March 25, 2015 Issue
The Llano County Commissioners Court recognized the volunteer spirit of the American character by proclaiming April 7 a "National Service Recognition Day."
The resolution joins with the Corporation for National and Community Service, the National Association of Counties, the National League of Cities, the United States Conference of Mayors and local leaders across the country in the proclamation which specifically honors AmeriCorps and Senior Corps participants, but also specifically emphasizes ...
The Lower Colorado River Authority announced recently that preliminary data for 2014 shows that the current drought that has been plaguing the Highland Lakes is now believed to be the most severe drought since the lakes were constructed in the 1930s.
Inflows into lakes Buchanan and Travis, the two reservoirs that store the water supply for the region, have decreased steadily over the course of the last several years, which has decreased the amount of water that LCRA can reliably provide to its ...
Ross and Emily (Freeman) Graham of Austin, Texas are proud to announce the arrival of their son, Jack Ismay Freeman, born January 8, 2015, weighing 7 pounds, 2 ounces and measuring 21 inches. Proud grandparents are Joe and Carol Freeman of Llano and Michael and Penny Graham of Bolton-Le-Sands, England.
On Sunday, February 15, 2015 Angela Allred, daughter of Jerry and Alberta Allred, hosted her parents' 50th wedding anniversary party. It was held at the Kingsland Community Center from 2 to 6 pm.
Approximately 275 wonderful family and friends were in attendance. Very tasty finger foods were served by Kevin Bailey and Co.
Medicare consumers with concerns about the medical care they received can contact KEPRO, the new Beneficiary and Family Centered Care Quality Improvement Organization (BFCC-QIO) for Texas, to obtain a free medical record review for discharge or quality of care concerns. KEPRO can help Medicare recipients with situations like these:
I live in another city, but when my grandmother fell and broke her hip, I got some time off work to visit her.
Join with us for our LUAS meeting for a presentation on "Rock Art Conservation Management and Stewardship in the Lower Pecos" by Jeremy Freeman, staff archeologist at Shumla Archeological Research & Education Center in Comstock, Texas where he has been involved in the Border Canyon Lands Archeological Project (BCAP). The Lower Pecos Canyonlands of southwest Texas retain hundreds of rock art murals exhibiting varying degrees of preservation.
Dear Editor,
If many of you will remember, about 6 months to a year ago, the TCEQ came into the area and supposedly, declared many dry ditches as a navigable streams and ordered dams removed from creeks. This is still a threat from the EPA and Army Corp of Engineers but recently, the house cut funding for much of the so called regulations, but don't think that the issue is dead, as there are greenies who work 24/7 to think up ways to take what you have, or at least, TAKE away your use of the la ...
Dear Editor,
Llano residents and businesses struggling with high utility bills should be aware their bills can soon go dramatically higher. The city council met in a special meeting February 23 and approved a groundwater lease on Riley Mountain. This meeting was held behind closed doors without benefit of stakeholder input or public comment.
Dear Editor,
Why can’t we dredge our river instead of drilling wells? Why isn’t the city taking out sand off of Oregon Street? I went to the city manager last Friday and asked him to get the mayor and let me show them 2 what a mess Chanas has made close to Blue Hole.
Submitted by Shelly Schuessler, Principal - Llano Elementary School
Llano Elementary School is an exciting place to be this time of year! Although our students and staff are working very hard to prepare for the upcoming STAAR Test, some additional activities have been scheduled at LES that I would like to share with you.
During the month of February, our counselor, Kathleen Gray, focused on "Career Awareness".
Submitted by Shelly Schuessler, Principal - Llano Elementary School
Llano Elementary School is an exciting place to be this time of year! Although our students and staff are working very hard to prepare for the upcoming STAAR Test, some additional activities have been scheduled at LES that I would like to share with you.
During the month of February, our counselor, Kathleen Gray, focused on "Career Awareness".
Ross and Emily (Freeman) Graham of Austin, Texas are proud to announce the arrival of their son, Jack Ismay Freeman, born January 8, 2015, weighing 7 pounds, 2 ounces and measuring 21 inches. Proud grandparents are Joe and Carol Freeman of Llano and Michael and Penny Graham of Bolton-Le-Sands, England.
On Sunday, February 15, 2015 Angela Allred, daughter of Jerry and Alberta Allred, hosted her parents' 50th wedding anniversary party. It was held at the Kingsland Community Center from 2 to 6 pm.
Approximately 275 wonderful family and friends were in attendance. Very tasty finger foods were served by Kevin Bailey and Co.
Dear Editor,
If many of you will remember, about 6 months to a year ago, the TCEQ came into the area and supposedly, declared many dry ditches as a navigable streams and ordered dams removed from creeks. This is still a threat from the EPA and Army Corp of Engineers but recently, the house cut funding for much of the so called regulations, but don't think that the issue is dead, as there are greenies who work 24/7 to think up ways to take what you have, or at least, TAKE away your use of the la ...
Dear Editor,
Llano residents and businesses struggling with high utility bills should be aware their bills can soon go dramatically higher. The city council met in a special meeting February 23 and approved a groundwater lease on Riley Mountain. This meeting was held behind closed doors without benefit of stakeholder input or public comment.
Dear Editor,
Why can’t we dredge our river instead of drilling wells? Why isn’t the city taking out sand off of Oregon Street? I went to the city manager last Friday and asked him to get the mayor and let me show them 2 what a mess Chanas has made close to Blue Hole.
The Lower Colorado River Authority announced recently that preliminary data for 2014 shows that the current drought that has been plaguing the Highland Lakes is now believed to be the most severe drought since the lakes were constructed in the 1930s.
Inflows into lakes Buchanan and Travis, the two reservoirs that store the water supply for the region, have decreased steadily over the course of the last several years, which has decreased the amount of water that LCRA can reliably provide to its ...
Medicare consumers with concerns about the medical care they received can contact KEPRO, the new Beneficiary and Family Centered Care Quality Improvement Organization (BFCC-QIO) for Texas, to obtain a free medical record review for discharge or quality of care concerns. KEPRO can help Medicare recipients with situations like these:
I live in another city, but when my grandmother fell and broke her hip, I got some time off work to visit her.