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re was a show from 1953 to 1972, “You Are There.”
One of the most well-known television sports broadcasters in the history of the industry, who went to school in Texas and worked here for much of his early career, made more than 250 folks feel those three words of emotion.
The Rudy Davalos Horseshoe Bay Sports Club, November 14, heard from Verne Lundquist at its annual banquet.
The Llano High School boys basketball team lost to Abilene High 47-39 Nov. 18 at Howard Payne University. It was the Yellow Jackets' season opener. "We were right there in the third quarter," head coach Landry Norwood said. "In the fourth quarter, they pulled away."
The contest’s pace favored Llano at the beginning even though the Eagles led 9-7 after the first period.
To my Fellow Texans in the Hill Country, West Texas, and South Texas. Serving the past five terms as your Representative in the Texas House has been a high honor. During this time, I have logged more than 127,000 driving miles representing a district nearly the size of the State of West Virginia.