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The Llano News

June 17, 2020 Issue

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Speed, size and oh yes, talent, have allowed Justin Lange to make his pitch for a spot on a major league team. He has reached a rung of the ladder that maybe as many make it as one designated piece of rice would be picked from a box. One June 10, the Llano High right hander was not simply chosen in the Major League Draft, but he was picked in the first round by San Diego, 34th overall from all the high school and college youngsters in the country.
Many in the county are in the process of recovering from the pain of a pandemic; but for others, another kind of suffering has remained. “Our counselors have reported an increase in abuse with their existing clients, mostly because of employment loss, which leads to financial instability,” said Conny Steele, program director for the Highland Lakes Family Crisis Center in Marble Falls.

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