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The Llano News

May 31, 2017 Issue

Girls in Llano County will soon have another activity in the summer. The YWCA of Austin will host weekly “Girls Group” meetings in both Llano and Kingsland. The weekly activities are designed for girls in the sixth through the 12th grades, and are being promoted as a way to both learn and have fun. Chloe Ropner, Generation YW Youth Specialist for the YWCA, has been working with Llano ISD students for the past half year, and said there is a need for summer activities for girls. “I rea ...
What started six years ago as the kick off to the annual Blue Bell Bluegrass festival held each year on Memorial Day weekend, the Taste of Llano has been a standalone event the past two years. The Llano Chamber of Commerce has kept it alive as a fundraiser for Llano Meals on Wheels and the Llano Food Pantry.
Memorial Day is a day to honor those that gave the ultimate sacrifice while serving in the armed forces of the United States of America. In Llano, those men and women were honored with a ceremony at the American Legion Post 370, with flags and wreaths on the courthouse square, and flag displays around the town.
One man is dead and two have been taken into custody after an attempted burglary early Thursday morning at a Llano restaurant. Law enforcement officials were dispatched to Stonewall’s Pizza Wings & Things, at 109 W. Main Street in Llano, at approximately 12:50 a.m. last Thursday for a burglary in progress.
The Llano High School Class of 2017 has closed its final chapter as students, and from some of the speeches given during Friday night’s commencement exercises, the final year was an exciting one. Jaden Napolez, senior class president, mentioned a couple of the more thrilling events that took place during the year.
Craig Slaughter has announced his resignation from Llano ISD after five years as the LHS head football coach and athletic director. He will move on to be the defensive coordinator at Wall High School and will teach geography. The move is not a shock. The Llano football team has suffered through five consecutive losing seasons, but Coach Slaughter has led Llano to three playoff appearances, which includes one win in four playoff games. Prior to five years at Llano, Slaughter has been head coach ...
Growing up in the 1950s, I knew zero about cars — I’ve doubled my knowledge since then — but I knew this: winning the national Soap Box Derby was, for a youngster, the equivalent of an adult taking the Oscar or the Heavyweight boxing title. That boy may not have gained the fame of those older folks, but he was in a prestigious winner’s circle. 50 years ago, Ken Cline, a Llano resident for about a decade, raced faster than a nation full of competitors to become the Derby champion, and on ...
One of the first hurdles — a pun before the sixth word — Avery Tudyk had to eclipse was which school she would attend this fall. It appeared it was going to be Sterling College in Kansas. One of the first hints I had that Sterling was in trouble in this race was on the day I was told Avery was scheduled to announce she was heading to Kansas. The problem was I was the only one to show up for the signing, a good sign Sterling Silver was the message of the day: that school claimed second place ...
In Hamburg Germany on Oct. 2,1949 a little boy was born. A few years later, after coming to America, Texas to be exact, he was adopted and became Jerrell Dan Sagebiel of Llano County. Jerrell was adopted and raised by Dan Sagebiel of Castell. Growing up, he learned to work at a very young age.
Phil Pelky passed away Friday, May 19, 2017 in Llano, at the age of 85. He was born Oct. 14, 1931 in Okemah, Oklahoma to Syble Pelky (Huffman) and Elmer Pelky. Phil joined the Army in 1950 where he fought in the Korean War. He was a Forward Observer and was awarded the Bronze Star. Phil married the love of his life, Arlena, on July 24, 1953 in Las Vegas, Nevada.
Mary Odessa Dannheim of Mason passed away May 25, 2017 at the age of 99. She was born in Pontotoc, to Bert and Kathryn Durst Holloway on December 16, 1917. She married Gilbert Willard Dannheim on April 8, 1946 in Lampasas. She is survived by her daughter Shauna Crain and husband Randle of Kingsland; Sister-in-law, Wanda Holloway of Llano; four grandchildren, six great-grandchildren, three nieces and fou nephews. She was preceded in death by her parents, husband, two brothers, Albert and Lo ...
Jerrell Dan Sagebiel, passed away at age 67, in Cameron on May 20, 2017. He was born in Germany on Oct. 2, 1949 and came to Llano County at the age of 2 years old, where he was adopted by Hatty and Dan Sagebiel, of Castell and later was joined by his sister Jannelle Sagebiel.
Robert Scott Sutton passed away Thursday, May 25, 2017 in Llano, Texas at the age of 29. He was born Dec. 27, 1987 in Woodbridge, Virginia to Kevin Sutton and Pamela Isaac. Robert enjoyed woodworking, but most of all he loved his daughter Cayleigh. He is survived by his parents, Kevin Sutton and LaDonna White of Llano and Aubrey and Pam Isaac of Lindale; daughter, Cayleigh Nicole Simmons of Denton; brother, Chris Bridges of Steelville, Missouri; step-brother, William Isaac of Fayetteville, Arka ...
Dear Editor, During last year’s Central Texas Electric Cooperative (CTEC) Annual Meeting, a video shown by the board and CEO reported the construction of two new service centers, one in Fredericksburg and one in Mason. Only when asked by a member/owner about construction costs, did CEO Loth reveal that the total bill would be $13.2 million. Every member/owner is personally responsible for this debt.
Dear Editor, In reference to the editor’s note at the bottom of my letter to the editor of May 17, and factual writing: Karolyn Russell gave only two sources for the May 10, 2017 reprint full page article; Gem of the Hill Country, Wilburn Oatman, pp. 5-7, 18-21, 32, 33, and Llano County Family Album pp.
Dear Editor, Last Wednesday afternoon May 24, 2017 we had just passed intersection 29 & 16 and were rear ended and side swiped by a drunk driver who sped off and did not stop to render aid. (They did catch up with him at Fuzzy Corner at Buchanan Dam and immediately was arrested).

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