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The Llano News

March 1, 2017 Issue

Valentine’s Day royalty was recently crowned at Llano Rehabilitation and Nursing Center. The queen was Mary Lind and the king was Ray Caples.
Llano municipal judge Jim Deer is retiring. Deer’s retirement was announced after a closed session of the Llano City Council at a meeting on Feb. 21. He will retire in May. The council voted to give city manager Scott Edmonson the authority to select a committee to come up with a job description for Deer’s replacement. The council briefly discussed the number of meetings it has each month, but decided to leave things as they are for now.
Baylor Scott & White Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation – Llano held an open house on Thursday at its newly remodeled clinic at 1100 Ford Street. The $350,000 remodel has changed the appearance of the building greatly, creating a more open space for physical medicine and rehabilitation. On hand for the open house, complete with finger foods and desserts prepared by physical therapy staff, was Bramer Owens, the chief operating officer of the Hill Country Region Baylor Scott and White H ...
Llano County will continue to use KOFILE to preserve its records. The county commissioners on Monday approved the third installment of record preservation with the Dallas-based company. This contract will cover the indexing of records from December 1965 through October 1983. Once the work is done, citizens may use county computers to access the public documents.
The Llano ISD Board of Trustees canceled its May 6 election. The candidates for Places 3 and 4, Rick Tisdale and Cody Fly, respectively, have no opposition. Holding an election costs the district money, so with no contest, no expenditure is necessary. Also at Monday’s school board meeting, the trustees did not extend the contract of Packsaddle Elementary Principal Maela Edmonson after a closed session to review administrators.
Two candidates for office in Llano have withdrawn, meaning there will not be a competitive race for city council or mayor on the May 6 ballot. Cheryl Crabtree has withdrawn from the mayor’s race, while Jeanne Puryear has withdrawn from the city council race. That means Gail Lang will be mayor.
A pair of historical markers along Hwy. 71 in Llano County have been vandalized. The historical markers near Packsaddle Mountain, at CR 309 and near CR 308, have been sprayed by paint. Karylon Hallmark Russell, co-chair of the Llano County Historical Commission, said they were informed of the vandalism by email. She said the state historical commission is currently looking at the matter. “This is the first time something like this has come up, there’s been no prior incidents that we kn ...
FREDERICKSBURG — You would think when Llano loses five out of six games — three, badly — there wouldn’t be much good to find on the Billies’ softball diamond, February 23-25. Maybe not in the box scores, but in the resilience of the players, the determination of some reserves, in the patience of the head coach, and even in the hallways of Llano High. “Girls were showing so much grit and fight,” said Bobby Williams.
FREDERICKSBURG — A good time was NOT had by all. There was No Joy in Mudville one afternoon and none for the Jackets, February 23-25, at the 30th annual EberleBoeck tournament on the Billies diamond. “We’re taking good swings but nothing to show for it,” said an understandably, frustrated head coach, Stephen Campbell.
BLANCO — A strong young man and a lithe young lady were double gold medalists for the Jackets, as the Track & Field season debuted February 23 with the Panther Relays. Ray Dixon wasn’t in midseason form — he was approaching Mike Myers Stadium form, with a throw of 53 feet, four inches in the shot put and a 166-11 heave of the discus.

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