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The Llano News

July 15, 2020 Issue

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The next school year is just over a month away, so what will it look like? As Llano families prepare for whatever comes next, two moms expressed their concerns about their children’s return to school during a worldwide pandemic. This week, the Llano Independent School District is expected to reveal some details about how the next school year will look. Many districts across the state are modeling their plans on recommendations released on July 7 by the Texas Education Agency, which ov ...
Llanoans who tuned in on Sunday to the Animal Planet’s law enforcement TV show “Lone Star Law” were treated to some local scenery. The Castell General Store, a longtime Llano River destination, is right there on the screen, as Texas Game Warden Kegan Gould talks to locals and gets some vittles for the road before busting some bad guys. Episode one of season eight premiered on Sunday. Gould is one of three game wardens in Llano County with the Texas Parks & Wildlife Department.

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