June 14, 2017 Issue
On June 13 at 1:11 a.m., Llano County Deputies responded to a shooting in the 300 block of Madison Avenue in Tow. The shooting involved a domestic disturbance between husband and wife. The female was flown by helicopter to an area hospital suffering from a single gunshot wound. Llano County Detectives and the Texas Rangers were called to the scene to investigate and process the scene.
The investigation is ongoing and no charges have been filed at this time.
The Llano County Commissioners approved a proclamation declaring July as First Responders Month in the county at Monday’s regularly scheduled meeting. Jay Ward, chairman of the Hill Country 100 Club, told commissioners the local organization formed in 2001 to support families of first responders who have been killed or seriously injured in the line of duty.
Friday night at the Llano County Community Center, the Friends of the Llano Red Top Jail held their annual meeting. Board members cooked and served hamburgers while others brought desserts that were out if this world. The speaker for the night was Llano Chamber of Commerce Executive Director, Briley Mitchell, who presented information on the
Keep Llano Beautiful program that will kick off on July 13 at the Llano Visitor Center and Chamber of Commerce.
Frank Rowell spoke after Mitchell, announci ...
Veterans, along with their spouses and widows, have additional free medical transportation options thanks to VETRIDE.
The program is designed to help veterans, their wives and widows get to medical appointments throughout the region, manager Sophie McCoy told Llano County Commissioners at Monday’s meeting. Llano County partially funds the three-county program, which also includes Burnet and Lampasas counties.
The program has six vans, ranging from 11-passengers to minivans.
LaVina Mitchell of Llano was crowned the 2017 Pure International Pageants Inspirational Sweetheart Queen on Tuesday in Orlando, Florida. She was named the Pure International Inspirational Queen of Texas earlier this year. Congratulations LaVina!
The Texas State Soil and Water Conservation Board and the Association of Texas Soil and Water Conservation Districts has named Llano County as the recipient of the 2016 award for the Outstanding Soil and Water Conservation District.
“As a board, we’re here to serve the ranchers and farmers of Llano County and this award just represents that we are doing our job, nothing fancy.
SAN SABA—The Llano High boys’ basketball team, June 8, was under scrutiny by its previous and current head coaches in the summer league in the Armadillos’ gymnasium.
Aaron Nuckles, the head coach at Lampasas, watched what he left behind, while Chris Armstrong surveyed the hand he’s been dealt.
Armstrong, a mild-mannered man—at least in June he is—was at McCamey (50 miles south of Odessa) as head coach for three years.
Llano basketball at Mason. Standing, L-R: Courtney Reina, Ashley Kizer, Callie Johnson, and Alley Hoffman. Sitting, L-R: Lauren Tudyk, Kayleigh Kirkland, Alexus Cotton, and Laramie Smith.
When you talk to kids and coaches at Marble Falls and Llano high schools, you find they have admiration and respect for the coach who’s leaving them. We open with thoughts from Matt Green’s successor, Michael Birdwell:
“{Green’s} going to bring excitement and passion in Llano. {He’ll be} able to step into a position where he knows the offense, knows the offensive scheme.
If some of you thought that Craig Slaughter’s successor would be—compared to Slaughter—a Clark Kent type before he steps into a phone booth, you should see if Mr. Comey still has friends at the FBI who could get a tape of the phone interview I did with Matt Green. He sounded like someone who’d won an Oscar and didn’t have to give it back.
“I’m chomping at the bit to get started,” he told me, June 9, several hours after it became official that he had resigned as head football coa ...
Jerry Keith Alexander, 82, passed peacefully from this life June 9, 2017 at his home surrounded by his loved ones following a lengthy illness. He leaves behind his wife of 46 years, Roxie; his sons, Brian Alexander and his wife, Christie; Gary Johnson and his wife, Sonya; his daughters, Michelle Meadows and her fiancé, Garry Adams, Sheila Carr, and her husband Ray, two brothers, Max and Monty Alexander, his grandchildren, Jennifer, Shawna, Anna, Gary, Jordan, Travis, and Kelsey; and nine great ...
Dear Editor,
It is so sad that Congress operates in such a sneaky way. Pay attention because HR 10 115th Congress (2017-2018) [the so called “Financial Choice Act] about to be voted on by your Congressman. HR 10 has buried deep on page 403 a provision that prevents the regulation of “Payday loans.” ( You know, those amoral, and greedy companies that pray on the poor with loans that grow exponentially.
Dear Editor,
The deceased in the Castell Methodist Church Cemetery would like to thank Michael and Tina Glenn for making their laid to rest place respectable and with dignity again. Please give them a call at 325-423-3249 and let them know how good it looks now.
They had to endure extreme heat, thousands of red ants and fire ants, and someone telling them to stop work and that they would not be paid a dime.