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The Llano News

May 17, 2017 Issue

The Llano City Council did not fill its vacant seat at Monday’s meeting. The seat became vacant after councilor Gail Lang was elected mayor. The seat left to fill would be for the final year of Lang’s council term. The council solicited feedback from the community and three people applied. They are Cheryl Crabtree, Mary Dannelley and Virginia Walker. The council can choose someone from that list or someone else, can elect not to fill the position or can call for an election.
On Saturday evening, the Lantex Theater was host to the 18th anniversary of the Llano Country Opry, and superstar from the 1980s and ‘90s, Doug Supernaw. Those that were in the audience were treated to another night of music that can compete anywhere in the state of Texas. From the opening number by the Llano Country Opry Band to the closing by the night’s headliner, traditional country music resonated throughout the walls of the 90 year old theater, and a little Rock N Roll. Kaye Tolson an ...
On Thursday afternoon, history was in the making for Llano and the Llano City Council. Results of the general election on May 6 were approved by city council. Mayor Mike Reagor read the outcome to Alderwoman Gail Lang and Alderman Sammy Leverett, who in turn approved each of the three issues that voters overwhelmingly approved. A local option election which would allow the sale of all alcoholic beverages, including mixed beverages, a $4.785 million bond measure to improve all streets in th ...
Monday’s Llano ISD school board meeting started out with the swearing in of board members. Gena Schuessler, administrative secretary, administered the statement of elected officer and oath of office to Rick Tisdale (Place 3) and Cody Fly (Place 4). Both were unopposed in the May 6 election and will serve full three-year terms.
Mary Christian thought her daughter would be “wasting a stamp” by entering the ‘Llano’s Luckiest Mom’ contest - but she was glad to be proven wrong. She was the lucky winner of gifts and gift certificates from 15 businesses in the contest. She dropped by The Llano News office and was presented the gifts and gift certificates by Cassandra Leeds, right.
Llano native Gail Lang was sworn in as the city’s new mayor last Thursday afternoon. The first female to take on the job, she was all smiles and filled gratitude: both happy and grateful for the opportunity to serve her community. She was on the city council for three years prior to being sworn in as mayor. Gail and her sister, Sondra, were adopted by Norman and Julia Oestreich Holtzer in 1954.
Joe Bill Watkins became a Jacket for Life, May 11. This is one of the school’s most prestigious honors. Joe Bill, Class of 1961, is a most generous Llano ISD benefactor. He is also a member of the LHS Hall of Fame. An attorney who lives in Austin, Joe Bill was recently inducted into the University of Texas Intramural Hall of Fame.
BURNET—The Llano High quarterback controversy had a somewhat official life of a couple of weeks. It’s over for now. Ben Walling, the starter in 2015 and ’16, has decided not to play this season. Cade Fly, the junior varsity QB last year, has the job unless someone else—a young man unbeknownst to me—comes along. Head Coach Craig Slaughter said Ben came into his office a few days ago and told him of his decision.
Katherine is the back nine of an 18-hole match. That’s Llano High senior, Katherine McDonough. She’ll play golf for Angelo State. Her brother, Tyler, Class of 2015, is a sophomore playing on the links at Texas A&M-Commerce. Name another Jacket brother-sister combo who were collegiate golfers at the same time.
AUSTIN—Finishing third or fourth in a State Track & Field Meet is superb. So—what Ray Dixon did, May 12, to ascend to both rungs of the ladder—must be the twins of superb. “A dogfight beyond belief,” Ray said, following the shot put at Mike Myers Stadium. On his fifth throw out of six, he hurled the iron ball 52 feet, 10-and-three-quarter inches, and climbed from fourth one notch to win a Class-4A bronze medal. “He loves to work and get better at it,” declared throwers’ coac ...
Dear Editor, Thank you to Patty Pfister for her May 10, 2017 well written and documented rebuttal treatise in part to the “historical?” undocumented article by Karylon Hallmark Russell of April 26, 2017 regarding the German immigrants of Castell. Mrs. Pfister gave documented evidence of the first Llano County elections, the persons by name of whom were first elected and served in public office, the secession vote, county line changes, and at least 29 men, all Castell German immigrants, who ...

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