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The Llano News

July 12, 2017 Issue

The Texas Baptist Men (TBM) are in Llano to assist Llano Christian Academy with work on its new building at 507 E. Green Street. Texas Baptist Men operates in cooperation with the Southern Baptist Convention, Baptist General Convention of Texas and associations, Southern Baptists of Texas and associations, and with other Great Commission Christians.
A burn ban has been put in place for Llano County. The Llano County Commissioners unanimously voted to put the ban on at Monday’s regularly scheduled meeting. Precinct 1 Commissioner Peter Jones noted that the county’s drought index has increased since the last meeting. “We’ve had several major fires as well,” said Precinct 2 Commissioner Linda Raschke. The Texas A&M Forest Service’s fire danger forecast on Tuesday listed Llano County in the moderate category.
Not much hooks one’s interest in gardening more quickly than a colorful butterfly in flight. And it’s easy to attract those butterflies to your yard by planting a few of their favorite flowers. The Llano County Master Gardeners have created a complete habitat that entices a fascinating array of winged diners in the Depot Garden on Bessemer Street in Llano. Harriet Myrick, a delightful Llano artist, has adorned the garden with her beautiful Butterfly Garden totem design, which welcomes each ...
He is known throughout Fairytale land, he blew down two of the Three Little Pigs homes, he was accused of eating sheep by the boy that cried wolf, and had the audacity of eating Little Red Riding Hood and her grandmother. Now there is a class action lawsuit against him and the trial was held in a makeshift courtroom in Llano, located in the Llano Junior High Auditorium.
Lots of activities were on the schedule throughout the county over the past week. These are just a few.
Daniel Sparks is a welcome addition to the Llano High football team. He’s a 6’3", 230-pound, two-way lineman. The senior is the son of the Jackets’ new co-defensive coordinator, Ricky Sparks.
The UIL has for many years treated high school coaches at summer-league games like kids have been treated in “oldfashioned” days: They should be seen but not heard. Coaches are allowed to see their kids play in the offseason, but they cannot coach them. That might be changing, as the UIL is considering allowing coaches to coach in the offseason.
Anthony Leroy Wooten was born on March 29, 1948 in Llano, and grew up in Lone Grove. He passed away peacefully surrounded by loved ones June 23, 2017. He served in the Army during the Vietnam War at Camp Casey in Korea. He retired as a diesel mechanic, then worked for KMUD with many of his good friends - Who said donut day would never be the same when he left.
On July 9, 2017, Allen Aaron Rode, ended his battle with cancer at 2:24 am at H.C.M.H. He was surrounded by his loving family and wife, Helen, of 54 years. A memorial service will be held Saturday, July 15, at Zion Lutheran Church at 11 a.m. Visitation begins in the atrium at 10 a.m. He was born Dec.
Rodger Dale Myers of Llano passed away July 8, 2017 after a long illness. He was a loving husband to Diane Lynn Myers, Loving Father, Grandfather, brother and friend. Survivors include his wife, Diane Lynn Myers; children, grandchildren and mother, Jean Gew; step sister, Jackie Dahl; sisters, brother, many nieces and nephews, as well as a host of many friends and extended family. A memorial service will be held at a later date at Pittsburg Avenue Baptist Church. Funeral arrangements made under ...
James Dale Fry went to his eternal reward on June 25 after a lengthy illness. He was 81 years old. Dale loved Llano and its people. Due to that love for historical Llano, he agitated for the condition of its buildings by listing his concerns in many “Letters to the Editor.” He got a letter saying “No more letters.” But the city began to restore its downtown and later the paper hired Dale as a reporter!
Dear Editor, Normally I wouldn’t do this, but at this time feel a need to clarify some things. Recently my husband was taken from me. So for me this is a very sad time. However, it’s because of my husband that I do this. To begin with my husband is Jerrell Sagebiel. For those of you who have not met me, don’t judge me.

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