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The Llano News

October 28, 2015 Issue

Doris Faye King, 90, passed peacefully into her savior’s arms on Tuesday October 13, 2015. Born August 11, 1925 in Brownfield, Texas to Austin and Drucilla Spivey, Doris was a devoted wife and mother, who also found time to earn an Associate’s Degree in Nursing. With nursing skill and maternal instinct she raised her five sons in Odessa, Texas, moving to central Texas with her husband Robert in 1980. Doris was an accomplished artist and seamstress, as well as a dedicated volunteer for the H ...
This is one of my favorite stories—catching up with the point parade in Big 12 football. If these stats cause you to seek nausea control, read at your own risk. The top three teams in the NATION in scoring are from Texas. Baylor is averaging close to 64 points a game; TCU, 50.1; and Texas Tech, 49.4.
LAMPASAS—About a year ago, Jason Gann did not have a great run in the shadow of the Badger campus, but he followed it a short time later by helping the Llano boys finish second in district on the same course. This month, he was a fine third in the tune-up competition here, but pushed that off the lead paragraph, October 16, when he galloped past Taylor’s Erik Capilla in the closing 50 meters to claim the silver medal in the 25-4A meet.
WIMBERLEY—A couple of people asked me at the Lytle game here who I was scouting for. I responded in my usual calm way: “I’m NOT a scout!” I went to the October 16 (one-sided) clash to get to know the Pirate players better for the broadcast of October 23 when they host Llano, which had a bye last week. If you would like a fan’s scouting report, I can do that with two names: Lytle running back, Chris Cedeno.
Texas high schools can compete for $100,000 grant and a private concert for teen driver safety efforts The Celebrate My Drive® program from State Farm challenges high schools to demonstrate how they will address teen driver safety at their high school or in their communities. Celebrate My Drive encourages teens to make positive choices behind the wheel, like Drive 2N2® — 2 eyes on the road, 2 hands on the wheel.
Duty called me from the couch where I was watching a college football game, one of my favorite pastimes. We were planning to leave on a trip to New York early the next week so our lawn had to be raked and mowed on Saturday, college football’s game day. One of the teams in the game I had started watching was a top contender for the national championship, increasing the temptation to leave the leaves to themselves.
Whenever anybody says things can’t get any worse, they usually do. No matter how bad something is, there is always a good chance it will get worse. Experience may not be my best teacher, but sometimes it is the only teacher on duty. This is where I have a wee bit of a conflict with the Gracious Mistress of the Parsonage.
Prior to the building of Buchanan Dam it was necessary to relocate over 400 graves that would eventually be covered over by the rising waters of the Colorado River. Several cemeteries were involved in both Llano and Burnet Counties, but the largest number of re-interments came from the cemetery at Old Bluffton.
Farmers and ranchers in Llano County who were forced to sell livestock because of drought have been granted more time to replace livestock and defer tax on any gains from the forced sales, said Bill Tuckness, Llano County Farm Bureau president. The one-year extension of the replacement period applies to sales of draft animals, breeding livestock or dairy animals. “The deferment for purchasing replacement animals is normally four years,” Tuckness said.
October 19, 2015 Toby James Floyd, 41, Llano, Tx.; Driving W/ Lic Inv W/Prev Conv/ Susp/ W/O Fin; MB; $1500 Bond; Released. David E. Garcia, 35, Granite Shoals, Tx.; Driving W/ Lic Inv W/Prev Conv/Susp/ W/O/ Fin; MB; $3000 Bond; MTR Theft $50-$500; MB; $2500 Bond; Not Released. Luke Allen Mortenson, 25, Granite Shoals, Tx.; MTRP Criminal Mischief, MA; No Bond; Assault Causes Bodily Injury Family Violence; MA; $507 Fine; Evading Arrest/ Detention – CPF; MA; $1007 Fine; Not Released. October 20 ...
Richard C. Smith, age 64, of Llano, passed away at his residence on October 15, 2015. He was born on January 15, 1951 in San Saba, Texas to Alfred Smith and Rutha (Rankin) Smith. Richard had served during Vietnam with the U.S. Air Force. He married Mary Jene Randolph on August 4, 1973 in Nashville, Tennessee and had been a resident of Llano since 1980. Richard had worked for the M.J.
Dear Editor, I read a City Councilman’s letter to the editor last week insinuating that he alone had come up with a contraption to separate sand and aggregate in the river, and wanting to pay tax dollars for a study on this elaborate unit. My question is - since we have finally found a contractor to pay the city $100,000 plus a year, and sales tax revenue for our river sand, why in the world would we pay tax dollars for something that would take away from that yearly income? God knows we coul ...
Since the Texas Constitution was adopted in 1876, Texas voters have approved 483 amendments to the Constitution, making it one of the longest state constitutions in the country. The current Texas Legislature has proposed seven more amendments to the Constitution for voters to consider this election cycle ranging from tax exemptions to sports team charitable raffles to whether hunting and fishing merit constitutional protection. Proposition 1 would increase the amount of the residence homestead ...
Mental health disorders not only impact individuals, they have a tremendous impact on their families, support systems and communities. In the past year, over 500 hours of crisis mental health services were provided to individuals suffering mental illness within Llano County!  This does not include the disproportionate number of hours spent by our law enforcement officers and first responders assisting individuals with mental health concerns.  Through the State-sponsored ...
By Briley Mitchell Over the past two months there have been six new flag poles added to the grounds of the Llano County Courthouse. On Thursday, October 15 they were used for the first time. Initiated by Llano County Judge Mary Cunningham, and with the assistance of Llano Christian Academy students, those in attendance were given a brief history of the Six Flags of Texas.
By Briley Mitchell Visitors to Llano crossing the Roy Inks Bridge may have wondered what was happening Thursday evening, as chuck wagons lined the banks of the Llano River, smoke coming from the host wagon, Crossroads from Midland, Texas, and a few more cowboy hats than normal, even for Llano. There was the gathering at Main Street Affairs that looked more like an old west saloon with cowboys and cowgirls from the Llano Wild West PRCA Rodeo.
At Monday night’s meeting of the Llano ISD Board of Trustees Superintendent Casey Callahan was glowing in his praise for two of the district’s recent achievements. Callahan recognized Matthew Cohen as a “Commended Student” in the National Merit Scholarship Program. The program tests 1.5 million students in three categories. Matthew scored in the top 5 percent to earn the recognition. LHS Principal David Wuest said Matthew’s scores put him in the top 3 percent, but that the National Me ...
The Llano City Council met in regular session on Monday, October 19. City of Llano Municipal Airport employee Larry Cook, was recognized by the city as employee of the month. Council voted to approve an ordinance that would allow the city to charge citizens for the time it takes staff to gather information for requests made under Texas’ Public Information Act, once the time spent exceeds a certain number of hours used by staff.
At Monday night’s meeting of the Llano ISD Board of Trustees Superintendent Casey Callahan was glowing in his praise for two of the district’s recent achievements. Callahan recognized Matthew Cohen as a “Commended Student” in the National Merit Scholarship Program. The program tests 1.5 million students in three categories. Matthew scored in the top 5 percent to earn the recognition. LHS Principal David Wuest said Matthew’s scores put him in the top 3 percent, but that the National Me ...
WIMBERLEY—A couple of people asked me at the Lytle game here who I was scouting for. I responded in my usual calm way: “I’m NOT a scout!” I went to the October 16 (one-sided) clash to get to know the Pirate players better for the broadcast of October 23 when they host Llano, which had a bye last week. If you would like a fan’s scouting report, I can do that with two names: Lytle running back, Chris Cedeno.
LAMPASAS—About a year ago, Jason Gann did not have a great run in the shadow of the Badger campus, but he followed it a short time later by helping the Llano boys finish second in district on the same course. This month, he was a fine third in the tune-up competition here, but pushed that off the lead paragraph, October 16, when he galloped past Taylor’s Erik Capilla in the closing 50 meters to claim the silver medal in the 25-4A meet.
This is one of my favorite stories—catching up with the point parade in Big 12 football. If these stats cause you to seek nausea control, read at your own risk. The top three teams in the NATION in scoring are from Texas. Baylor is averaging close to 64 points a game; TCU, 50.1; and Texas Tech, 49.4.
Mark Hierholzer will be presenting a concert of free improvisation on the piano at Hill Country Evangelical Free Church, 107 East Lower Crabapple in Fredericksburg at 3 PM on Sunday, November 8. Hierholzer is director of the Fredericksburg Chorale and the German Choirs. He performs his compositions and improvisations regularly in Fredericksburg and surrounding areas.
Richard C. Smith, age 64, of Llano, passed away at his residence on October 15, 2015. He was born on January 15, 1951 in San Saba, Texas to Alfred Smith and Rutha (Rankin) Smith. Richard had served during Vietnam with the U.S. Air Force. He married Mary Jene Randolph on August 4, 1973 in Nashville, Tennessee and had been a resident of Llano since 1980. Richard had worked for the M.J.
Doris Faye King, 90, passed peacefully into her savior’s arms on Tuesday October 13, 2015. Born August 11, 1925 in Brownfield, Texas to Austin and Drucilla Spivey, Doris was a devoted wife and mother, who also found time to earn an Associate’s Degree in Nursing. With nursing skill and maternal instinct she raised her five sons in Odessa, Texas, moving to central Texas with her husband Robert in 1980. Doris was an accomplished artist and seamstress, as well as a dedicated volunteer for the H ...
Whenever anybody says things can’t get any worse, they usually do. No matter how bad something is, there is always a good chance it will get worse. Experience may not be my best teacher, but sometimes it is the only teacher on duty. This is where I have a wee bit of a conflict with the Gracious Mistress of the Parsonage.
Duty called me from the couch where I was watching a college football game, one of my favorite pastimes. We were planning to leave on a trip to New York early the next week so our lawn had to be raked and mowed on Saturday, college football’s game day. One of the teams in the game I had started watching was a top contender for the national championship, increasing the temptation to leave the leaves to themselves.
Dear Editor, I read a City Councilman’s letter to the editor last week insinuating that he alone had come up with a contraption to separate sand and aggregate in the river, and wanting to pay tax dollars for a study on this elaborate unit. My question is - since we have finally found a contractor to pay the city $100,000 plus a year, and sales tax revenue for our river sand, why in the world would we pay tax dollars for something that would take away from that yearly income? God knows we coul ...
Mental health disorders not only impact individuals, they have a tremendous impact on their families, support systems and communities. In the past year, over 500 hours of crisis mental health services were provided to individuals suffering mental illness within Llano County!  This does not include the disproportionate number of hours spent by our law enforcement officers and first responders assisting individuals with mental health concerns.  Through the State-sponsored ...
Farmers and ranchers in Llano County who were forced to sell livestock because of drought have been granted more time to replace livestock and defer tax on any gains from the forced sales, said Bill Tuckness, Llano County Farm Bureau president. The one-year extension of the replacement period applies to sales of draft animals, breeding livestock or dairy animals. “The deferment for purchasing replacement animals is normally four years,” Tuckness said.
Texas high schools can compete for $100,000 grant and a private concert for teen driver safety efforts The Celebrate My Drive® program from State Farm challenges high schools to demonstrate how they will address teen driver safety at their high school or in their communities. Celebrate My Drive encourages teens to make positive choices behind the wheel, like Drive 2N2® — 2 eyes on the road, 2 hands on the wheel.

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