May 13, 2015 Issue
Gordon Martin Freeman, age 87, of San Antonio passed away on May 1, 2015 in San Antonio, Texas. He was born on September 29, 1927 in Llano, Texas to Nolan Freeman and Mary Ada (Martin) Freeman. Gordon had been a resident of San Antonio since 1949 having moved there from Llano County.
Gordon married Alta Fern Low on July 19, 1975 in San Saba, Texas.
Horseshoe Bay—In the long and storied athletic journey of the University of Texas, one of the greatest coaches was Jody Conradt. Looking like she could return to the bench she left eight years ago, Conradt told Horseshoe Bay Sports Club members, "You've got to bring a group together," to form a winning team.
BURNET—A year ago, Wyatt Casey exchanged his track uniform for a 7-on-7 jersey, owning a slight edge to become the Llano High quarterback for the 2014 season. It took one night to see that Casey's arm was not as strong as his legs, and the QB job went to Holden Simpson.
On May 4, the coaches' hopes were both realistic and much higher that this time Mighty Casey would not strike out, and he would concretize his role as quarterback for the 2015 campaign.
KINGSVILLE—Some of Llano High's finest athletes of the future delivered admirable performances at the Region IV Track & Field Meet, May 1-2, but junior Colton Center was all polish in the present, claiming a bronze medal in the shot put. That means he's third in Class 4A in one-quarter of a state that's as big in population as North Korea and Australia and bigger than the Netherlands and Romania.
"Three or four weeks ago,"
Help Mom with Her Retirement Income Strategy
Mother's Day is almost here. This occasion may have special significance for you if you've been fortunate enough to have your mother around for your adult life. So naturally, you'll want to bring Mom some flowers or another gift. But if she's planning to retire soon, you may want to think about a longer-term way to improve her life — namely, by initiating a conversation about her retirement income strategy.
Of course, she may already have matters well in hand.
I do not know if grouchy comes with old age or if in old age you are too weak to subdue it. I guess it does not really matter because I am having a little bit of trouble along this line. My grouchy seems to be getting out of control.
I remember the good old days, those carefree days, days when I did not let anything bother me.
The end of the month of April marks the 150th anniversary of several crucial events in American History that had devastating effects on the whole United States in the Nineteenth Century. The Civil War, or the War of the Rebellion as it is called in the Deep South, began April 12, 1861 with the firing on Ft.
Looking for something different as a gift for Mother's Day? How about a reservation to an elegant Mother's Day Tea at Sandstone Street Bed and Breakfast in Llano? No longer have your mom? Treat a favorite lady and/or yourself. Tea guests will be served on china with an assortment of tea foods consisting of scones with Devon cream and curd, delicious delicate savories, mini desserts, fresh fruits, and a choice of three different teas including an herbal tea.
Members of the Kingsland Genealogical Society of the Highland Lakes (KGS) will continue learning to improve computer research skills at their May meeting. The program is another in a series of "Webinars", this time discussing "Using the Ancestry Card Catalog", and will be Tuesday, May 12, at 2 p.m. at the Kingsland Branch Library, 125 W.
The Hill Country Livestock Raisers Association will be holding their Annual Banquet this Saturday, May 9th, at the Llano County Community Center. A steak dinner will be served, at a cost of 15.00 per plate, and all members are urged to attend. "We welcome new members too." says HCLRA President, Les Hartman.
Willie Louise Kirkpatrick Walker of Llano, Texas went to be with the Lord on Tuesday, April 21, 2015. Louise was born January 10, 1918 in Lovelace, Texas to Jewell Grant Kirkpatrick and Katy Nancy (Burk) Kirkpatrick.
Louise graduated from Penelope High School, Penelope, Texas and then attended Hill County Junior College in Hillsboro, Texas.
Evelyn Juanita Wilson, age 90 of Llano, Texas went to meet Jesus on April 30, 2015 at 11:56PM.
She was born on October 21, 1924 to Samuel Jacob Fisher and Ethel May Fisher in Belglade, Florida. Evelyn had resided in Florida until 1962 when she moved to Texas. She was a loving mother, grandmother, and great grandmother who was loved dearly.
Evelyn is survived by her five children, Charles Kirkland, Everett Kirkland, Juanita Waliky, Margaret Garza and Trenda Lee Neal, and a sister Naomi Gardo.
Hill Country Region Chief Executive Director Eric Looper came to the regularly called City Council meeting on Monday, May 4, to update the public and the Council on future plans for the Llano Scott & White Hospital.
Looper said that the new hospital, located in Burnet County near the intersection of Hwy 71 and Hwy 281, will open in August of this year.
The opening of the new hospital does not mean the end of the Llano facility, Looper explained.
Making "Plant People" is one of the most popular Junior Master Gardener (JMG) activities at Llano Elementary School's 4th grade science classes," claims the lead JMG teacher, Patty Kuykendall of Llano. She and five other Master Gardeners (Gail Beckman, Gail Johnson, and Jean Bass of Llano; Sandy Kuykendall, and Debbie Shanan of San Saba), and classroom teacher, Kelly McIntosh, helped the children learn about the needs of plants.
The students then engaged in a "hands-on"
The City of Llano will be temporarily changing the disinfection process for the potable water supply in order to perform maintenance on the distribution system from June 3, 2015 to July 1, 2015. During this period, a slight change will be made in the water treatment process which allows the distribution system to be maintained as directed by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality.
During normal operations, chloramines, or combined chlorine is added to the water as the primary disinfectan ...
Dear Editor,
According to the last census, Llano County had the second oldest population in the US, just behind Dade County, Florida. That means that we have an abundance of retired folks, some living only on their Social Security checks.
The first four months of this year, my utility bill was huge.
On April 6, the Llano City Council adopted resolution 2015-04-06 recognizing the need for cost-effective and non-intrusive lighting to preserve the night skies around Llano. The resolution focuses on promoting and encouraging outdoor lighting that follows modern guidelines and technologies for efficient, cost effective and non-intrusive lighting. The resolution also emphasizes making efforts to educate landowners and businesses how to reduce energy consumption, save money, reduce light trespass ...
On Thursday evening April 30 the Llano Masonic Lodge honored six students and one faculty member from Llano High School with academic scholarships and special recognition awards.
The Mirabeau B. Lamar Award was presented to Jalen Bauman and Claire Scott, both outstanding members of the Llano Community and graduating seniors at LHS.
Texas' most recent monthly sales tax revenues increased 1.5% statewide over the same period last year, with distributions to cities, counties and other local districts up 4% for the period, according to a report released by Texas Comptroller Glenn Hegar last week. Hegar said that state sales tax collections have grown for 60 consecutive months "despite the weakening in the energy sector."
The City of Llano received $65,451 in sales tax revenue from the Comptroller for the most recent monthly pe ...
Spring Over to Your Local Library!
Spring is a busy time for many – especially if you're the gardener type! There's nothing more rewarding than reaping the fruits of your labor – and there's nothing more challenging than getting it all right.
So, why not take a little time out to learn from an expert? Master Gardener and Propagation Specialist Beth Mortenson will be at the Lakeshore Library on Tuesday, May 12 at 2:30 p.m.
David Wuest, Principal, Llano High School
It is hard to imagine that this school year is almost over! It seems like yesterday that we were opening the doors on the 2014-15 school year. Now, the school year's end is arriving quickly and the Class of 2015 will soon be walking across the stage. Yes, graduation is a time to reflect, not only on our accomplishments, but also on finding that place in life after this milestone.
Marble Falls was the host for the meeting of the Alpha Chi Chapter of The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International at the Church of Christ. Members include women educators from the Burnet, Llano and Marble Falls area.
The welcome was given by Nelda Tyler and the invocation by Myra Clendennen. Decorations and refreshments were in keeping with the 81st birthday celebration of the Alpha Chi Chapter.
On April 24, Mayor Mikel Virdell signed a 10-year contract with Collier Materials that will allow the company to provide 'maintenance' to the two Llano River lakes; Robinson Lake and Town Lake.
City Council voted to allow negotiations, and authorized the mayor and city manager to enter into a contract with Collier Materials in the regularly called council meeting held April 6.
The contract calls for Collier Materials to dredge the lakes each year, collecting a minimum of 50,000 tons of sand.
On February 23 of this year, Marc Sewell, citizen of Llano, filed a petition for Writ of Mandamus, calling for the voiding of a vote made by the Llano City Council on February 2. Sewell argues that the agenda violated the Texas Open Meetings Act because it did not specifically mention that a grant being applied for by the City would be used, in part, to 'overhaul the Comprehensive Plan' for the city.
Council approved the motion to apply for a Texas Community Block Grant Program.
David Wuest, Principal, Llano High School
It is hard to imagine that this school year is almost over! It seems like yesterday that we were opening the doors on the 2014-15 school year. Now, the school year's end is arriving quickly and the Class of 2015 will soon be walking across the stage. Yes, graduation is a time to reflect, not only on our accomplishments, but also on finding that place in life after this milestone.
Making "Plant People" is one of the most popular Junior Master Gardener (JMG) activities at Llano Elementary School's 4th grade science classes," claims the lead JMG teacher, Patty Kuykendall of Llano. She and five other Master Gardeners (Gail Beckman, Gail Johnson, and Jean Bass of Llano; Sandy Kuykendall, and Debbie Shanan of San Saba), and classroom teacher, Kelly McIntosh, helped the children learn about the needs of plants.
The students then engaged in a "hands-on"
KINGSVILLE—Some of Llano High's finest athletes of the future delivered admirable performances at the Region IV Track & Field Meet, May 1-2, but junior Colton Center was all polish in the present, claiming a bronze medal in the shot put. That means he's third in Class 4A in one-quarter of a state that's as big in population as North Korea and Australia and bigger than the Netherlands and Romania.
"Three or four weeks ago,"
BURNET—A year ago, Wyatt Casey exchanged his track uniform for a 7-on-7 jersey, owning a slight edge to become the Llano High quarterback for the 2014 season. It took one night to see that Casey's arm was not as strong as his legs, and the QB job went to Holden Simpson.
On May 4, the coaches' hopes were both realistic and much higher that this time Mighty Casey would not strike out, and he would concretize his role as quarterback for the 2015 campaign.
Horseshoe Bay—In the long and storied athletic journey of the University of Texas, one of the greatest coaches was Jody Conradt. Looking like she could return to the bench she left eight years ago, Conradt told Horseshoe Bay Sports Club members, "You've got to bring a group together," to form a winning team.
The City of Llano will be temporarily changing the disinfection process for the potable water supply in order to perform maintenance on the distribution system from June 3, 2015 to July 1, 2015. During this period, a slight change will be made in the water treatment process which allows the distribution system to be maintained as directed by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality.
During normal operations, chloramines, or combined chlorine is added to the water as the primary disinfectan ...
Members of the Kingsland Genealogical Society of the Highland Lakes (KGS) will continue learning to improve computer research skills at their May meeting. The program is another in a series of "Webinars", this time discussing "Using the Ancestry Card Catalog", and will be Tuesday, May 12, at 2 p.m. at the Kingsland Branch Library, 125 W.
Looking for something different as a gift for Mother's Day? How about a reservation to an elegant Mother's Day Tea at Sandstone Street Bed and Breakfast in Llano? No longer have your mom? Treat a favorite lady and/or yourself. Tea guests will be served on china with an assortment of tea foods consisting of scones with Devon cream and curd, delicious delicate savories, mini desserts, fresh fruits, and a choice of three different teas including an herbal tea.
Gordon Martin Freeman, age 87, of San Antonio passed away on May 1, 2015 in San Antonio, Texas. He was born on September 29, 1927 in Llano, Texas to Nolan Freeman and Mary Ada (Martin) Freeman. Gordon had been a resident of San Antonio since 1949 having moved there from Llano County.
Gordon married Alta Fern Low on July 19, 1975 in San Saba, Texas.
Evelyn Juanita Wilson, age 90 of Llano, Texas went to meet Jesus on April 30, 2015 at 11:56PM.
She was born on October 21, 1924 to Samuel Jacob Fisher and Ethel May Fisher in Belglade, Florida. Evelyn had resided in Florida until 1962 when she moved to Texas. She was a loving mother, grandmother, and great grandmother who was loved dearly.
Evelyn is survived by her five children, Charles Kirkland, Everett Kirkland, Juanita Waliky, Margaret Garza and Trenda Lee Neal, and a sister Naomi Gardo.
Willie Louise Kirkpatrick Walker of Llano, Texas went to be with the Lord on Tuesday, April 21, 2015. Louise was born January 10, 1918 in Lovelace, Texas to Jewell Grant Kirkpatrick and Katy Nancy (Burk) Kirkpatrick.
Louise graduated from Penelope High School, Penelope, Texas and then attended Hill County Junior College in Hillsboro, Texas.
I do not know if grouchy comes with old age or if in old age you are too weak to subdue it. I guess it does not really matter because I am having a little bit of trouble along this line. My grouchy seems to be getting out of control.
I remember the good old days, those carefree days, days when I did not let anything bother me.
On April 6, the Llano City Council adopted resolution 2015-04-06 recognizing the need for cost-effective and non-intrusive lighting to preserve the night skies around Llano. The resolution focuses on promoting and encouraging outdoor lighting that follows modern guidelines and technologies for efficient, cost effective and non-intrusive lighting. The resolution also emphasizes making efforts to educate landowners and businesses how to reduce energy consumption, save money, reduce light trespass ...
Dear Editor,
According to the last census, Llano County had the second oldest population in the US, just behind Dade County, Florida. That means that we have an abundance of retired folks, some living only on their Social Security checks.
The first four months of this year, my utility bill was huge.
Help Mom with Her Retirement Income Strategy
Mother's Day is almost here. This occasion may have special significance for you if you've been fortunate enough to have your mother around for your adult life. So naturally, you'll want to bring Mom some flowers or another gift. But if she's planning to retire soon, you may want to think about a longer-term way to improve her life — namely, by initiating a conversation about her retirement income strategy.
Of course, she may already have matters well in hand.