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The Llano News

June 15, 2016 Issue

Cameron Wayne Hall, an upcoming senior at Llano High School, received his Eagle Scout award on Thursday, June 2. He joins ranks with notable Eagle Scouts such as astronaut Neil Armstrong, former President Gerald Ford, former Texas Governor Rick Perry and his brother, Connor Hall. Cameron’s Eagle Scout project provided Llano High School with a handicap accessible ramp in the back parking lot.
Sunday afternoon at Badu Park is a great time for swimming and relaxing in the Llano River.
It has been a nice spring, lots of rain, and the Llano River has been flowing fast. For the more adventurous, experienced kayakers, it has been a spectacular ride from just east of the bridge all the way to slab road, not recommended for novice boaters. Daily for the past week there have been groups of three or four dropping off just south of the Llano County Historical Museum, making the trek, folks from Marble Falls and Austin exploring parts of the river few get to see. For those that enjoy ...
With the summer driving season well underway, both drivers and motorcyclists are reminded to share the roadway safely. The Texas Department of Transportation reports that an average of one motorcyclist dies in an accident each day on Texas roads. TxDOT reports 455 riders died last year while 1,867 were seriously injured in motorcycle crashes. According to TxDOT, about half of fatal motorcycle crashes result from a car or truck colliding with it.
Two men from San Angelo were killed in the early morning hours of June 8 after a three-vehicle crash near Llano. A Texas Department of Public Safety press release said Darron Walton, 37, and Bryan Keith Owen, 36, were traveling south on Hwy. 71 at the intersection of Hwy. 29 just west of Llano when Walton, the driver of a 2005 Ford Expedition, ran an intersection and hit another vehicle.
Carol Limmer brought onions and garlic to the Llano Christian Academy table on Saturday at the Llano Farmers Market, while Tristen Najar makes his first appearance to the market.
The Llano County Commissioners accepted two short stretches of roads as county roads at Monday’s regularly scheduled meeting. The county officially accepted CR Wootan Lane, Peggy Sue Street and CR Valley View Circle/401 A to be maintained by the county. All of the roads are in Precinct 4.  Richard Wooten, county road and bridge supervisor, said CR Wootan Lane and Peggy Sue Street were up to county standards, but just needed some maintenance.
Lisa Davis, Connie Turner, Kari Miller and Trecy Johnson practice for the upcoming Llano Community Theatre production of Dixie Swim Club The play opens this weekend at the Lantex Theater.
A Llano resident died in a bicycle accident in Michigan on June 7. The fatal bicycle accident occurred on Main Street at about 5:20 p.m., near the Mackinac Island Public Library. A 79-year-old woman, Gail Gregory Johnson of Llano, was riding a rental bicycle west toward the boardwalk when she lost control.
Alexus Cotton takes a cut during a softball camp led by Llano High head coach Bobby Williams.
Last week we presented part one of a two-part, “historical” sports tribute to the events in years ending in 6 — this being 2016. It wasn’t complete, and this symphony will be unfinished, too, but it will add some missing moments I don’t think will bore you. 2006 Peyton Manning won his first Super Bowl ring following the ’06 regular season, as Indianapolis beat Chicago, 29-17. 1996 Tiger Woods claimed a third consecutive U.S.
LAGO VISTA—The Aaron Knuckles Era was unveiled, June 9, in this community well-known for the 30-mile scenic route from Marble Falls. Well, it’s a stretch—not quite 30 miles—to say “unveiled.” The new Llano High boys’ basketball head coach did see his guys play organized ball for the first time, but it was in the Vikings’ summer league. “I’m excited,” Nuckles said.
GEORGETOWN — Two fine performances by Llano High players in the Fellowship of Christian Athletes All-Star Classic football game. Austin-area athletes made up the teams. Offensive lineman Colton Center was on the Gold squad, while linebacker Wyatt Bauman wore Blue. Cody Miller was also chosen but couldn’t play because of a shoulder injury suffered when pole vaulting at state. The youngsters were nominated by their own coaches and picked from this group by All-Star coaches. This was not an Ea ...
Effie “Gail” Johnson, 79, of Llano, Texas died Tuesday June 7 from injuries sustained in a bicycling accident while vacationing with friends on Mackinac Island, Michigan. Gail was born Feb. 10, 1937 in Llano to Thomas and Jewel Gregory. She graduated from Llano High School and Southwest Texas State Teachers College in San Marcos, where she met and married Don Ross “Dugan” Johnson in 1955.
Arthur J. Carl, 48, of Kingsland, Texas passed away on June 5, 2016. He was born to Peet and Violet (Halliburton) Carl on April 8, 1968 in Llano, Texas. Arthur was an HVAC contractor by trade and was a hard worker. He enjoyed motorcycles, fishing, swimming and camping and going to movies.
Dorothy Inez Reeves passed away on Saturday, June 11, 2015 in Brady, Texas at the age of 83. Services were held at 10:00 a.m. on Tuesday, June 14, 2016 with visitation prior to the service from 9:00 a.m.- 10:00 a.m. at Heritage Funeral Home in Brady. Interment followed the service at Rest Haven Cemetery in Brady. Dorothy was born on June 18, 1932 in Llano, Texas to Calvin and Nora (Bradshaw) Ratliff.
Dear Editor, For all the years your (Julie Kelly’s) Dad has struggled over his identity crisis, just as many years were spent teaching our children the difference between a man and a woman. Kids are confused enough as it is. Is it not disrespectful to Llano citizens, for a man to be dressed up as a woman on public display?

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