November 29, 2017 Issue
Harper Lynn Lockhart, 6 weeks old, shared a moment with Santa at Starry Starry Nights. Her parents are Ashlee Lehman and Toby Lockhart.
The burn ban is on for Llano County.
The county commissioners reinstated the ban at Monday’s regularly scheduled meeting. They were told that all of the county’s fire chiefs who responded to a poll were in favor or putting the ban back in place.
Fire conditions are also growing, according to the county’s fire danger report.
“I think it’s all pretty clear.
Ken Gray died November 25. He was 81. Gray was friends with a huge number of Llano County residents.
He played football for Llano High and was later enshrined into the school’s hall of fame. He also coached for the school and played football professionally for many years.
The following column, with a bit of editing, was written almost exactly two years ago.
There is no Gray area where this man is concerned.
Last Wednesday night, the lights to downtown Llano came on for the first time in 2017. With lots of flare, a few hiccups, and some quick thinking, the first winner of the Chamber of Commerce/Starry Starry Nights coloring contest, Phoenix Montoya, was able to “jump start” the Christmas lights.
Over 700 coloring pages went to first through third graders in early November, with a winner from each grade having the honor of turning the lights on.
An open meeting was held for Lodge members and their families on Nov. 14. After a fried catfish meal prepared and provided by Joe and Beth Long, the following members of Llano Lodge #242 were presented 25, 40, 50 and 60 year Masonic Service Awards by District Deputy Grand Master #71 Roy H.
He was one of the best Llano High ever had, and now he’s running with one of the best teams in the nation. That’s Grayson Freeman, who was home for the holidays, and even spent a moment or two on his old track, with a reporter friend holding the only ticket to the workout.
“At first it was a bit scary,” Grayson said of his introduction to Adams State University in Alamosa, Colorado.
The headline references Texas’ 27-23 loss to Texas Tech the night after Thanksgiving. Eyes of Texas? Gabriel, the angel?
I saw the game in person—uh, sort of. I was between rows 70 and 142 or so. Thank you Jumbotron for a good view of the action. Thank you, Gabriel and friends, for the nice weather,
since I was there between four and seven hours.
Kenneth Don Gray, 81, passed away Nov. 25, 2017 in Round Rock,
Ken was born to Lewis and Estelle Gray on March 10, 1936 in San Saba. Ken graduated from Llano High School in 1954 and married the love of his life, Shirley Jean Barber, in Cherokee on May 24, 1952.
Bettieloyd Green Brooks Urban died Nov. 15, 2017. Private family graveside services were held Nov. 19 at Tow, with the Reverend Dan Teed officiating; burial followed at the Tow Cemetery.
Born Oct. 13, 1930, in Wheeler, to Loyd Raymond Green and Annie Lee Burns Green, she was a school teacher in Grand Fall-Royalty ISD where she touched the lives of hundreds of young people.
Our beloved Paco, 87 years young, of Bandera passed away on a beautiful Thanksgiving morning of Nov. 23, in the year of our Lord 2017. Willis Francis Moore, or as he was more affectionately known as “Paco” was born in Fort Worth, to Phoebie and Dewey Moore on March 10, 1930.
The Americans with Disabilities Act signed in 1990 was a major stepping stone in ensuring equal rights to all Americans with disabilities. The act details guidelines for every public area that needs to provide with ample accessibility options for the disabled. Parking and related areas are also taken into proper consideration.
Dear Editor,
Chronicle of Conaway (or how you spend your time when you have a Representative who doesn’t take care of his constituents). A chant.
Hey hey Mike Conaway —
People die without the ACA
Hey Mike can you hear?
Don’t you touch our Medicare!
Mike the accountant
What a switch—
A tax reformer for the super Rich
You pander and they gerrymander
I get no say
Will we be stuck with Conaway?
Barbara Baruch
Sunrise Beach