August 26, 2015 Issue
The dictionary states an assumption is something that is accepted as true or as certain to happen without proof. In the absence of concrete documented evidence, speculation plays a large role in determining many historical events. All too often, however, speculation becomes opinionated based on a person’s present understanding of past conditions, which quite often were not the case.
Besides desiring a good showing against Sonora on the night of Scrimmage 2, which happened, Llano fans were eager to see the sparkling, new carpet. Fake grass seems like such a gauche phrase. I heard no dissenters in a brief pilgrimage to the stands and got these comments from the participants:
Craig Slaughter: “What a proud facility.
“How sweet it is!” As comedian Jackie Gleason said in a bygone era. Llano High football coaches, players, and fans are saying it after the second and final scrimmage, August 20, against Sonora.
The synthetic turf by GreenFields enjoyed a successful maiden voyage, and head coach Craig Slaughter emphasized, “We came a long way this week.
The Commemorative Air Force hosts Warbirds at Gillespie County Airport in Fredericksburg September 4-7
San Marcos, Texas (August 7, 2015) – It’s been 70 years since the US Army Air Force lifted into the air to create the largest air armada ever to fill the skies during World War II, but on Friday through Monday September 4 through 7, five rare WWII warbirds will be roaring over Fredericksburg, Texas.
Leading the flight into Gillespie County Airport on Labor Day weekend will be Texas Raiders ...
Become a sponsor or donor for the Annual Golf Tournament and Silent Auction
Burnet, Blanco, Llano and Lampasas: Just like a golfer swinging at a ball in a sand trap, many local families try to get away from abuse but often find themselves haunted by the violence that traumatized them.
When you become a sponsor or donor for the Highland Lakes Family Crisis Center’s Annual Golf Tournament you help families make a tough shot.
“We see more than 350 individuals a month for various services ranging from counseling to emergency shelter,” said Alma Lahmon, Highland ...
David Waters, Llano ISD Assistant Superintendent
The 2015-2016 school year is about to begin. All Llano ISD staff members are busy getting ready to welcome our students on Monday, August 24th. While our focus is on the upcoming year, this is also a great time to reflect on the accomplishments of last year. Recently, the Texas Education Agency released the annual accountability results for each district and campus in Texas.
Yielding to temptation can be costly. A moment of weakness may bring years of regret. It is dangerous to take temptation lightly.
Moses led his people out of their slavery in Egypt to freedom. He endured their complaining and criticism of his leadership and prayed for them when their destruction seemed imminent.
In our house, we have a rule that has enabled us to live at peace with one another for more years than I can count. That rule is simple, “Don’t mess with my space and I won’t mess with your space.”
I must admit some rather close calls have challenged that relationship during those years.
Attention all ladies! Please join us for an exciting Bible study on the book of Exodus! Our twelve week study begins September 9 and ends December 2.
We will meet each Wednesday from 9:15 am to 11:00 am at the Lutie Watkins Memorial United Methodist Church which is located at 800 Wright Street in Llano.
Childcare is provided at no cost for infants and preschool age children.
If you missed the Seaquist House Foundation’s first “official” tour since purchasing the house held on July 11th during Roundup, we now have a schedule of regularly scheduled tours. They will be held the first Saturdays of the month on September 5, October 3, November 7 and December 5. The tours will run from 10:00 a.m.
Morris William Sherry passed away on August 23, 2015. He was born on August 31, 1925 to Allie and Maggie Sherry in Gonzalez, Texas. He served in the military from March 14, 1945 until he was discharged as a Private First Class (PFC) on October 17, 1946.
He married Virginia Merle Buchanan in Georgetown, Texas on October 14, 1949.
Marvin Darrel Thurman, born in Austin Texas on May 19, 1937 to Truman Darrel Thurman and Ethel Leola Thurman (Hudson) passed away on August 22, 2015 after a long fight with illness.
Darrel was a native Bee Cave, Texas resident and was an avid supporter of the rodeo community and a lifelong rancher and cowboy who was loved by many.
Darrel is preceded in death by his mother and father.
Marion Alene Golden, 90, of Kingsland, Texas passed away August 16, 2015. She was born to Alvin Ira and Oma Bell (Cave) Mosley on January 10, 1925 in Garrett, Texas.
Marion loved to fish, sew, and sing in the choir at church. She took great pride in sewing clothes for her daughters and made all their prom dresses.
Inclusion on this list is not intended to be, and should not be, construed as an assessment of guilt or innocence.
August 17, 2015
Jason Scott Walthall, 37, Buchanan Dam, Tx.; Commitment Order – DWI 3rd or More; F3 Turned Self In; No Bond; Released.
August 18, 2015
Sean Titus Fortney, 26, Kingsland, Tx.; Evading Arrest Detention; MA; $10,000 Bond; Released.
Courtney Marie Heiskell, 29, Buchanan Dam, Tx.; Man Del CS PG1 >=4G<200G; F1; No Bond; Not Released.
Deborah Jean Lawler, ...
In last week’s editorial, we considered the latest drought predictions by climate scientists that the next 30 years going forward will bring more drought, reduced rain fall, and hotter weather to Central Texas.
How will this effect electricity supply and rates for Llano, and all Texans?
To set the context, ERCOT (the Texas grid operator) experienced an all-time record peak load during the afternoon of August 10, which drove reserve margin toward a worrisome 4 percent.
Over 500 Central Texas Electric Co-op customers, members and spouses, gathered in the Fredericksburg High School Auditorium on August 18, as CTEC hosted its 68th Annual Members’ Meeting. CEO Robert A. Loth III welcomed them and introduced the eleven-member Board of Directors. Jack Asbill from Mason provided an invocation.
The business of the meeting included the election of four directors to represent their respective districts on the Board.
Many of us remember being introduced to the world of gymnastics in 1976 when Romanian Nadia Comaneci won three gold medals in the Summer Olympics in Montreal. Four years later in Russia, she captured two more.
In 1984, 16-year-old American, Mary Lou Retton, got our attention in Los Angeles by winning gold, two silvers, and two bronze medals.
Kiehana Palmares, 10 years of age, a Llano Elementary student, did rather well herself in the National Junior Olympics in late July and early August in Vir ...
BURNET—Runners don’t exactly take up too much time—that is the idea, I guess. Even less, August 22, as relays were held at Haley Nelson Park, a few meters from Highway 29. It was sort of cross country’s way of saying, “We can put on a scrimmage, too.” Each boy and girl ran 1.3 miles, .7 shorter than in the regular meets for the ladies, and 1.7 less than a weekly contest for the young men.
“Really good start,” Llano head coach Joe Downey said.
On Saturday, August 29, 2015, Llano County military veterans are invited to come out to Inman’s BBQ from 11am to 3pm to meet Douglas Reitenga, Veteran WRAP Coordinator for Llano County. Bring proof of veteran status (ID Card, VA Card, DD-214, etc.) and you will receive a ticket for 10% off your meal and your family’s meal.
Casey Callahan, Superintendent of Schools
Monday, August 24, 2015, was the day we opened our doors to our students for yet another great school year. Each year we are presented with the opportunity for a new beginning, new goals, renewed friendships, new classes, new experiences…and the list goes on. How we choose to utilize these new opportunities will set the stage for the school year.
The Hill Country CattleWomen will begin their new year with the Administrative Committee hosting. The meeting will be held September 15, 2015 at the Hanger Hotel/Convention Center, located at the Airport in Fredericksburg. The cost of the meal will be $18.00. The Social Hour will begin at 10:00 am, with the meeting and lunch to follow.
There’s a different feel to this week. It’s that subtle shift in the flow around and through the library after school starts. We won’t have the kiddos popping in and out throughout the day, checking out books, getting on the computers, and just hanging out.
Instead, come 3:30 each afternoon, there will be a steady influx of all age of schoolchildren into the library.
LLANO, TEXAS “Meet the Artist” reception, preview and sale will be held September 18, 2015 from 5:30pm – 8 pm at the Llano County Historical Museum. This is a ticketed event; tickets are $25 and may be purchased at the museum or at Space is limited!
A live auction of western art and gear will be held September 19, 2015 in the American Legion Hall at 200 Legion Loop in Llano.
Over the last couple of weeks fire departments throughout Llano County and the surrounding area have been battling blazes, fires that cover hundreds of acres. High winds and extremely dry conditions prompted Commissioners to table the Burn Ban, leaving it in effect.
Dry conditions also mean that LCRA is continuing its efforts to amend its water management plan.
In a letter to TCEQ on August 17, LCRA countered a proposed draft of the order, asking that the lakes be required to be maintained at a ...
Council held an executive session at the beginning of the regularly called session on Monday, August 17 to confer with attorneys regarding a pending lawsuit against the City, and the termination of the Groundwater Rights Lease Agreement.
Council met with Texas Municipal League attorney Joanna Salinas regarding a lawsuit brought against the city by former employee Glenn Pittman.
Casey Callahan, Superintendent of Schools
Monday, August 24, 2015, was the day we opened our doors to our students for yet another great school year. Each year we are presented with the opportunity for a new beginning, new goals, renewed friendships, new classes, new experiences…and the list goes on. How we choose to utilize these new opportunities will set the stage for the school year.
BURNET—Runners don’t exactly take up too much time—that is the idea, I guess. Even less, August 22, as relays were held at Haley Nelson Park, a few meters from Highway 29. It was sort of cross country’s way of saying, “We can put on a scrimmage, too.” Each boy and girl ran 1.3 miles, .7 shorter than in the regular meets for the ladies, and 1.7 less than a weekly contest for the young men.
“Really good start,” Llano head coach Joe Downey said.
Many of us remember being introduced to the world of gymnastics in 1976 when Romanian Nadia Comaneci won three gold medals in the Summer Olympics in Montreal. Four years later in Russia, she captured two more.
In 1984, 16-year-old American, Mary Lou Retton, got our attention in Los Angeles by winning gold, two silvers, and two bronze medals.
Kiehana Palmares, 10 years of age, a Llano Elementary student, did rather well herself in the National Junior Olympics in late July and early August in Vir ...
David Waters, Llano ISD Assistant Superintendent
The 2015-2016 school year is about to begin. All Llano ISD staff members are busy getting ready to welcome our students on Monday, August 24th. While our focus is on the upcoming year, this is also a great time to reflect on the accomplishments of last year. Recently, the Texas Education Agency released the annual accountability results for each district and campus in Texas.
“How sweet it is!” As comedian Jackie Gleason said in a bygone era. Llano High football coaches, players, and fans are saying it after the second and final scrimmage, August 20, against Sonora.
The synthetic turf by GreenFields enjoyed a successful maiden voyage, and head coach Craig Slaughter emphasized, “We came a long way this week.
Besides desiring a good showing against Sonora on the night of Scrimmage 2, which happened, Llano fans were eager to see the sparkling, new carpet. Fake grass seems like such a gauche phrase. I heard no dissenters in a brief pilgrimage to the stands and got these comments from the participants:
Craig Slaughter: “What a proud facility.
The Hill Country CattleWomen will begin their new year with the Administrative Committee hosting. The meeting will be held September 15, 2015 at the Hanger Hotel/Convention Center, located at the Airport in Fredericksburg. The cost of the meal will be $18.00. The Social Hour will begin at 10:00 am, with the meeting and lunch to follow.
On Saturday, August 29, 2015, Llano County military veterans are invited to come out to Inman’s BBQ from 11am to 3pm to meet Douglas Reitenga, Veteran WRAP Coordinator for Llano County. Bring proof of veteran status (ID Card, VA Card, DD-214, etc.) and you will receive a ticket for 10% off your meal and your family’s meal.
Marion Alene Golden, 90, of Kingsland, Texas passed away August 16, 2015. She was born to Alvin Ira and Oma Bell (Cave) Mosley on January 10, 1925 in Garrett, Texas.
Marion loved to fish, sew, and sing in the choir at church. She took great pride in sewing clothes for her daughters and made all their prom dresses.
Marvin Darrel Thurman, born in Austin Texas on May 19, 1937 to Truman Darrel Thurman and Ethel Leola Thurman (Hudson) passed away on August 22, 2015 after a long fight with illness.
Darrel was a native Bee Cave, Texas resident and was an avid supporter of the rodeo community and a lifelong rancher and cowboy who was loved by many.
Darrel is preceded in death by his mother and father.
Morris William Sherry passed away on August 23, 2015. He was born on August 31, 1925 to Allie and Maggie Sherry in Gonzalez, Texas. He served in the military from March 14, 1945 until he was discharged as a Private First Class (PFC) on October 17, 1946.
He married Virginia Merle Buchanan in Georgetown, Texas on October 14, 1949.
Attention all ladies! Please join us for an exciting Bible study on the book of Exodus! Our twelve week study begins September 9 and ends December 2.
We will meet each Wednesday from 9:15 am to 11:00 am at the Lutie Watkins Memorial United Methodist Church which is located at 800 Wright Street in Llano.
Childcare is provided at no cost for infants and preschool age children.
In our house, we have a rule that has enabled us to live at peace with one another for more years than I can count. That rule is simple, “Don’t mess with my space and I won’t mess with your space.”
I must admit some rather close calls have challenged that relationship during those years.
Yielding to temptation can be costly. A moment of weakness may bring years of regret. It is dangerous to take temptation lightly.
Moses led his people out of their slavery in Egypt to freedom. He endured their complaining and criticism of his leadership and prayed for them when their destruction seemed imminent.
In last week’s editorial, we considered the latest drought predictions by climate scientists that the next 30 years going forward will bring more drought, reduced rain fall, and hotter weather to Central Texas.
How will this effect electricity supply and rates for Llano, and all Texans?
To set the context, ERCOT (the Texas grid operator) experienced an all-time record peak load during the afternoon of August 10, which drove reserve margin toward a worrisome 4 percent.
Over 500 Central Texas Electric Co-op customers, members and spouses, gathered in the Fredericksburg High School Auditorium on August 18, as CTEC hosted its 68th Annual Members’ Meeting. CEO Robert A. Loth III welcomed them and introduced the eleven-member Board of Directors. Jack Asbill from Mason provided an invocation.
The business of the meeting included the election of four directors to represent their respective districts on the Board.
If you missed the Seaquist House Foundation’s first “official” tour since purchasing the house held on July 11th during Roundup, we now have a schedule of regularly scheduled tours. They will be held the first Saturdays of the month on September 5, October 3, November 7 and December 5. The tours will run from 10:00 a.m.
Become a sponsor or donor for the Annual Golf Tournament and Silent Auction
Burnet, Blanco, Llano and Lampasas: Just like a golfer swinging at a ball in a sand trap, many local families try to get away from abuse but often find themselves haunted by the violence that traumatized them.
When you become a sponsor or donor for the Highland Lakes Family Crisis Center’s Annual Golf Tournament you help families make a tough shot.
“We see more than 350 individuals a month for various services ranging from counseling to emergency shelter,” said Alma Lahmon, Highland ...
The Commemorative Air Force hosts Warbirds at Gillespie County Airport in Fredericksburg September 4-7
San Marcos, Texas (August 7, 2015) – It’s been 70 years since the US Army Air Force lifted into the air to create the largest air armada ever to fill the skies during World War II, but on Friday through Monday September 4 through 7, five rare WWII warbirds will be roaring over Fredericksburg, Texas.
Leading the flight into Gillespie County Airport on Labor Day weekend will be Texas Raiders ...