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The Llano News

May 23, 2018 Issue

Michael Burcham walked into a Dallas-area Army recruiting office years ago inspired by the movie Patton. That’s as good a reason as any, the recruiter told him. It must have been, because Burcham spent 21 years of active duty in the Army. He recently retired as a lieutenant colonel. Burcham was the featured speaker at the Armed Forces Day program held Saturday at the American Legion Hall in Llano.
One day a year the nation sets aside a special day to honor those who made the supreme sacrifice while serving in the Armed Forces of the United States. Frank Griggs Post 370 of The American Legion will hold a short, 30 minute memorial ceremony Monday, May 28 at 10 a.m.
There’s a new valedictorian in town, and his name is Chance Bailey. It seems the Bailey family prefers Texas A&M, so there was really no doubt Bailey would wind up anything other than an Aggie. After all, his mother, aunt and brother, Levi, all graduated from A&M, and he wants to carry on the family tradition. Chance is a math whiz, but you may already know that.
Katie Clausen is an all-star. Not only did she graduate as salutatorian, but she did it in three years. When she moved to Llano in sixth grade, it was the first time that she could choose classes; she liked that--and realized she could actually start planning ahead--even then. By junior high, she was already challenging herself, signing up for AP classes with her college agenda in mind. And where did that agenda come from, at such a young age?
The Llano City Council on Monday approved the purchase of playground equipment at its regularly called meeting. The council voted to contract with Fun Abounds, one of five companies considered, to spend $141,840 for playground equipment at Robinson Park. The funds for the playground equipment come from the bond voters approved in May 2017. Eugene Long, public works director, said the parks and recreation group heard presentations from five companies before choosing the proposal by Fun Abo ...
Llano High School was home to something special on Saturday as Wildflower Dance Studio brought three hours of Jazz and Dance entertainment, and the Little Mermaid. Not a typical event for Llano, well, after four years in town, it is getting to be more of a routine for a town already known for its visual and musical arts.
A high school basketball coach, who has had a successful—winning—career, will come to Llano to try to repeat his past and revive the Llano Lady Jackets’ program. Meet Todd Lange, most recently from Anson, which is near Abilene. Victories are not the only item on his resume. This man has energy.
Couple of things. You’re not reading last week’s Llano News, and Anna Casey—The Early Years is not going to replace the crossword puzzle as a regular feature, but we figured (okay, I figured) since the freshman won two state championships, May 12, she deserved two editions worth of attention. Actually, Athletic Director Matt Green assured me it was fine, since 7-on-7 was cancelled, May 21. “I’ve never really run for fun,” Anna told me via email.
FREDERICKSBURG—Volleyball season is not as far away as you might think. One of the few new faces will be the head coach, Dianna Heiner, most recently of Bandera. This report is not on Ms. Heiner, introduced in this section several weeks ago, but on one night’s play of the Lady Jackets in the Fredericksburg league, which certainly offered plenty of reps—repetitions—as the league teams met two nights a week this month. In the opening game, May 15, against Harper, Lauren Tudyk produc ...
HORSESHOE BAY—The man who owns The Green Jacket took one swing on the lush, green Ram Rock golf course, May 22, to help re-open Ram after significant work was done on the course. San Antonio-born Patrick Reed, who won the Masters with a magnificent score of 15-under par, 273, drove off the first hole with the ceremonial first tee shot and then answered questions from the media.
Dear Editor, For whatever reason that city council came to this latest decision of rethinking the enormous utility bills that have inundated the residents of Llano within these first few months of 2018, let me applaud them for doing so. It is definitely a breath of fresh air to my restricted pocketbook and lifestyle. Thank you again.
Dear Editor, Llano Recycling Opportunities has a need for volunteers to help us with sorting and processing recyclables. The volume of recyclables is more than our workforce can manage. Sorting recyclables is not hard, is a good form of exercise, a good way of learning how recyclables are processed and is good for the environment.

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