February 15, 2017 Issue
His first song to make the Country Music charts was “You Oughta Hear Me Cry” in 1967, and for three decades he had hit after hit and is one of the top names in Country Music history.
On Saturday, Johnny Bush had an 82nd Birthday Bash at the Llano Country Opry with two performances, entertaining close to full houses for each.
Sarah Smith, LADI president
The Llano Alliance for Drug Intervention recently invited county attorney Rebecca Lange and Bill Drake, regional director of Boys and Girls Clubs of America, as guest speakers. Lange presented an idea to the non-profit group about her dream of bringing a Boys and Girls Club of America to Llano. Drake explained how it works and what it does.
If you have never heard of this club, you will be surprised at the variety of things it does for kids.
An early bluebonnet appears just across the street from the Llano Visitor Center. Bluebonnet season is just around the corner.
Current city councilwoman Gail Lang has filed to run for mayor, and is the only person to have filed to run for any position with the City of Llano as of early Tuesday afternoon.
Three spots are up for election in May - mayor and two city council seats. The positions are currently occupied by Mike Reagor (mayor), Paul Hull and Glenn Conner.
If Lang does not win the mayoral election, she will maintain her seat on the city council.
Llano County might see some help to start three projects in the near future. The Llano County Commissioners approved grant applications to CAPCOG (Capital Area Council of Governments) at its Monday meeting that if approved could help citizens in the areas of victim or justice assistance and potentially help fund a Boys and Girls Club.
County attorney Rebecca Lange, who has spearheaded the projects, submitted the applications to the commissioners to gain their approval to submit the grant p ...
Kendall Wenzel had two hits, Feb. 13, as the softball Jackets opened the season with an historic win. See more in sports.
The Llano City Council accepted a bid to sell its certificates of obligation at a less than 10-minute meeting Monday afternoon. The council accepted the lowest bid, from BOK Financial Services, for $1.7 million in certificates of obligation which were passed in January to fund several projects. BOK had the lowest interest rate among six bidders at 3.03 percent.
CeCe Overstreet, center, performs “Ice Ice Baby” at Project Graduation’s Valentine Gala Saturday night at Llano High School. Funds raised at the annual event go to Project Graduation activities.
Only a few games into this basketball season, Llano’s Jerry McSherry claimed his 500th win as a coach. When the Lady Jackets’ season was coming to a close, February 7, at Taylor, he picked up the second ejection of his quarter-century career.
The incident didn’t include any fist-swinging, just a typical coach-referee disagreement where the ref had the only ballot.
“I didn’t feel like he made very good calls,” McSherry told me.
BRADY—One of the best regular seasons in a sport in school history has concluded for Llano High, which must stand for “Power” in powerlifting. The Jacket boys, after two excellent thirds in team competition the first half of the campaign, finished with back-to-back gold medals in San Saba, February 2, and in Brady, February 9.
President Trump lives at the magical address of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, and Dakoda Trull surpassed magical 1600 pounds for the first time in his superb career in ...
Softball’s Lady Jackets could not get that initial win on the new diamond in 2016, so they decided this season it would be, well, the first priority, and on a sometimes rainy opening night, Llano claimed a Valentine’s Day gift a few hours early by smashing Mason, 12-0, in a four-and-a-half inning, runrule contest.
Bobby Williams addressed his squad shortly after the game ended: “There can be no other Jackets’ team which can win the first game on this field.”
Words for the ages.
SALADO—You just never know who you are going to run into these days. Coach Joe Downey was one of the first people I saw in the Broncos’ gymnasium, February 10. No big surprise—his son, Kendall, plays on the Jackets’ team which was in town.
“Guess who’s here tonight?” he asked. “No clue,” I responded.
Marshall Wilson passed away Tuesday, Feb. 7, 2017 in Fredericksburg, at the age of 78. He was born April 27, 1938 in Austin, to Monroe Wilson and Amelia (Delz). Marshall was a resident of Fredericksburg for 20 years since coming from Llano.
Marshall is preceded in death by his parents, Monroe and Amelia Wilson; brother, Raymond Wilson; sisters, Lola Ashby, Ardell Lackey, Ona Marie Gellermann, Vera Kneese, and Nina Belle Johnson.
He is survived by numerous nieces, nephews, and cousins.
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