March 30, 2016 Issue
Texas Department of Agriculture recognizes Mason ISD, Mason, TX.
The Texas Department of Agriculture and Agriculture Commissioner Sid Miller honored the Mason ISD child nutrition department with a Perfect Peach Award for its achievement in TDS’s 2015 Local Products Challenge. Participating schools that accepted Commissioner Miller’s challenge and incorporated local ingredients from Texas in at least three meal components - dairy, protein, fruits, vegetables or grains - earn ...
Varsity Cowgirl Track Results--Wall Cotton Patch Relay--Thursday, March 24th
Long Jump--Raegan Palacio, 4th, 14’3¼”:
Shot Put--Kristen Gipson, 1st, 34’6 ½;
Discus--Kristen Gipson, 2nd, 108’11½”;
Triple Jump--Raegan Palacio, 4th, 31’1 ½;
200m--Raegan Palacio, 6th, 29.08;
800m--Angelica Ramirez, 3rd, 2:32.41; Shay Baker, 6th, 2:41.06;
100m Hurdles--Sandra Duarte, 3rd, 17.21;
300m Hurdles--Sandra Duarte, 5th, 51.57;
4x200m Relay--4th, 1:57.08, K’lee Anders, Shay Baker, Raegan Pal ...
Postseason Awards:
Texas Association of Basketball Coaches--
All State--Kayla Guice;
All Region--Kayla Guice & Kenley Stockbridge;
Academic All State--Katy Armstrong, Kayla Guice, & Monaco Schmidt
Texas Girls Coaches Association--2016 1A, 2A, 3A, & 4A Legacy All-Star Team--Kayla Guice; All-State--Kayla Guice; Academic All State--Katy Armstrong, Kayla Guice, & Monaco Schmidt
San Angelo Standard Times All West Texas Team--
Super Team--Kayla Guice; 2A Co MVP--Kayla Guice; 2A All We ...
Mason’s 7th & 8th Girls Track teams competed in a dual meet with San Saba on Tuesday, March 22, 2016.
The 7th & 8th girls competed in one division against each other. Their times (& places for field events) are as follows:
Long Jump: Aunnecy Elliott, 3rd, 14’11”; Courtney Hanscheck, 4th, 14’5”; Shea Dudney, 5th, 14’3”
Triple Jump: Aunnecy Elliott, 1st, 30’6”; Kendra Munsell, 3rd, 29’
Pole Vault: Catherine Lemke, 5’6”
High Jump: Courtney Hanscheck, 1st, 4’10 ...
The March 2016 edition of School Administrator magazine has a feature story by Marguerite Roza entitled, "The Productivity of Rural Schools." The article highlighted the superior job that rural districts are achieving in education; and, even singled out comments from Mason I.S.D.'s own superintendent, Pam Kruse, in the article.
The six key elements of success, as identified in the article, are:
• The human touch with students, staff and the community
• Sense of flexibility, creativity and s ...
Varsity Boys:
Midland Christian-135
Grape Creek-89
Richland Springs-40
Colorado City-21
Discus-Balderas 138’8.5” 2nd, Herrera 115’ 4th
Shot - Balderas 39’0 6th
TJ-McMillan 37’2.75 5th
PV-Martinez 8’ 3rd
4x100-Segura, McMillan, Chapman, Herrera 46.6 6th
800-Dudney 2:11.3 4th
110H-Hyatt 15.96 4th, Biershwale 17.1 6th
4x200-Segura, McMillan, Dayton, Herrera 1:38.2 6th
300-Chapman 41.8 2nd, Bierschwale 42.3 4th
1600-Dudney 5:09.31 4th
4x400-Herrera, McMill ...
The Puncher and Cowgirl golf team’s preseason has come to an end. For the most part, we have had a mild spring but the wind has been something else. Of the 7 preseason tournaments we participated in, 6 tournaments dealt with higher than average winds. But, that is the nature of the beast during the spring months.
On Saturday, April 2, The Mason Artisan Gallery will be celebrating six years at our small Sunday House at 117 N. Liveoak. We thank the kind people here in Mason who have patronized our shop.
During this time, we have had visitors and customers from as far away as Australia. We continue to feature paintings oils, watercolors, and acrylics, as well as jewelry, ceramics, cards, gourds, and much more.
There will be a drawing for a door prize, as well as specially priced art displayed on the south ...
Magical Mason is popping with color in more ways than one! Mother Nature is working her magic on the hills and in the valleys, while talented artists are planning displays for their creations during Mason Bloomin’ Arts Fest on Saturday, April 2nd. From 11am-4pm a whole host of artists will be lining the sidewalks with their creations.
For local artist, Karen Sharbo, (featured at the Arnold Art Gallery), color and creativity have always been a part of her life.
The City of Mason will be holding a General Election for City Commissioner District 3 Saturday, May 7, 2016. Early voting begins Monday, April 25, 2016 in the City Office Building, 124 Moody St., and concludes Tuesday, May 3, 2016. Early voting hours are 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. The City has allowed extra hours during Early Voting for individuals that may need the extra time.
Woohoo! It’s spring time here in Mason, TX. The wildflowers are out and they look amazing. In the Chamber office, we have a map with three driving tours to go look at all the wildflowers in the county. Stop by the Chamber office and grab your copy of Mason’s Historic Country Lanes Wildflower Drive.
April has approached us very fast.
It certainly seems like spring now with the warm weather, daylight savings time adjustment and Easter behind us already. The trees are just beginning to bud, and things continue to need tending to around the City. The crews are spraying the weeds that are starting to grow up along the streets and in the park areas, although it will be a constant job to keep up with them for the coming months.
The Mason Garden Club will be holding their Annual SpringPlant Sale on Saturday, April 2, 2016, from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. in front of the Mason County M. Beven Eckert Memorial Library. This is in conjunction with the Friends of the Library Book and Bake Sale.
The club will be selling plants, gardening items, and have a raffle.
The Arnold Art Gallery is featuring the multidimensional work of Karen Sharbo during the Mason Bloomin Art Fest on Saturday, April 2 with an opening reception the evening before from 5 to 7 p.m. on Friday April 1. The work will remain on view in the Gallery through May 11, Monday through Friday from 9 a.m.
Don’t miss the Loyal Valley Volunteer Fire Department’s Fifth Annual Benefit, featuring a “Gun Show” (Buy, Sell or Trade Guns, Knives and Ammo), PLUS a “Rattle Snake Roundup” with the Heart of Texas Snake Handlers.
It all happens Saturday, April 2nd 9-5 and Sunday, April 3rd 10-4 at Ft. Mason Park Community Building and Mason County Fairgrounds.
Event admission is just $5.00 per person, with kids under 6 admitted free!
Mason, Texas is the home of the first ever-high school viticulture program in the state. The soil is some of the best in Texas for growing grapes. Sandstone Cellars Winery has established themselves in Mason but other producers and growers like Compass Rose Winery, previously housed in Mason, have joined the ranks of the wineries on the wine trail along Texas Highway 290, leaving Mason with a strong base of Texas growers but few tourists to enjoy the fruits of their labor.
Tickets are on sale now for the annual Younglife-Mason Chuckwagon Dinner & Dance. This year's event will be held at the beautiful Selah Springs Ranch on the San Saba River (and, only just over the Mason County line). Music will be provided by Lynn Massey & Band.
Reserve a table for you and your friends for $1,000 (a table seats 8 guests).
The Texas AgriLife Extension Service is offering four CEU credit hours at the Multi-County Wildlife Tour to be held on Thursday, April 7, 2016 from 9 am to 3 PM at Mason Mountain Wildlife Management Area located at 6318 Old Katemcy Mason Rd, Mason, TX. The program begins at 9 AM.
The Steady Steps Tournament that we had to reschedule because of the bad weather will now be held on Saturday, April 2.
This one is going to be a lot of fun, and you really need to plan on coming and joining us! There will be a putting tournament, with qualifying beginning at 11:30, and the finals being held after Tournament play has been completed.
A very nice cash prize is going to be awarded to the golfer who makes a hole in one on #2: $10.000.00!
In 1995, the United States entered Somalia and started a campaign against the rebel leaders trying to take over that country. It began on the 31st of March.
The VFW Post in Mason will hold a remembrance of this event at 3 p.m. on the 31st to remember this date in our military history.
All questions about the Mason VFW Post 8554 may be directed to Lawrence Spell, post commander, at 325 429 6224.
The April meeting for Puncher Club will be held on Monday, April 11th at 6:00 p.m. in the high school commons area. New officers will be elected at this time.
On Saturday, April 23rd, 6:30 p.m., at 3610 Road Runner Ridge (two miles south of Mason on Highway 87).
There will be appetizers of various areas: taste of Santa Fe, taste of New Orleans, taste of Asia. Drinks include barrel aged cocktails, wine and beer. Auction items and live music are also on tap.
Esther Wilhelmina Lehmann
Blue eyes sparkling, an infectious smile and laughter ringing through the walls, Esther Lehmann tells yet another story. “Born in a Cow Pen” was a favorite saying she told of her birth on October 5, 1923, at Loyal Valley, Texas, in Mason County.
She was born to Willie and Rebecka Rode Lehmann at the Lehmann Ranch Homestead.
James Luther (Edd) Buntyn
James Luther (Edd) Buntyn passed away Wednesday, March 16, 2016, in Fredericksburg, TX, at the age of 74.
He was born February 24, 1942, in Pontotoc, TX, to Viola (Moore) and Jake Buntyn. Edd served in the United States Air Force, is a Vietnam War Veteran and was a member of the American Legion in Brady, Texas.
He is survived by his wife Jean Buntyn; sons Jess Luther Buntyn and wife Marion of Aurora, CO and Roy Henry Buntyn and wife Tracy of Llano, TX; ...
Charlotte Wartenbach
On Wednesday, March 23, 2016, Charlotte Laverne Haygood Wartenbach went to be with our most gracious Heavenly Father.
She was born in San Angelo on November 15, 1950, to Macy Haygood Jr. and Dorothy “Dottie” Henry Haygood. She spent her childhood in Menard. She was quite a beauty. Charlotte led the Menard High School band as a drum major, twirler and was chosen as Band Sweetheart.
Charlotte married John Wartenbach in Menard in 1969 and they raised two f ...
Used to be brown bag or lunchbox.
Not so simple anymore.
Lots of questions now.
Paper or plastic?
Sweet or unsweetened?
Medium or rare?
Hot tea or iced tea?
Spicy or mild?
Red or green sauce?
With or without cheese?
Mayonnaise or mustard?
Chips or fries?
Regular bun or Texas toast?
Small, medium, or large?
Is that for here or to go?
Smoking or non-smoking?
How many in your party?
Can’t live without it.
Nor without all the questions.
Food servers ask them all day long.
How do you w ...
Here I sit at the computer on Sunday evening. I am overstuffed on Easter goodies. I am exhausted as only Grandmas who have teenage grands understand. The confetti eggs are still in the carton because I forgot to get them out. The pile of laundry in front on the washer is huge.
The Little Saline Community had a few UNFORGETABLE CHARACTERS as did most areas of the rural areas of Texas but I happen to have had the privilege of having known most of them and at least, have good second hand information of those before my time. I have finally reached the status of Senior Citizen at 85 and now have the right to make conversation in an open door and hold up foot traffic to complete my story.
Commentary by Dr. Don Newbury
Texans Taken by Cruising....
Though most may not realize it, the main reason cruise vacations rise to the top of bucket lists is anticipation of sameness--like going to Grandma’s house for Thanksgiving.
Unexpected surprises also delight. Where else can one find delightful path-crossings with others in a setting replete with “non-stops” of food, comfort and entertainment?
Easter was a bit on the cool side, but nothing will cause a woman not to wear a new Spring dress! Jacket, but the jacket will be removed the moment inside. However, there is no longer the hat and gloves, nor is there the matching purse and shoes. I sure hope that style doesn’t come back.
Old times here are not forgotten
Once you get to a certain age, you do things you didn’t used to do. Like reading the ingredient labels on cans of food before you buy them, instead of just to pass the time while you’re eating them. Like planning naps, and actually turning down offers to go do stuff so you don’t have to break your nap appointments.
Tomorrow is Take a Walk in the Park Day. Of course, the Heritage Park walking track is right behind the library, so why not come take a little walk then come on into the library to cool down. You can have a snack, get a book, browse the internet, work on the puzzle—the list goes on.
MENTAL CLARITY and MEMORY are two things that most people assume that they will lose with age. Many people suffer memory loss due to an insufficient supply of nutrients to the brain. The brain along with every other cell in the body is fed by our blood, the “life” of the body.
WHEREAS, service to others is a hallmark of the American character, and central to how we meet our challenges; and
WHEREAS, the nation’s cities/counties are increasingly turning to national service and volunteerism as a cost-effective strategy to meet their needs; and
WHEREAS, AmeriCorps and Senior Corps (Hill Country RSVP) participants address the most pressing challenges facing our communities, from educating students for the jobs of the 21st century and supporting veterans and ...
Clearing Out the Cobwebs - Spring Cleaning
It's that time of year again. Time to rifle through the flotsam and jetsam and to dust it all off, and then put it away for a while.
I like to do that with my physical space, as well as my mental space. So, let's get out the broom!
Though the Republicans are down to only three candidates and the Democrats to two, there couldn't be more drama, smears, innuendo and intrigue in a Real Housewives episode.