharged us by about $400,000 for the electricity they sold us last year.
One Bite at a Time
Dear Editor, Question: How do you eat an elephant? Answer: One bite at a time. Recently, City Council moved to apply for more grant money. The idea is to replace the gates on the dam (that are rarely opened) with remotely operated ones. During the discussion, Gail Lang asked why we don't apply for the grant in order to fix piping systems and roads in low income areas of Llano which is also in the scope of these grants.
Alderman Gives Answers
Citizens of Llano, I, Allen Hopson, would like to express my sincerest apologies for the tremendous lack of communication, and explanations given regarding the utility bills for the December-January cycle. As a council member, I take responsibility for the situation. Council is responsible for the actions of administration, and I personally feel that transparency and communication is lacking greatly.
Is it time to celebrate the end of construction delays while traveling between Horseshoe Bay and Llano on Highway 71? Well, yes and no. There are some repairs still to be made and another "Super Two" project yet to come. I asked Kelli Reyna, TxDOT Public Information Officer for this district, about this stretch of road.
‘Hawks Pass up a Win
A man who says he'll book flights to Saturn will do a bigger business than a Pete Carroll Fan Club will this month. Beetle Bailey will become a General before Carroll can play doubles tennis. Seahawk fans will root for Mr. Potter over another Bailey—George—before they'll toast their coach. Norman Bates will get a Chamber of Commerce medal when Pete Carroll teaches the course: "Football Strategy: The Last Yard is the Toughest." Bomani Jones, on ESPN's Around the Horn, said the call was, "stu ...
Inclusion on this list is not intended to be, and should not be, construed as an assessment of guilt or innocence. February 2, 2015 Clayton Doyle Oneil, 34, Kingsland, Tx.; Poss Marij >4 oz<5 lbs; FS; $7500 Bond; Released. Aaron Sanchez, 29, Horseshoe Bay, Tx.; Driving W/Lic Inv W/Prev/Susp/W/o Fin; MB; $3000 Bond; Released. February3, 2015 Kevin Alin Kutzer, 38, Kingsland, Tx.; Public Intoxication W/3 Prior Convictions; MB; $3000 Bond; Not Released. February 4, 2015 Juan Lopez III, 32, C ...
Is it time to celebrate the end of construction delays while traveling east from Llano on Highway 71? Well, yes and no. There are some repairs still to be made and another "Super Two" project yet to come. I asked Kelli Reyna, TxDOT Public Information Officer for this district, about this stretch of road.
February is the love month. St. Valentine's day occurs this month, so love is in the air, and perhaps you can sense that spring is on the way. In the garden this is the traditional month to prune roses. Remember to leave once blooming roses such as 'Lady Banks' unpruned until they finish their spring bloom.

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