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The Llano News

August 5, 2020 Issue

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Just in time for the start of high school football season, sports aficionados soon will be seeing a new sports editor for the Llano News around the fields. Andrew Salmi, who is from Southern California, recently made the big move from Oklahoma, where he covered sports for several newspapers. Salmi also will be the sports editor for sister papers in San Saba and Mason. He might be new to Llano, but he’s no greenhorn when it comes to sports. “My family and pretty much any of my frie ...
It might be hard to believe, but school is starting in less than a month. There’s still plenty of time to help kids who are in need of some of the basics before they hit the books. For the third year in a row, the Back to School Blast will be distributing backpacks, school supplies, and socks and shoes directly to all four Llano Independent School District schools. “Each year, we give out hundreds of pairs of shoes and socks; this past year, we gave out at least 500 pairs of shoes and ...

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