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The Llano News

July 26, 2017 Issue

Three rising seniors at Llano High School told their experiences at Boys State to members of American Legion Post 370 last week. The Llano American Legion Post, along with the American Legion Post in Kingsland and the Llano Tea Party, sponsored Quint Pincelli, Edgar Montoya and Hayden Cowart to attend the week-long summer program in Austin.
The Llano County Commissioners accepted routine reports and looked at a few items of business at a less than 20-minute meeting Monday morning. The commissioners discussed and then approved a one-time stipend of $500 to Toni Anderson in the county attorney’s office. The item was included in the consent agenda before Precinct 2 Commissioner Linda Raschke asked that it be taken out for discussion. Anderson administers the county’s hot check program, and the funds for the stipend come fro ...
Five Llano High student council members learned leadership skills at a recent workshop that will help them in the upcoming year, said president Chantalle Barret. The students spent five days last week at a leadership camp at Southwestern University in Georgetown, where they worked together with students in student councils from across the state to learn leadership skills.
Each Tuesday night in July, families from Central Texas gather at the John L Kuykendall Arena for a night of fun as they compete in barrel racing, pole bending, flags, and goat slapping. What is noticed when walking into a hot, muggy arena, before anything else, is the laughter. Everyone is having a good time, parents helping out with the youngsters, and the older kids giving a helping hand to the younger ones.
Jewel Early is the most recent GED graduate from the Llano GED classes at the Llano Library. Jewel (right) is shown here with her instructor Andrea Bielefeld. Congratulations, Jewel!
FRISCO—I guess it’s okay to call this town “Frisco,” because that’s its name, but what they say in San Francisco is: “Don’t call it Frisco.” That’s my offering for the day. Now we can turn to the Big 12 football coaches, who had a lot to say during Media Days July 17-18 right here in “Don’t call it San Francisco.” You’ve read some of their insights, but here are a few more—important and not so important—and a couple, maybe, close to being humorous. Dana Hol ...
FRISCO—Adrian Lindsey had a .500 record, 1927-1931, after he succeeded Oklahoma’s Bennie Owen in 1927. Owen won more games as the Sooners’ head coach than anyone else the first 50 years of the program. Gomer Jones went 9-11-1 following the heralded Bud Wilkinson, who set the school mark with 145 victories between 1947 and 1963. And now Lincoln Riley steps in for Bob Stoops (190 victories in 18 seasons).
PITTSBURGH, Pa.—No matter how many times outstanding athletes win, they want that next title, or they want to repeat as a champion. It’s the drive in them which makes them so successful. Ed Thompson of Horseshoe Bay, July 21-22, took on the nation’s best in the 70-and-over division of the National Physique Committee (NPC) Masters’ National Championships.
No one seems to really care. I keep writing these semi-brilliant commentaries, and no one listens. In Denver, July 21, Pittsburgh batters were hit four times by Colorado pitchers. I know some of the pitches “got away,” but there must be harsher penalties than a two-four-game suspension. Amazingly, the guys in the dugout stayed there.
Llano High School girls’ head basketball coach, Jerry McSherry, submitted this report on girls’ summer camps. “We finished camp and I would like to recognize our kids that won or got runner up in our competitions. We had three groups of kids with the largest group being incoming 9th and 8th graders who we called the Black Division.
The Llano Football Camp will be held July 31-Aug. 3. Participants can register for the Jacket football camp on the morning of July 31 at Jacket Football Stadium. Camp runs from 8-10 a.m. for incoming seventh through ninth graders only. The cost is $30. On Monday, Aug. 14, Llano Junior High coaches will issue football equipment for eighth grade at 1 p.m. and for seventh grade at 2 p.m. Equipment issue will end at 3:30 p.m. Equipment will be issued from the Llano Junior High.
Leslie Roy Utzman, passed away Tuesday, July 18, 2017 from a long battle with cancer. He was born Jan. 14, 1942 in Brownwood, where he attended elementary school and graduated from high school in 1960. He attended Tarleton State University and laughed that if they had classes on the riverbanks he would have graduated with flying colors! Roy and his many friends had years of great football, hunting, and fishing stories. He worked for the Texas Highway Department in Brownwood for several ye ...
Tressie Ann Cuthbertson, 86, died peacefully in her sleep during the early morning hours on Saturday, July 8, 2017, at Windchime Assisted Living in Kingsland. Tressie was born in Minneapolis, Minn., married Al Tessmer in 1968, and they moved to Llano in 1984. They loved living in the country, working on their place, and playing with their beloved dogs Kitty and Poochie until Al’s death in 2001. Tressie married Bob Cuthbertson in 2004 and together, they volunteered at the food pantry and ...
Annette Helen Grote Altgelt went to be with the Lord on the morning of July 25, 2017. The family will be holding a service in her memory in Castell at 3:30 p.m. on Friday, July 28, at Trinity United Methodist Church. Your attendance is welcome. In lieu of flowers, please see the link,
Maxwell Stuart (Max) Croft passed away at his home in Llano this past week. He will have a private burial later in the Bluffton Cemetery. He is survived by his sister, Jo Ann Rogers of Llano and two nephews Jerry Rogers of Llano and Jimmy Rogers of Lagarto. He was a World War II and Korean War veteran.
Hatty Lucinda Henderson Sagebiel passed away July 23, 2017 at the age of 95. She was born on Dec. 10, 1921 at her childhood home in Ingram, in Kerr County, to John L. and Mattie Lee Henderson, the fifth of eight children. Hatty adored her parents and siblings, and she treasured the wonderful life they all had growing up in their country home in Ingram.
No one seems to really care. I keep writing these semi-brilliant commentaries, and no one listens. In Denver, July 21, Pittsburgh batters were hit four times by Colorado pitchers. I know some of the pitches “got away,” but there must be harsher penalties than a two-four-game suspension. Amazingly, the guys in the dugout stayed there.

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