November 9, 2016 Issue
What started in 2010 as a project by David and Jamie Hawthorne, owners of Waldrope-Hatfield-Hawthorne Funeral Home in Llano, the Babyland section of the Llano Cemetery is now complete.
“Through the years, we have felt there was a need for a special place in the cemetery designated for the burial of babies.
Earlier this month, the Llano Chamber of Commerce unveiled the new and improved city smart phone app.
The new app, designed by chamber executive director Briley Mitchell and developed by Chris Karrington of Blue Lynk Computer Services, will allow visitors and residents to stay more connected to community activity.
While Llano already had an app, the chamber board of directors felt that it was not living up to expectations and left a lot to be desired.
“The two-year old app needed to be update ...
First grade students at Llano Elementary School recently found a creative use for pumpkins. The students transformed their pumpkins into storybook characters. The students were in the first grade classes of Mrs. Shelby Lehmberg, Mrs. Carrie Plumley and Mrs. Stephanie Pittman.
Citizens packed Llano City Hall on Monday night to ask the council for help in stopping a concrete batch plant from locating near the city limits.
At issue is a proposed concrete batch plant to be located just west of Llano off Hwy. 29. Ingram Concrete, LLC, of Brownwood has filed a proposed air quality registration with the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality to build a plant at that location.
Ten citizens addressed the council during the public comments portion of the agenda, for more t ...
The last ‘soda jerk’ at Bruhl’s Drug Store had a nice songwriting career
Darrell Staedtler’s father was never happier for his son’s direction in life than the time he took a long-term substitute teaching job at Llano High School.
At that time, the Llano native and songwriter had already seen three of his songs in the top 10 of the country music charts. But his father was concerned with how his son would make a living in music.
“People don’t believe you can make a living.
That’s the hometown newspaper talking. I’ve warned that guy about that. Wishful thinking, I guess, on his part. The Llano football Jackets meet the Crystal City Javelinas, Thursday, 7:30 pm, November 10, at Edgewood Veterans Stadium in San Antonio in the bi-district round of the playoffs.
If you think you’ve read this before, you Jave — get it now?
Two of Llano High’s finest golfers in school history were back in Llano County for three rounds of play. At the next level? Very much so. Clayton Meyers and Chance Craig (both, Llano Class of 2015), now wearing the colors of Midwestern State, were in a tournament featuring seven of the Top
Ten Division II schools in the nation, October 31-November 1.
“It’s stressful, a lot of work,” acknowledged Clayton.
One net is replaced by two in most gymnasiums across the nation. The volleyball design-of-squares is folded up at midcourt, and attention turns to the nets, rims, and backboards staring at each other at 90 paces — or about 90 feet.
Basketball holds court again, and the Llano Lady Jackets ushered in — unofficially — the Jerry McSherry era in a scrimmage against San Saba, November 3.
The Armadillos, a perennial power, dom ...
GEORGETOWN — The memories of a superb season cannot be erased by a playoff loss, but such a defeat remains painful. The volleyball Jackets’ postseason passport expired on the first night of November after three games in the bi-district round against Caldwell. The Hornets, with several talented girls delivering wicked kills, eliminated Llano, 25-19, 25-17, and 25-21.
“We had a bad night of service-receive,” said head coach John Black.
Connie Beth Garrett of Tow was called home to heaven on November 1, 2016, at the age of 65, after a long battle with MS. She was born on July 7, 1951 to Errol and Hazel Hodges.
She was raised in Llano and graduated from LHS. She went to State in track for the 440 Relay in 1969 and was named Band Sweetheart.
James Thomas Rawlinson, died November 4, 2016 in Fredericksburg, Texas. He was born May 18, 1937 in Delta, Utah to James Clemont Rawlinson and Grace Howes Rawlinson.
He married Mary Rose “Mare Mare” Margiotta on September 1, 1984 and they were inseparable since their first blind date on April 4, 1984.
James Thomas Rawlinson, died November 4, 2016 in Fredericksburg, Texas. He was born May 18, 1937 in Delta, Utah to James Clemont Rawlinson and Grace Howes Rawlinson.
He married Mary Rose “Mare Mare” Margiotta on September 1, 1984 and they were inseparable since their first blind date on April 4, 1984.
Dear Editor,
I greatly appreciate Mary and the employees at Dollar General for taking time out of their busy afternoon to help a confused little old lady who was trying to convert her old Tracfone to her new one.
Mary spent over an hour putting up with me when she probably needed to be doing other things.
Sylvia Rhoades
A U.S. Navy Korean War veteran from Llano County, Harvey H. Klee was appointed national chaplain of the American Legion during the organization’s national convention in Cincinnati in September.
The American Legion has 2.2 million members and is the largest veterans organization in the world. As national chaplain, Klee provides spiritual guidance to the entire organization and its members, worldwide.
Though it was never his intention to become a chaplain for the American Legion, Klee saw a nee ...
As a veteran with 20 years of service in the US Navy, Nancy Patrick of Llano knows first-hand the healing power of horses.
The Veterans Administration (VA) estimates that as many as 31 percent of combat veterans suffer from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). In addition, many vets face depression and anger issues that often lead to suicide and a reported 22 veterans a day take their own lives.
Local veteran turns ammo casings into flowers
After serving two tours in some of the world’s worst war zones, including time in Baghdad (2005-2007), Staff Sgt. Charles Sexton of Llano needed something to help him deal with the extreme combat related PTSD he brought home with him.
Sexton found a bit of zen by turning firepower into flower power by creating works of art out of ammunition casings.
“The VA had me on 22 different medications,” Sexton said.
“Fun” isn’t usually the way most would describe their time in the U.S. Army, but for Vera Honig of Llano, that is exactly how she remembers her 20 years of service.
She had just graduated from basic training (“Boot Camp”) when the Korean War broke out, but she wasn’t afraid of the war.
“My daddy was in the first World War, my brother was in the second,” she said,”They both survived, so I figured I would, too.”
Honig decided to join the Army the moment she first saw a woman i ...
Not many people can say they have seen the North Pole, but Rear Admiral Albert Kelln (Ret.) of Llano has not only seen it, he was the first person to accomplish a rare trifecta.
While stationed aboard the USS Skate, he stood on, flew over, and sailed under the North Pole.
Kenneth “Rabbit” Hare of Kingsland, a Korean and Vietnam War veteran who served for 22 years in the United States Air Force, always dreamed of becoming a pilot.
As a young boy growing up in the 1950s in Amarillo, Hare would sweep up at the Tradewind Airport in exchange for flying lessons.