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The Llano News

February 22, 2017 Issue

A free weather spotter training class will be conducted by the National Weather Service (NWS) on Tuesday, Feb. 28, from 5:30-7:30 at the Llano Public Library. Paul Yura from the local NWS office will deliver this informative class designed to give those attending the essential knowledge and standards necessary to become an official weather spotter for the NWS.
Were you aware that Llano ISD gives a local homestead exemption in addition to the state mandated homestead exemption? We do. While we are happy to provide that extra “relief” to homeowners, this local exemption has affected the amount we pay back to the state in recapture or “Robin Hood.” As the vast majority of you are aware, Llano ISD is a “property rich” district and must give approximately 50 percent of our property tax collections to the state each year. Llano ISD has paid rec ...
Llano Christian Academy students were kidnapped by pirates on Valentine’s Day at the Dabbs Hotel.
Kristie and Allen Hopson of Llano show off their winnings from the Castell General Store’s annual chili cook-off held Saturday. They finished first in a field of 18 teams, which came from as far as Houston.
“I have a martini shaker and I am not afraid to use it,” a line from the Llano Community Theatre’s production of the “Dixie Swim Club,” which was performed Friday and Saturday at the Lantex Theater. The play is a Jones, Hope, Wooten comedy featuring five friends that meet every summer at the same guest cottage.
All but one local municipality posted increases in sales tax remittances distributed in February 2017 over receipts received in February 2016, bucking the statewide decline in the average sales tax revenues distributed this month to Texas cities. The City of Horseshoe Bay received $93,001 in sales tax remittances in February, a 25.66 percent increase over the $74,007 it received for the same period last year.
There’s gold in the Llano River, and Kevin Green is just the guy who wants to help you find it. Green, the secretary of the Round Rock chapter of the Gold Prospectors Association of America, was one of the many vendors in town Saturday for the Texas Prospectors Get-to-Gather at the Llano County Community Center. Even though there is gold and other minerals to be found in the river, Green said you have to work at it to find them. “For the most part, the gold that is in this river is fin ...
Candidates for the May 6 municipal and school board elections are set. The City of Llano will have a contested election for mayor and two council seats, while there is only one candidate for each of the positions for the Llano ISD board of trustees. Current city councilwoman Gail Lang will face Cheryl Crabtree for the office of mayor.
LaVina Mitchell crowned Inspirational Queen
LaVina Mitchell was an active 46-year old almost a dozen years ago when she suffered a major stroke. She was in a coma for four days and then spent another 42 days in the hospital learning to do the simplest things, such as breathing, swallowing and eating. Mitchell still suffers from Aphasia and Apraxia, which means she cannot speak even a short sentence or even write. But despite it all, Mitchell’s beaming smile and courageous determination gave her a big honor last Sunday -- a crown o ...
CANYON LAKE — Opening Night isn’t always special, but it certainly is when you are victorious. The baseball Jackets combined superb hitting with possibly better pitching and humbled the Hawks, 10-1, on a chilly evening which wrapped up Presidents’ Day. “Always good, coming out scoring early, picking up a crooked number,” said head coach Stephen Campbell.
SAN MARCOS — The man has spent so much time at Final Fours you’d think he helped install peach baskets for Dr. Naismith. We catch up with Jerry English from time to time as the Kingsland resident is inducted into a Hall of Fame, reaches a “by-the-hundred” milestone — 1,227 coaching wins — or prepares for another weekend-quest for a state basketball championship. The Faith Academy Lady Flames of Marble Falls whipped the Texas School for the Deaf, in San Marcos, February 18, 47-28, to ...
There was — or still is — a grand ol’ baseball demand: “Hit ‘em where they ain’t.” Not much use in English class, but you get the point, and the Llano softball Jackets, February 17, followed the advice by collecting 18 hits in four innings and fed the Comfort Deer an 18-6 setback. “Hit the ball extremely well,” said head coach Bobby Williams.
Not enough sugar in a Mt. Everest-sized Hershey Bar to sweeten the Llano boys’ basketball season: one win and a second consecutive winless district campaign. This was the first year for Aaron Nuckles, a stranger to so many negative outcomes — he won a hundred games in five years at Lometa. He sat down with me to deliver these thoughts on 2016-17 and the future. “It was a painful trip overall; I know I am a better coach now than I was three months ago — because I’ve had to teach myself ...
Jerry Simpson Graves passed away on “Valentine’s Day”, February 14, 2017 in Blanco, Texas at the age of 84. She was born April 25, 1932 in Brady, Texas to Sam Houston Simpson of Field Creek, Texas and Carrie Vonn (Bozarth) of Llano, Texas. Jerry was a resident of Blanco, Texas for two years and was a former resident of Llano, Pyote, and San Saba, Texas.
Spencer “Spence” DeWitt Tanksley, 70, of Bertram, Texas, passed away on February 17, 2017 at Baylor Scott & White Hospital in Round Rock. Born in Burnet on June 1, 1946 to Dr. T.D. Tanksley, Jr. and Margaret (McAndrew) Tanksley, Spencer spent his early childhood in Llano. There he made lifelong friends whom he considered family before moving to Bryan where he graduated from Stephen F.
Mrs. Duery Menzies ne LaWanda Dawn Osbourn of Fredericksburg, Texas passed away on Friday, February 10, 2017 in the Main Methodist Hospital in San Antonio, Texas at the age of 75 years. She was born March 10, 1941 in Llano, Texas the daughter of Clarence Osbourn and Clytie Larrimore Osbourn, obtained Bachelor’s degree from Abilene Christian College, married Max Duery Menzies on May 11, 1968 in Llano, Texas, worked as Extension Home Economist in Tom Green, Taylor and Gillespie Counties, follow ...
Barbara Nelle Kuhlman Thompson, age 92, passed away peacefully on February 1, 2017, at Windcrest Nursing & Rehabilitation Center in Fredericksburg, Texas, where she had resided for a year. Barbara was born in Amarillo, Texas, on January 13, 1925, to Howard Philip and Vivian Farmer Kuhlman. She also lived in Shamrock, Texas, and both Toledo and Cleveland, Ohio, as a child.
Former Llano resident, Joann Talbert Jones Dees, 86, died in San Antonio, February 2, 2017 after a short illness. She was born April 5, 1930 in Taft, Texas and graduated from Southwestern University in Georgetown with a degree in music education. She married Matt Dees Jr. of Llano in 1954 and their four children were born in Llano. She taught piano and directed the choir at the Lutie Watkins Memorial United Methodist Church until Mr.
Dear Editor, I read an article that was published in The Llano News on Feb. 8, 2017, regarding issues with Northland Cable. I would like to ask why Northland Cable pays the City of Llano for a franchise, but they do not pay Llano County for their outside plant that serves their subscriber base in the County of Llano. Northland Cable has a fiber optic backbone structure throughout the city and county of Llano that has increased not only their bandwidth, but their income as well.

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