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The Llano News

August 2, 2017 Issue

Llano has seen its sales tax revenue increase in the first half of 2017 over the same time period from 2016. Figures released by the state comptroller’s office show the city’s increase from the first six months of 2017 to be $603,905.50, up over $10,000 from the same period a year ago.
Jennie Lou Leeder of Llano announced last week at the Highland Lakes Women’s Democratic Luncheon that she will run for Congress. “Texas deserves representation that supports our strong values, understands our challenges, and looks to the future for growth and opportunity. It is with great excitement that I am announcing my candidacy for the United States Congress District 11,” said Leeder, a seventh generation Texan.
On a hot July Saturday night, the Lantex Theater, with its new air conditioning unit working as expected, was transformed to a House of Blues with two Austin bands performing for a large, younger than usual crowd. The concert, the first of a monthly event in Llano, is put together by Bret Cali, owner of the Llano General Store, who was excited with the turnout for the first-time event.
The Texas Municipal League recognized Llano mayor Gail Lang as a Leadership Fellow on Friday, July 28, at the Austin Marriott North in Round Rock. Lang was honored by Bennett Sandlin, Texas Municipal League executive director, during the awards ceremony. The award recipients – elected, appointed, and other city officials from throughout Texas – voluntarily completed more than 30 hours of training, held over two months, to enhance their leadership skills. Participants explored the prin ...
Caden Bauman, front, and Briggs Green work on quarterback drills at Monday’s Football clinic. The start of football season is less than a month away.
Houston Baptist University’s football team went 4-7 in 2016. You may not think too much of that record, but the Huskies have actually just played a normal schedule for three years. “And, oh by the way,” you might be asking, “why do we care what HBU’s record is anyway?” Because Ray Dixon, the outstanding lineman of the Llano High Jackets has decided he’ll attend school and play and throw for Houston Baptist in 2018. “The coaches are standup men,” is how Ray described the ...
Four years ago, the guy was a freshman—somewhere else. He’s a senior at TCU, and, if you judge Kenny Hill by his junior season, the headline should be no concern. I’ll have a word with my headline writer. “It’s my last year,” Hill told me at Big 12 Football Media days a couple of weeks ago.
Eunice Faye Threadgill Pound, 75, passed away July 29, 2017 in Llano. Faye was born March 3, 1942 in Gillis Bluff Township, Ark., to Leonard and Velma Williams Threadgill. Faye graduated from Clarkton High School in 1960 then went on to marry Billy Ray Pound. Together they had three children. Faye worked faithfully for the Texas Department of Public Welfare where she served both child welfare and Medicare/Medicaid eligibility; she constantly defended the underdog. Faye was also an extreme ...
Memorial services for Lt. Col. Jimmie M. Alexander, USAF, Retired were held at 2 p.m. on Saturday, July 29, at Emmanuel Baptist Church in Alexandria, La., with Dr. Chris Thacker officiating. Jimmie Alexander, 83, of Boyce passed from this life, Thursday, July 27, 2017 at Rapides Regional Medical Center. Lt. Col. Jimmie Alexander proudly served his country in the United States Air Force for 25 years, during his service he served in the Vietnam War.
Jacob Ross Parker of Llano passed away Sunday, July 23, 2017 at the age of 22. He was born May 1, 1995 in Llano, to Louann (Isenberger) and Ross Parker. He was a horse trainer, a true cowboy. Jacob is survived by his fiancé Haley Schendel, mother Louann Parker, father Ross Parker, sister Brittney Napolez and husband Alex, brother in heart, Orlando, grandmother Noley Parker and niece, apple of his eye and partner in crime Rylee.
Mozelle Moore Boultinghouse, age 99, of Cherokee, went to her eternal home Friday, July 28, 2017 in Llano. Mozelle was born on Feb. 25, 1918 to Edgar and Rilla (Coursey) Moore in Llano County. Mozelle graduated from Cherokee High School. Then she married Lolan Boultinghouse on Dec. 21, 1935 in San Saba.
Colton Allen Tatsch of Harper died unexpectedly on Monday, July 24, 2017, at the young age of 13. Colton Allen was born on July 6, 2004 and in this short time had an amazing impact on so many people. The lives of his family and friends and all that he knew are better for having known him as he changed us all forever.

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