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The Llano News

July 25, 2018 Issue

CR 308 fire 100 percent contained by Tuesday afternoon
Firefighters battled two big blazes in and around Llano County for almost a week, before the last one was declared 100 percent contained Tuesday afternoon. The wild week started July 17 when Llano County agencies assisted Blanco County in a large fire off RR 962, near Hwy. 71. Agencies battled the fire there for three days.
Llano Police Chief Kevin Ratliff, who has been suspended with pay since Jan. 12, was convicted on three misdemeanor charges last Thursday by a Burnet County jury. Ratliff was convicted on two counts of official oppression, which are class A misdemeanors, and the misdemeanor offense of tampering with a governmental record. According to a district attorney’s office press release, public servants commit official oppression if they “intentionally subjects another to mistreatment or to arr ...
A 75th birthday bash was held Saturday for Art Dlugach, sports editor at The Llano News. Friends and family members from California to the Memphis, Tenn., area, and all points in between, helped Dlugach celebrate his special day. Dlugach has covered Llano High sports behind the microphone or in these pages for 20 years.
In a less than 20-minute meeting on Monday, the Llano County Commissioners passed several routine items. The commissioners approved fees for constables and the sheriff’s office. They also approved a list of election judges and alternates, and approved a $7,000 donation from the Friends of the Lakeshore Library. The donation is for improvements to the library’s meeting room. They approved road and bridge fees of $10 per registration in fiscal year 2019.
Friends and family of musician Divad Nedloh, whose real name was David Holden, held a benefit for him on Sunday at the American Legion Hall. He was on the way back from a gig in Kerrville on July 13 when he died in a car wreck outside of Fredericksburg. David made a mark in the musical community far and wide, as well as close to home.
Three Llano Elementary third graders earned a 100 percent on the State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness Test (STAAR) this year. Cody Greenwood and Bailen Watson both earned a perfect score on the math portion of the test, and Townes Smith earned a perfect score on the reading portion. Third grade is the first year the STAAR test is administered, and students are given four hours to complete each test over two consecutive days.
We, of course, don’t know yet what kind of a coach, Dee Heiner, will be at Llano High, but I can tell you this: her volleyball players got an aroma of greatness when Al Bennett arrived in town to direct the camp for high school girls. Bennett, born in Ontario, Canada, won four state championships as Westlake High School’s head coach, 1988-2017. “In an urban environment,” he told me, “we don’t see {the likes of Llano}.
Marthlyn B. Chism, 93, of Bluffton, passed away Tuesday, July 17, 2018. She was born in Dumas on Jan. 5, 1925. She was the daughter of the late Stella Kimbrough Burnett and Wilson Watkins (W.W.) Burnett. She loved growing up the daughter of a farmer and stockman, and she continued to be the owner of a farm in Moore County until she passed away. Marthlyn was a graduate of West Texas State University in Canyon (Class of 1946), where she majored in home economics with a minor in chemistry.
Walter Kulley, of West, Texas, passed away July 11, 2018 at the age of 80. He was born to parents Benjamin and Josephine Kulley June 29, 1938 in Summit, New Jersey, one of ten children. In 1956, he enlisted in the U.S. Marines and was honorably discharged with the rank of Sergeant in 1958. Walt went on to a 33 year career at IBM which led him to several stops across the country until he finally settled in Texas, which he heartily adopted as his own. After retirement, Walt was able to achi ...
Dorinda D. Henderson, 73, of Llano County, passed away July 20, 2018. She was born on Monday, Aug. 7, 1944 in Llano, to Abigail T. Najar and Catarino G. Najar. She married Gregory F. Henderson on Aug.1, 1992. She is survived by three children: David W. Najar of Austin, Deanna M.
Alma (Dolly) Waldine Maples Brown, 85, was born in Glidden, on Dec. 27, 1932.  She passed on June 10, 2018. As a child she was baptized in the Glidden Baptist Church.  She graduated from Columbus High School in May 1951. She married the love of her life, Vernon Lee Brown, on Nov.
There are some times where you can’t say certain things enough. So we say, thank you, thank you, thank you, and hope it can be enough. Our county and its communities are more fortunate than we realize on a daily basis to have the number of brave men and women protecting it in various capacities, and the fires last week that ravaged portions of Llano County and beyond showed how truly fortunate we are.
Dear Editor, I wonder when exactly it was, or was it so gradual that we just did not notice, when our judicial system became so jaded? We have watched in disbelief and quiet fear the unfolding of evidence that clearly indicates manipulation of the system at the highest levels in our government.
Dear Editor, How distinct were the words we all heard when the candidate promised,” if you elect me, I will clear the swamp that is in Washington, D.C..” You will have more transparency than you ever thought possible. Well, it would seem that the transparent glass is now getting a little fogged up!

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