March 14, 2018 Issue
If you tried to cross the Roy Inks Bridge this weekend you knew what weekend it was -- Llano Earth Art Fest was held for the fourth year, and this one was bigger and better than ever.
Opening at 10 a.m. Friday, with an extensive line up music and entertainment, the 2018 edition was one for the record books.
County commissioners and the public discussed a proposed bridge at Schneider Slab for almost an hour at Monday’s regularly scheduled meeting.
In January, commissioners unanimously approved an agreement with the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) to build a bridge across the Llano River near the slab. The state presented preliminary plans, none of which have been approved, and the plan county officials most agreed with was one that would keep the slab in place for recreational use. ...
REGION TALENT, L-R: Nolan Keller, Luis Coronado, Coach Clint Easley, Dakoda Trull, Ray Dixon, Quint Pincelli, Luke Keller and Coach Ricky Sparks. The plaques all belong to Dakoda, who will compete at state. Not pictured is Luke Williams. See stories in the sports section.
Geese migrating on and off Lake LBJ inspired Bill D. Rose of Kingsland to write his second book.
Rose’s work, Callsign: Bandit, was recently published by Dorrance Publishing. He observed the Canadian geese, including one with a broken wing, migrating over the years near his home off the lake.
“I’ve been enamored with the Canadian geese ever since I moved there, coming in on their migration, leaving and coming, having their babies, and watching them teach them how to fly.
While sitting on the Roy Inks Bridge over the weekend you may have seen a jeep or two in the mix of cars waiting to get across the Llano River. Making their way from all over the United States and a few from abroad, the first weekend of the Llano Jeep Jamboree took place.
The Llano City Council last week awarded a bid to a Blanco firm to start improvements for the city’s swimming pool.
Aquatic Commercial Solutions was chosen to repair the city’s swimming pool at a cost of $240,000. The funds used for the project come from the bonds that voters approved last May.
Work on the pool is expected to take at least two months, depending on weather.
nd Llano Junior High bands performed well at the region concert and sight reading contest at the high school last week.
The high school concert band made a 2 in concert and 1 in sight reading. The symphonic band made a 1 in concert and a 1 in sight reading. A 1 is the highest rating that a band can receive in the contest.
The Llano Junior High School black band made a rating of 2 in concert playing and a 2 in sight reading.
SMITHVILLE—He lifted himself to a penthouse view of the residence of the best-ever. While not winning the state’s top prize yet, on March 10, this near incomparable powerlifter—Dakoda Trull—turned the Tiger gymnasium into a one-man show. The crowd—normally only concerned with its family member or its school—eyed the Llano High senior like it was the ninth inning, and he was about to throw a perfect game.
SMITHVILLE—Luis Coronado came close to advancing to state, and Ray Dixon and Quint Pincelli also got medals, as that trio finished in the top six in the March 10 Region II, Division II Powerlifting championships. Three other Llano High boys also did well to complete superb seasons.
Coronado is quite a story.
We’ve seen a lot of baseball the past week, and the worst was saved for last, March 12. In the first inning, at home against Wimberley, a line drive was hit straight at Jackets’ pitcher Jack Neff. His glove deflected it, but it still struck him in the nose. He walked off under his own power and was seeing a specialist, March 13.
Art Dlugach and Briley Mitchell
Jayme Standhart makes the catch near the Salado dugout. The Eagles beat the Lady Jackets 9-0 in the district opener. A 9-2 non-district loss followed to Canyon Lake. Also, Lauren Young in a workout, March 12. I hope this proves she has recovered sufficiently from a nasty spill at Johnson City, March 3.
Virginia “Frances” Tway Massey passed away Tuesday, March 6, 2018, at home in Kingsland, at the age of 78. She was born on Sept. 22, 1939 in Heth, Arkansas to Oda Tway and Florinda Newman Tway.
Frances was very talented. She was an excellent artist, seamstress, gardener, and loved to knit and crochet.
Dr. Martin Vernon Atchison, 97, of Llano, passed away Friday March 9, 2018. By the grace of God and his faith in Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior he now resides in Heaven, his eternal home.
Martin Vernon Atchison was born Sept. 28, 1920 in Harlingen. He graduated from Harlingen High School, attended the University of Texas at Austin, and in December 1944, graduated in the second class of Southwestern Medical College in Dallas.
On Sept.
Anthony William Martin passed away on February 20, at the age of 64. He passed very peacefully at his home in Llano Texas with his family. Anthony, “Tony”, was born on December 28, 1953 in Brady Texas. He was the son of Arnold and Patsy Martin. Tony was raised on the family ranch and graduated from Mason High School in 1972.
Tony lived in Colorado several years before moving back to Texas. Tony was a sports enthusiast and especially loved to watch the Mason Punchers play footba ...
Carla Jean Webb passed away Saturday, March 3, 2018 in Llano, at the age of 56. She was born Sept. 15, 1961 in Crockett, to Marion White and Wanda Jean (Newsome). Carla was a resident of Buchanan Dam. She was a member of the Church of Christ.
She is preceded in death by her parents Marion White and Wanda Jean (Newsome).
Carla is survived by her husband, Sam Webb; daughters, Dianna Vogt and husband Jeffrey Vogt of Llano, Ashley Webb and husband Tyler Bailey of Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania; ...
“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”
It was adopted Dec. 15, 1791 as one of the 10 amendments that constitute the Bill of Rights.
Dear Editor,
The Llano Recycling Opportunities is having an open house Saturday, March 17, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. This is an opportunity to learn of the types of recyclables which the LRO accepts and is able to process. Interested persons can also find out about the opportunity to volunteer and help process recyclables.
We need help.
Dear Editor,
What makes America great? It is not economic and military might. These are results of America’s greatness. America has been great since its conception because of these things: freedom, to think as we choose, to believe as we choose, and to express our beliefs, and to vote as we choose.
Dear Editor,
Some of us who have made our homes in Llano have been threatened with our livelihood, regarding the exorbitant monetary spike on each of our monthly utilities bills. There has been no solid explanation to quell the confusion and uneasiness that has pushed through our front doors demanding payment for that which many of us Llano citizens have no means nor understanding, and certainly no clear and significant answers from our city government as to “why this is happening.”
I ...