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The Llano News

May 18, 2016 Issue

Packsaddle Mountain Battle - August 5, 1873, an original painting by Jack Moss, was donated to the Llano Historical Society and will be on display at the Llano County Historical Museum. (Photo by Briley Mitchell)
A Llano High School teacher was arrested Friday after allegations surfaced that she had an improper relationship with a student. Clarissa Sue McDaniel, 28, of Llano, was arrested and charged with two counts of an improper relationship between an educator and a student. LHS administration notified the Llano Police Department of the allegations about 10 a.m.
Ronnie Rudd, right, has been named “Jacket for Life,” one of the most prestigious awards presented by the Llano Independent School District. Rudd recently retired from his post as school board president.
Jenifer Neatherlin was introduced as the new Llano High School principal at Monday’s school board meeting. Neatherlin, the first-ever female principal at LHS, begins her new duties July 1. She succeeds David Wuest, principal since 2010. Wuest is retiring. Neatherlin comes to Llano after two years as principal of Abell Junior High School in Midland.
The funding formula for public education in Texas stands. The state supreme court on Friday upheld the constitutionality of funding for public education in a 9-0 decision in which the court opinion also called the financing system “a recondite scheme for which the word ‘Byzantine’ seems generous.” However, the court ruled that despite its imperfections, the funding system meets the minimum requirements set out in the state constitution. Llano ISD Superintendent Casey Callahan said he wa ...
Winnie Morgan’s family has a long history in the Presbyterian Church, dating back even before the founding of the First Presbyterian Church in Llano. Morgan’s great, great, great grandfather, Samuel William Tate, moved to what would later be called Llano County from Tennessee in the 1850s. Since there was no Presbyterian Church here, Tate helped found the Methodist Church, Morgan said. The First Presbyterian Church was founded in Llano on May 22, 1881, and moved to its current location at 1 ...
Llano High School principal David Wuest will retire July 1 after 34 years as coach, teacher and administrator in public schools. It’s not a new experience - he’s retired before. Wuest has been a principal of Llano High School since March 22, 2010. That was when he began a temporary stint as an interim assistant principal for four months. “(Llano ISD Superintendent) Dennis Hill was at a conference in Austin.
Outgoing school board members were honored at Monday’s meeting of the Llano ISD Board of Trustees. Retiring school board president Ronnie Rudd was honored at Monday’s meeting. Along with other gifts, the Senior Class of 2016 presented Rudd with an engraved wooden plaque made by the art class. Completing 11 years of service, this year’s seniors were in first grade when Rudd was first elected to the board. Superintendent Casey Callahan retold a story of Rudd’s that typified his character ...
The Llano City Council saw three councilors sworn and elected a mayor pro-tem at Monday’s regularly scheduled meeting. The council canvassed the votes of the May 7 municipal elections that saw Gail Lang re-elected and Sammy Leverett and Bryan Miiller elected to the board. Mayor Mike Reagor issued the oath to each person individually as they were sworn into office for two-year terms. In the election, Leverett had 354 votes, Lang received 324 votes and Miiller received 312 votes as each were el ...
Help protect your family, property and self by signing up for emergency warnings in your neighborhood by voice, text or email at This is a free service available to all residents of Llano County that allows law enforcement and emergency management officials to notify you by telephone or text message in the event of an emergency. This service is also known as Code Red (Regional Notification System or RNS) and is provided to all residents of Llano County as well as those ...
There will be quite a bit of change after Saturday’s election for both the Llano City Council and Llano ISD school board. A trio of newcomers will join the Llano ISD school board, while only one of two incumbents retained a seat in the six-person race for three city council seats.
FREDERICKSBURG — I was certain the date listing on my $30 Rolex had failed me. I was watching the Llano volleyball Jackets, and it read May 5, but, by golly, they were playing like it was mid-September! I mean, I wasn’t ready to change my plans conflicting with November’s regional playoffs, but I was impressed, and teams don’t impress me as much as they used to. “They are putting in the time and effort,” said head coach John Black, “wanting to improve.
The Llano County Commissioners approved the hiring of a mental health deputy and continued to fund the preservation of records at Monday’s regularly scheduled meeting. The commissioners voted unanimously to hire a mental health officer, with most of the funding to come from the state. The county received a grant from the Texas Health and Human Services Commission that will pay the officer’s salary.
Llano County Sheriff Bill Blackburn wants your vote, even though he is the only candidate seeking the office in the Republican Party primary runoff. Blackburn’s would-be opponent in the May 24 runoff election, James Schilling, withdrew from the race last month. However, Schilling’s name remains on the ballot and if Blackburn doesn’t receive the most votes, he won’t be able to return as sheriff.
The candidates for Llano County Commissioner in Precinct 3 disagreed about the need for moving the offices and more at last Thursday’s candidate forum held by the Llano Tea Party. Incumbent Ron Wilson and challenger Mike Sandoval face each other in the May 24 Republican Party runoff. In opening remarks, Sandoval described himself as a conservative, Christian and Republican.
The planning began a year ago when Paul La Fleur first walked into the Llano Chamber of Commerce with questions about opening a kayak rental business at Badu Park. The timing was perfect, the new sand beach had just been opened, the stair into the water and the boat ramp make for easy access, even for overweight, older guys such as myself.
The 2016-2017 officers for the Llano Historical Society, pictured, from left, are: Marilyn Hale, vice president; Rhonda Perkins, treasurer; Denise Kennedy, president; JoAnn McDougall, secretary; and Judy Miller, reporter.
Wayne Christian and Gary Gates each sought votes for the Republican Party nominee as state railroad commissioner at the Llano Tea Party candidate forum last Thursday night. The runoff election is May 24. Christian is a former state representative who spent 14 years in the legislature. He said now is the time for someone with experience to run the commission, as it undergoes scrutiny from the state sunset commission.
Susan King and Dr. Dawn Buckingham, State Senate candidates in District 24, challenged each other’s visions at a forum hosted by the Llano Tea Party last Thursday. King and Buckingham will face off in the May 24 Republican Party runoff primary. King, a current state representative from Abilene, said the runoff is about integrity, and challenged Buckingham’s time on board of directors of for-profit universities.
Five years ago he was thinking about summer and the eighth grade. Today he’s also thinking about summer but before that, the State Championships. Cody Miller began pole vaulting as a seventh grader, and now he’s about to be part of the Track & Field cast that comprises the greatest display of high school talent in Texas. “I’ve worked all year for this,” he told me.
BURNET—Nothing’s ever easy here, is it? The opening night of 7-on-7 wasn’t a total success for the Jackets, but there were some moments worth remembering. And—no surprise—we can confirm before mid-May—barring injury—that Ben Walling will be Llano’s starting quarterback, August 26. Hard core bad news: The Jackets lost to the Bulldogs, 28-7, and to Lampasas, 42-21.
FREDERICKSBURG — I was certain the date listing on my $30 Rolex had failed me. I was watching the Llano volleyball Jackets, and it read May 5, but, by golly, they were playing like it was mid-September! I mean, I wasn’t ready to change my plans conflicting with November’s regional playoffs, but I was impressed, and teams don’t impress me as much as they used to. “They are putting in the time and effort,” said head coach John Black, “wanting to improve.
BURNET—Nothing’s ever easy here, is it? The opening night of 7-on-7 wasn’t a total success for the Jackets, but there were some moments worth remembering. And—no surprise—we can confirm before mid-May—barring injury—that Ben Walling will be Llano’s starting quarterback, August 26. Hard core bad news: The Jackets lost to the Bulldogs, 28-7, and to Lampasas, 42-21.
Five years ago he was thinking about summer and the eighth grade. Today he’s also thinking about summer but before that, the State Championships. Cody Miller began pole vaulting as a seventh grader, and now he’s about to be part of the Track & Field cast that comprises the greatest display of high school talent in Texas. “I’ve worked all year for this,” he told me.
They were just a little more puff-fect than their Junior sisters, and The Game was performed in a way the sport was played long ago—with defense dominating, so the final score would not be 55-52. The Seniors captured the annual Powder Puff skirmish, 6-0, on the lucky—and unlucky night of Friday the 13th. Courtney Mize and Katelyn Blair took care of the points, with Mize throwing to Blair for a 30-yard touchdown not long after the first 20-minute half commenced.
As the season winds down to a close, the Llano Youth Baseball Board would like to take time to give special thanks to those businesses and individuals who helped make our annual fund-raising fish fry a great success! Special thanks go out to Coopers BBQ, Chicken Express, Ben E. Keith, Miiller’s Meats and Lowe’s Grocery Store for making food and supplies donations for the fish fry.
BURNET — Improvement. Could be a rare one-word report, but I’ll leave that to my successors. That lonely 11-letter statement does sum up the Llano High Jackets’ second serving of 7-on-7, May 16. “Definitely played better, offensively for sure,” said head coach Craig Slaughter. He was comparing—or contrasting— the actions of his team with its showing one week before. The arithmetic is one win and two defeats on the follow-up night to 0-2, May 9.
AUSTIN—He was successful on the most important vault of his life—and it ended his career in a most unsuccessful manner. Cody Miller, the Llano High senior, was at Mike Myers Stadium, next door to The House that Royal Built. He was in the Class 4A state championships, the highest rung on the high school Track & Field ladder. The bar was set at 13 feet, six inches, for the best nine vaulters in 4A in Texas.
Induction of the 2016-2017 Llano High School National Honor Society was held during Monday’s academic banquet. Those inducted for the coming year, pictured in no particular order, are: Ashten Altizer, W. Chance Baily, Chantalle Barret, McKenzie Cockerham, Dalton Bauman, Zachary Beasley, Dane Black, Cory Clausen, Matthew Cohen, Caleb Cowan, Hayden Cowart, Blake Dillard, Ray Dixon, Piage Durant, Amber Dyess, Ian Fletcher, Emily Fordyce, Laura Fordyce, Erin Franklin, Sydnee Garrett, Cameron Hall ...
Rebecca Pauline McDade was born on August 16, 1918 to Alfred Thomas Shedd and Nancy Burnes Shedd on the family farm near Gatesville, Texas. She passed away peacefully at home in Buchanan Dam, Texas May 3, 2016. She was the next to the youngest in a family of 12 children.
Winnie Morgan’s family has a long history in the Presbyterian Church, dating back even before the founding of the First Presbyterian Church in Llano. Morgan’s great, great, great grandfather, Samuel William Tate, moved to what would later be called Llano County from Tennessee in the 1850s. Since there was no Presbyterian Church here, Tate helped found the Methodist Church, Morgan said. The First Presbyterian Church was founded in Llano on May 22, 1881, and moved to its current location at 1 ...
Respect is ingrained into our society, whether it be a whole community of respectful people to the lone actions of a few. It is, however, still present and necessary for the society to function. It shows where there is a lack of respect, especially in dysfunctional families. Respect, to me, is knowing your boundaries and just simply having good manners.

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