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The Llano News

February 8, 2017 Issue

Llano Junior High School hosted the District UIL. Academic Meet on Saturday, Jan. 28, and 38 Llano students finished with a medal or ribbon. Approximately 500 students were on campus to compete in 12 different academic events with five school districts being represented: Burnet, Lampasas, Liberty Hill, Llano and Salado. Liberty Hill was crowned the district academic champions with Lampasas coming in second, Salado in third place, Llano in fourth, and Burnet in fifth. Thirty-eight Llano stu ...
In mid-2016, a certified letter came in to the promoters of the Llano City Wide Garage Sale, Llano Main Street, informing them that name City Wide Garage Sale had been trademarked by a company in Austin. That letter had been sent to every other town in Texas that had the same name for their annual event, stating they needed to cease and desist using the name.
Harvey H. Klee, National and Texas State Chaplain for the American Legion, has been invited by Rep. Michael Conaway to open the United States House of Representatives with prayer as the guest chaplain on Feb. 28. Klee will open Congress at noon on the day with a prayer. He is a resident of the Lone Grove community in Llano County, where he lives with his wife, Suzanne.
The Rogers met in California while he was in the Army
When Luke and Tokuyo Rogers first met, schools were segregated, Marilyn Monroe was known as Norma Jean Mortenson, and Dwight D. Eisenhower was president. It was 1956 when Luke, who was stationed as an officer in the U.S. Army at Fort Ord in California, walked into a Japanese restaurant and met his future wife, Tokuyo (aka Teddi), who recently immigrated from Japan. “I’d go in there three or four times a week to eat,” Luke said.
If both measures pass, funds would fix streets, repair swimming pool and improve parks
Llano residents could see plenty of street repairs and improvements to the swimming pool and parks if voters approve a pair of bonds in a May 6 election. The Llano City Council voted unanimously on Monday to call for two bonds to be placed before voters. A $4.785 million bond was placed on the ballot to repair all of the streets in Llano, while a $500,000 bond would repair the swimming pool and make improvements to city parks.
TWO FOR ONE — SENIOR NIGHT, L-R: Jaden Napolez, Cory Dyess, Katie McDonough, Chancey Lange, Bridget Hammes, Lexi Lucas, Erin Franklin, Kaymon Lange, Kris Watson, and Brice Triplett. A tough week for the Jacket teams: each lost to Burnet and Liberty Hill.
SAN SABA — The Llano High powerlifting season had two fine meets in Lampasas and Burnet but eclipsed those shows with a near-perfect day and night in the Armadillos’ gymnasium. The boys, third twice in team totals in January, obliterated the field on Groundhog Day: 42 points to the runner-up Badgers’ 22. They would indeed need six weeks of winter to reach the Jackets’ level of strength. “Really proud of ‘em,” said he ...
A long game was a good one for the Llano baseball Jackets, as they opened scrimmage play on an appropriate night, February 6. On that day in 1895, George Herman “Babe” Ruth was born. Neither the guests from Canyon Lake nor the Jackets homered on this pleasant evening, but Llano prevailed, 9-4. “Saw really good things,” said head coach Stephen Campbell, “that hopefully we can build on.” Drew Baker ripped a double to open the bottom of the ...
MASON — An exceptional couple of scrimmages for the Llano High softball team, February 3-4, at Fredericksburg and in Mason.  “Girls are working extremely hard in practice,” said head coach Bobby Williams. “Everyone’s contributing all over the field.” And especially at the plate: 17 hits in a 12-8 win at Fred, and “only” nine hits, but, uh, 18 runs, on a cold Saturday morning in Mason.
Kyle Cooper has been in Llano for just over a year, but he may have garnered a first on the first — February 1. The Llano High safety, on National Signing Day, agreed to accept a football scholarship at Hastings College in Nebraska. “They liked me, and I liked them,” said Kyle, who appeared in the high school library wearing a Hastings hoody.
Susan Sally Lumpkin, 70, of Tow, passed away on Jan. 29, 2017. She was born to John and Maisie Kirk on Nov. 13, 1946 in Canada. Susan was a fragrance sales rep and also an airline hostess. Susan is survived by her husband, James of Tow, Texas; sons, Kirk Parsons and his wife, Julie of Medina, Ohio, Nolan Gibson and his wife, Lyndsey of Charleston, South Carolina, Rock Gibson of Blackbick, Ohio; bonus children, Sherri Payne and her husband, Steve of Bryan, Shawn Payne and his wife Motty of ...
Dennis Keith Harden, 66, of Llano, passed away Feb. 1, 2017. He was born to Billy and Winona Valentine (Smith) Harden on May 28, 1950 in San Angelo. Mr. Harden was a paint contractor by trade, a competitive horseshoe player, a hunter and fisherman, and loved sitting around a campfire. He is survived by his son, William Harden of Llano, and sister, Bonnie Raines of Llano.
Jacey Leigh Smathers was born in Austin on Jan. 12, 1995 and passed away on Tuesday, Jan. 31, 2017 at the age of 22. She lived in Stephenville while attending Tarleton State University pursuing a degree in nursing. While attending Tarleton State University, she always found time to ride her horses, do a little barrel racing, rope calves and of course hang with the love of her life, Cody.
Joe Allen Shearer was born Sunday, June 11, 1944 at American Fort, Utah and passed away Tuesday morning, Jan. 31, at his daughter’s home in Louisville, Kentucky. Joe is preceded in death by his wife of 48 years, Bernice Rhea Bryant Shearer of Kingsland, who passed away Aug. 31, 2016; his brother, Monte Alfred Shearer of Houston; mother, Virginia Jane Shearer of Sunray; and father, Arthur Lee Shearer of New Mexico. He is survived by two daughters and five grandchildren; Caressia Anette Sh ...
Gary Wayne Nicholas went by many names, Husband, Dad, Father, Bear, Pawpaw, Papa Gary, Pops, Friend, Amigo, and Compadre. He was an incredible man who touched so many lives. He was a man’s man who raised a horde of children and grandchildren with unconditional love. Gary liked to take part in community and to help others.
Dear Editor, Did you know that the City of Llano has an ordinance saying Northland Cable has to offer service to anyone and everyone inside the city limits? So even though Northland’s website might tell you “We are unable to find your address in our database. Your home may not be serviceable,” by city law your home (or business) is serviceable, as Northland must sell you service inside the city limits. All it takes is for the city to enforce the law.

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