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The Llano News

February 21, 2018 Issue

Joe Hamilton begins his duties today as interim police chief for the City of Llano. Hamilton has served in a variety of roles in a long career in law enforcement. He worked 32 years with the Texas Department of Public Safety and retired as the district commander for the San Antonio district. He worked one year as police chief for the San Antonio International Airport and spent six years as police chief for the City of Bulverde.
Saturday night at Llano High School was all about the class of 2018. It was their time to shine, and shine they did. The annual gala for Project Graduation began with dinner and a silent auction that ended at intermission, and included the extremely entertaining LHS seniors. From dance routines to lip syncing to solo performances, the seniors showed off their talent in more ways than one. The show began with the entire class doing a routine that included hula hoops, skate boards, flips and ...
A return to his roots in smaller school districts led Jamie Payne to Llano ISD. Payne was named assistant superintendent in mid-December and began his duties on Jan. 3. He came to Llano from Grand Prairie ISD, where he was the director of reporting and analysis. It was a whirlwind of activity from the date Payne was hired, on Dec.
This is--literally--the biggest moment of the year in squat in powerlifting in 2018 in the state. Llano High’s Dakoda Trull is in the midst of putting 800 pounds on his back. No one else has matched it in any classification. It also tied a school record.
Valentine week was special in our part of the woods as it was celebrated alongside Fat Tuesday, or Mardi Gras. On Tuesday evening, Lutie Watkins Memorial United Methodist Church held its annual Pancake and Sausage Supper, with decorations of masks and beads to celebrate the occasion. Members of the church helped prepare the meal, while others waited tables and helped with tea, coffee and orange juice. Just a few blocks away at the Llano Library, another feast was taking place, the annual So ...
There will not be a contested election for the Llano City Council, while the Llano ISD board of trustees has one contested position. For the Llano ISD board of trustees, Rob Wilson filed for re-election for place one and no one filed to oppose him. Two candidates filed for place five. Ron Cunningham filed for re-election and will be opposed by challenger Dean Campbell.
Early voting is underway in both the Republican and Democratic primaries. Early voting began Tuesday and goes through March 2. Election day is March 6. Voters in Llano County may cast their votes early at the Llano County Library in Llano, the Kingsland Library and the Horseshoe Bay POA. Voting at the Llano Library, at 102 E.
LAGO VISTA—Compare it to four home runs in a game. A 59 in golf. Picking up the 7-10 split. 800. A magic number in squat in the world of Powerlifting. Magical enough that only one person out of, oh, a million high school students in Texas has pulled it out of a hat.
LAGO VISTA—While Dakoda Trull earned an accolade or two in the Vikings’ Powerlifting Meet, February 15, there were three other boys and two girls who won gold medals, and they played major roles in the boys’ team capturing the overall championship, while the Lady Jackets won silver in the 13-school enrollment. “Winning?
MASON—Batman and all his bats wouldn’t have made much more of an impression on the Cowgirls or Comfort than the Lady Jackets did in winning at Mason, 20-1, and coming home to outrun the Deer, 13-3. Llano did all its scoring for both contests in nine-plus innings. The headline highlights, if you’re in a hurry, were a 12- run inning and its little sister, seven, in another; a grand slam by Molly Lindner, who sat out the volleyball season with an injury; the return of Jayme Standhart, af ...
The Todd Doucet era opened in Llano, February 19, as the baseball Jackets got two timely hits, one balk, and two superb performances from the Justin sophomores: Low and Lange. That all added up to a 3-2 win over Canyon Lake. “When Low and Lange pitch like that,” said the onetime head coach at Burnet and Fredericksburg, “we have a chance to beat anybody in district. “Lot of young guys {two seniors}.
HORSESHOE BAY—Pay aside, one of the toughest jobs in the country must be Athletic Director at Baylor. True, it’s easier than being the previous A.D., but it’s plenty challenging with NCAA penalties still a possibility for the football program because of sexual assaults and accusations. Mack Rhoades became the Baylor Athletic Director 19 months ago.
Dear Editor, I have not seen a more voluminous display of rancid spew since the eruption of Mount St. Helens in 1980. That vile, leftist, revisionist history rhetoric exposes the hatred from the likes of him for all things Southern. For over 150 years, like-minded leagues of hate-mongers have been trying to bury truth with dark and sinister debris from the very bowels of the Hell; the very Hell from which they came.

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