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The Llano News

May 24, 2017 Issue

The Ford Street facade of the Llano Library will soon have a new, old look. The Llano County Commissioners on Monday approved improvements to the library that will make it more appealing and more historic-looking. The Friends of the Llano Library and Llano Main Street program’s facade grant will fund most of the improvements, while the county will do some painting and power was the front. The three buildings, which are now one, were many things before becoming the library in 1989.
The Buchanan Volunteer Fire Department will purchase equipment to safely and quickly refill firefighter air tanks with the help of a $24,000 community development grant from the Lower Colorado River Authority. Thieves broke into the fire station in January and damaged or destroyed a large amount of equipment, including the air compressor used to refill the air tanks firefighters use when responding to hazards. The Fire Department will use the grant to buy a new compressor, a station that can fi ...
Evan Wheeler, trombone-playing band member, Eagle Scout and all-around good guy, is heading off to Texas A&M University this fall. Wheeler is the salutatorian for the LHS Class of 2017. As a Llano High student, he thoroughly enjoyed courses in world history, geography and U.S. history with Jimmy Freeman, and government and economics courses with Jil Dillard.
If it hadn’t been for a bet she made with her father, McKenzie Cockerham might not be the valedictorian for the Llano High School Class of 2017. Cockerham, who grew up in Llano, moved to Wimberley for ninth grade. Though she liked the school, she realized how special her Llano friends were, how much they meant to her, and that she wanted to graduate with them.
One day a year, the nation sets aside a special day to honor those who made the supreme sacrifice while serving in the Armed Forces of the United States. Frank Griggs Post 370 of the American Legion will host a short, 30-minue memorial ceremony at 10 a.m. on Monday, May 29, at the post in Llano. Harvey H.
Thanks to a little “elephant snot,” the Texas Centennial Marker along Hwy. 71 commemorating the Packsaddle Mountain battle has been restored. Restorationists applied the chemical graffiti remover, known as “elephant snot,” on the monument Monday night. They washed it off Tuesday morning as the graffiti dripped to the ground, and after a little more cleaning, the monument looked good as new. The monument was one of seven reported vandalized in February in this general area, said Bob ...
Veterans were honored with “Quilts of Valor” presented Saturday at an Armed Forces Day ceremony, which was sponsored by the Llano Tea Party. The Llano chapter of the Quilts of Valor has presented 182 quilts since 2013, while 159,000 have presented nationally since 2003. The quilt is given as a thank you to the veteran, and to honor their service, sacrifice and courage.
Officers with the Llano Police Department and the Llano County Sheriff’s Office were dispatched to Stonewalls Pizza Wings & Things, at 109 W. Main Street in Llano, in reference to a burglary in progress at approximately 12:50 a.m. on May 25. Officers found a suspect identified as Robert Sutton, 29, of Llano, who was down due to a single gunshot wound.
He knows what he’s getting into, and he’s ready. That’s Chris Armstrong, the new Head Coach of the Llano High basketball boys. Armstrong has been at McCamey High the last three years, taking them to the playoffs the last two. “I’m excited, most excited I’ve been in years,” he told me by phone last week.
Truth be told: they played like a bunch of girls. And, you know what? It was a heck of a game with running, passing, and going all-out to grab that flag. We’ll call it Powder Punishment. One definition of “puff” is “soft and light.” You try to run through Bridget Hammes and see if she’s a softy. “I had to do something for the team,” said Hammes, whose defensive efforts helped the Seniors send the Juniors into a one-year stupor with a 20-18 victory. I digress—what a shock—to ...
Jerry Douglas Tennison (PeeWee) born Jan. 31, 1945 went to his heavenly home Monday May 15, 2017 in Llano. He was born in Dickens, to Curtis Tennison and Monnie Ann Pool. Jerry grew up in Dickens and went to school in Dickens and Patton Springs schools. Jerry retired from the United States Army and served in Vietnam and numerous military bases in the U.S.
James (Jim) Keith Reeves, 67, of Buchanan Dam passed peacefully into the presence of Jesus at his home on May 19, 2017 after a long battle with cancer. He was the son of James Franklin Reeves and Billie Evelyn Thompson Reeves Marsh, born in Lufkin, Texas on Jan. 16, 1950. The oldest of seven boys, Jim quickly learned responsibility.
Thomas E. Allen (known to most as Tommy) had careers encompassing law enforcement, military and ranching. He made a lifetime practice of being unorthodox and stubborn. When doctors gave Tommy less than two years to live in 2002, he opted not to listen. He loved giving people a hard time and felt he needed at least 15 more years to complete his mission.
Brian David Painter passed away Tuesday, May 16, 2017 in Llano, at the age of 57. He was born May 15, 1960 in Oceanside, Calif., to Kenneth R. Painter and Josie Marie McBee. Brian was a resident of Llano for most of his life and was of the Baptist faith.

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