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The Llano News

February 3, 2016 Issue

Ruby celebrated her 91st birthday on Friday, January 22, 2016.  On Wednesday, January 27, she passed away peacefully at Hill Country Memorial Hospital. Ruby was born at home in the Prairie Mountain Community.  She was the middle child to Albert and Bernice Birk.  She and her sisters Lorine and Vernell rode horseback or walked the four miles to attend school through the 8th grade. Ruby and Robert met at Idle’s in Fredericksburg on December 14, 1944.  ...
The Texas Beef Council (TBC) is proud to announce the inaugural Texas Youth Cattle Conference has been set for June 13-15, 2016 in San Antonio and South Texas regions. The conference is designed for youth who have a desire to expand their knowledge about the Texas beef industry. Attendees will explore the beef industry by focusing on beef’s role in the food industry, nutrition, beef cattle science, management and marketing.
The Texas Beef Council (TBC) is proud to announce the inaugural Texas Youth Cattle Conference has been set for June 13-15, 2016 in San Antonio and South Texas regions. The conference is designed for youth who have a desire to expand their knowledge about the Texas beef industry. Attendees will explore the beef industry by focusing on beef’s role in the food industry, nutrition, beef cattle science, management and marketing.
Anyone interested in becoming an official weather spotter for the National Weather Service (NWS) is encouraged to attend a FREE SkyWarn Weather Training Class happening on February 8th from 6:30-8:30PM at the Lantex Theater in downtown Llano. Mr. Paul Yura of the Austin/San Antonio NWS will instruct a SkyWarn Weather Spotter Training Class which is open to the public as well as CERT Members, ARES, Law Enforcement, Fire Fighters, EMS, Public Works, Dispatchers, Emergency Management and Elected O ...
Liberty Hill’s boys’ basketball team was its usual overwhelming collection, January 26, and blistered Llano, 90-35, but there were storylines of interest including observations of—and from—two young coaches. One delivered a sermon for a handbook, and the other was on the bench because his dad was ineligible. The Jackets were supposed to face—again—near-legend Barry Boren, who has 600-something career wins.
You may have read on page one that there was not much change in Llano’s football district on Realignment Day, February 1. Same story for the rest of Jacket athletics. (The districts are different because football has more of a limitation on enrollment than the other sports do.) Burnet, Liberty Hill, Lampasas, Salado, and Taylor all return as league-mates with Llano in 19-4A.
(KGS) will learn about “The Wealth of Research Sources in Austin Libraries and Archives” at their next meeting on Tuesday, Feb. 9, at 2 p.m. at the Kingsland Branch Library, 125 W. Polk. The speaker will be Jean Shroyer, longtime Texan and family history researcher. Her presentation will include information on collections at the Texas State Library and Archives, the Briscoe Center for American History (a University of Texas Library), the Austin History Center, the Catholic Archives, and oth ...
(KGS) will learn about “The Wealth of Research Sources in Austin Libraries and Archives” at their next meeting on Tuesday, Feb. 9, at 2 p.m. at the Kingsland Branch Library, 125 W. Polk. The speaker will be Jean Shroyer, longtime Texan and family history researcher. Her presentation will include information on collections at the Texas State Library and Archives, the Briscoe Center for American History (a University of Texas Library), the Austin History Center, the Catholic Archives, and oth ...
Mason area singers are invited to join voices with other vocalists in the Bluebonnet Choral Festival to be held in Mason April 11-16. The choral festival is a chance for singers to renew basic vocal pedagogy skills and to sing music of the masters like Gabriel Faure and fun gospel and American spirituals.  Choral conductor Dr.
AUSTIN – The Texas Workforce Commission (TWC) encourages employers to review the workplace poster requirements in Texas and to be sure that all posters are up-to-date and displayed correctly. TWC also urges all employers to be aware of solicitors who may try to coerce employers to purchase required workplace posters from them. TWC has investigated reports of vendors claiming to be state contractors, implying that employers are not in compliance with state law and urging employers to buy workp ...
An incident happened this past week in which I am still scratching my head. Have you ever known you had something, but for the life of you, you could not find it? I will accede to the fact that occasionally, I do have a streak of absent-mindedness running through me.
February is the month Americans celebrate the birthdays of two unforgettable presidents: George Washington and Abraham Lincoln. While we do this officially on President’s Day, many still prefer to do so on the dates they were born: Lincoln on February 12 and Washington on February 22. Lincoln was a man of many firsts: the first president to be elected without being a native of one of the thirteen original colonies; the first to have a beard; the first to be a Republican; the first to hold a p ...
Llano Police are still searching for the person involved in the attempted robbery of J&S Convenient Store on Hwy 29 in Llano on Wednesday night. The suspect was last seen wearing blue jeans, a blue hoodie and white tennis shoes. The suspect is believed to be armed and dangerous; he was seen with a nail gun and a pistol.
Chelsea Lee Reeves Kuykendall, 27, of Kingsland, Texas passed away January 28, 2016. She was born to Rick and Candice (Carmack) Reeves on June 3, 1988 in Abilene, Texas. She grew-up in Fort Stockton and loved West Texas. Her hobbies were cooking but her favorite was being a wife and mother.
On February 4 the Llano Tea Party will host a Forum for the local races. Expected are Candidates for the offices of Sheriff, Tax Assessor/Collector, Commissioner Precinct 3 and Precinct 410 Chair. Some of the candidates for uncontested offices will also be present. Attendees will have an opportunity to visit with the Candidates beginning at 5:30pm during the meet and greet hour.
Plans for the 2016 Project Graduation are well on the way to making this year’s event special for the Llano High School Seniors, including the upcoming Valentine’s Gala, Silent Auction and Variety Show on February 13th. However, the Class of 2016 has chosen to celebrate at Project Graduation differently this year—by staying right here at home and spending this last night together in the very place they grew up together. LHS Project Graduation coordinator Nita Fields as well as the other p ...
Llano ISD identifies and serves students in a Gifted and Talented Program. The goal of this program is to develop within each student the desire for excellence and a sense of individual responsibility to the school, the community, and to a changing society. To be considered for selection to participate in the gifted and talented program, a student who is currently enrolled in grades K-11 may be nominated by a teacher, the parent/guardian, or the student (grades 6-11).
By Tommi Myers A quick peek ahead at the weather forecast for next Thursday shows unseasonably warm weather – but really, what does the weatherman know?! This is Texas, and that 78 degrees predicted could drop to 48 in just a matter of hours making it the perfect weather for SOUP!
Tuesday, February 9, 2016 from 5:00 p.m. - 7 p.m. The Annual Pancake & Sausage Supper hosted by the U.M.W. (United Methodist Women) will be held at the United Methodist Church, 800 Wright Street, Llano. Everyone is invited. Donations are accepted and will be used for mission work by the women.
Stop by the Gallery on Friday, February 12 from 7pm-10pm, listen to soothing, smooth jazz acoustics provided by Dale West. Indulge in sweet and tempting homemade desserts, as well as wine and ice cold beer, all in the visually beautiful setting of art works at the Llano Art Guild. Tickets are $10 each and you do not need to bring a Valentine as singles are welcome and encouraged.
Two years ago, about this time, I reported that the sport of disc golf (aka Frisbee golf) was being considered by the Llano City Council for installation at Badu Park. The impetus for the course was the Llano Alliance for Drug Intervention’s (LADI) desire to provide a means for kids and adults to have a challenging and fun athletic experience close to the city center which would help with the fight against drugs. Now, I’m pleased to announce that City Council approved the creation of a 9-ho ...
If you’re expecting a whopper of a “Stop the Presses, Stop the Presses” story on realignment, you can keep the presses rolling. We’ll tell you all about where Llano has landed, but it won’t top, “The Eagle has Landed,” I’ll assure you. Here’s the hand dealt by the UIL in football on the first day of February: the Jackets are in Region IV, district 13-4A, Division II, just like last year.
On February 1, 2016, the Llano County Journal newspaper ceased operations in Llano, and The Llano News agreed to purchase the assets. The Llano News will continue to deliver the local and regional news important to its readers, just as it has for almost 130 years. As we move forward in the days and weeks to come, we ask that you let us know if there is anything that the Llano County Journal covered or featured that you would like to see replicated in The Llano News.
With a vote of 3-2, the Llano City Council approved terminating City Manager Brenton Lewis.  Prior to terminating Lewis, who has been with the City of Llano since April of 2013, Council consulted with the city’s attorney, Cary Bovey, in closed session for just under an hour regarding the performance evaluation, employment, duties, compensation, and benefits of the City Manager.  The Council and Mayor retreated to the City Manager’s office after first ensuring that there no objecti ...
If you’re expecting a whopper of a “Stop the Presses, Stop the Presses” story on realignment, you can keep the presses rolling. We’ll tell you all about where Llano has landed, but it won’t top, “The Eagle has Landed,” I’ll assure you. Here’s the hand dealt by the UIL in football on the first day of February: the Jackets are in Region IV, district 13-4A, Division II, just like last year.
Llano ISD identifies and serves students in a Gifted and Talented Program. The goal of this program is to develop within each student the desire for excellence and a sense of individual responsibility to the school, the community, and to a changing society. To be considered for selection to participate in the gifted and talented program, a student who is currently enrolled in grades K-11 may be nominated by a teacher, the parent/guardian, or the student (grades 6-11).
Plans for the 2016 Project Graduation are well on the way to making this year’s event special for the Llano High School Seniors, including the upcoming Valentine’s Gala, Silent Auction and Variety Show on February 13th. However, the Class of 2016 has chosen to celebrate at Project Graduation differently this year—by staying right here at home and spending this last night together in the very place they grew up together. LHS Project Graduation coordinator Nita Fields as well as the other p ...
You may have read on page one that there was not much change in Llano’s football district on Realignment Day, February 1. Same story for the rest of Jacket athletics. (The districts are different because football has more of a limitation on enrollment than the other sports do.) Burnet, Liberty Hill, Lampasas, Salado, and Taylor all return as league-mates with Llano in 19-4A.
Liberty Hill’s boys’ basketball team was its usual overwhelming collection, January 26, and blistered Llano, 90-35, but there were storylines of interest including observations of—and from—two young coaches. One delivered a sermon for a handbook, and the other was on the bench because his dad was ineligible. The Jackets were supposed to face—again—near-legend Barry Boren, who has 600-something career wins.
Stop by the Gallery on Friday, February 12 from 7pm-10pm, listen to soothing, smooth jazz acoustics provided by Dale West. Indulge in sweet and tempting homemade desserts, as well as wine and ice cold beer, all in the visually beautiful setting of art works at the Llano Art Guild. Tickets are $10 each and you do not need to bring a Valentine as singles are welcome and encouraged.
Tuesday, February 9, 2016 from 5:00 p.m. - 7 p.m. The Annual Pancake & Sausage Supper hosted by the U.M.W. (United Methodist Women) will be held at the United Methodist Church, 800 Wright Street, Llano. Everyone is invited. Donations are accepted and will be used for mission work by the women.
Chelsea Lee Reeves Kuykendall, 27, of Kingsland, Texas passed away January 28, 2016. She was born to Rick and Candice (Carmack) Reeves on June 3, 1988 in Abilene, Texas. She grew-up in Fort Stockton and loved West Texas. Her hobbies were cooking but her favorite was being a wife and mother.
Ruby celebrated her 91st birthday on Friday, January 22, 2016.  On Wednesday, January 27, she passed away peacefully at Hill Country Memorial Hospital. Ruby was born at home in the Prairie Mountain Community.  She was the middle child to Albert and Bernice Birk.  She and her sisters Lorine and Vernell rode horseback or walked the four miles to attend school through the 8th grade. Ruby and Robert met at Idle’s in Fredericksburg on December 14, 1944.  ...
February is the month Americans celebrate the birthdays of two unforgettable presidents: George Washington and Abraham Lincoln. While we do this officially on President’s Day, many still prefer to do so on the dates they were born: Lincoln on February 12 and Washington on February 22. Lincoln was a man of many firsts: the first president to be elected without being a native of one of the thirteen original colonies; the first to have a beard; the first to be a Republican; the first to hold a p ...
An incident happened this past week in which I am still scratching my head. Have you ever known you had something, but for the life of you, you could not find it? I will accede to the fact that occasionally, I do have a streak of absent-mindedness running through me.
AUSTIN – The Texas Workforce Commission (TWC) encourages employers to review the workplace poster requirements in Texas and to be sure that all posters are up-to-date and displayed correctly. TWC also urges all employers to be aware of solicitors who may try to coerce employers to purchase required workplace posters from them. TWC has investigated reports of vendors claiming to be state contractors, implying that employers are not in compliance with state law and urging employers to buy workp ...
Mason area singers are invited to join voices with other vocalists in the Bluebonnet Choral Festival to be held in Mason April 11-16. The choral festival is a chance for singers to renew basic vocal pedagogy skills and to sing music of the masters like Gabriel Faure and fun gospel and American spirituals.  Choral conductor Dr.

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