This issue of The Llano News is available to read with an online subscription. See the same pages as in the print edition with all the stories, photos, and more.
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AUSTIN– On May 8, 2019, the Texas Veterans Commission (TVC) approved grant awards supporting 102 veterans assistance programs, totaling $23,340,000 from the TVC’s Fund for Veterans’ Assistance (FVA) 2019-2020 grant program.
“The organizations awarded today provide a range of important services to our Texas veterans,” said Commission Chair Eliseo “Al” Cantu, Jr.
National Merit Scholarship Corporation (NMSC) announced this year’s National Merit $2,500 Scholarship winners. The 2,500 Merit Scholar designees were chosen from a talent pool of more than 15,000 outstanding finalists in the 2019 National Merit Scholarship Program.
Llano High School’s outstanding student who won the 2019 scholarship is Heath Buttery. His probably career field is listed as mechanical engineering.
National Merit $2500 Scholarship winners are the finalists in each state ...
At the School Board Meeting on Monday, May 13, the first item on the agenda was to canvass the recent bond election. The bond was passed by 56.66% of the vote. Since there were no opponents running against the board members up for election, those men were declared elected. Officers of the new board are as followed: President Rick Tisdale, Vice President Cody Fly, and Secretary Jeff Kuykendall.
Superintendent Mac Edwards presented the Prevailing Wage Schedule as Presented for Llano County.
The Llano County Commissioners discussed the plans for re-opening the 2900 bridge that was washed out on October 16, 2018 when the big flood hit Llano County. Ribbon cutting day is Friday, May 24. Commissioner Mike Sandoval said that he and Commissioner Peter Jones were content to ride in on a couple of fire trucks, cut the ribbon and let the people start crossing the bridge.
By Crista Goble Bromley, Mayor of the City of Burnet
According to the Lower Colorado River Authority, the Burnet area has received 5.28” of rain in the past two weeks. Furthermore, KXAN Weather states, “In a pattern eerily similar to spring 2015, a weak El Niño Ocean pattern is likely contributing to unusually heavy rainfall across Central Texas, including 7.28 inches of rain last month--the 9th wettest April on record in Austin since 1897, and the wettest since 1976.” I think we all remember 2015 when the Memorial Day floods ravaged ...
The Flood Through a Child’s Eyes
In the early morning hours of October 16, 2018, the Llano River hit its next highest level ever recorded at 39.8 feet, causing widespread damage to many along its banks. After returning to school, Packsaddle Elementary fourth grade teacher, Tammy Barrack, asked her students in two different classes to recall their experiences.
The first (soon to be annual) Back to Basics Fair and Plant Swap at the Llano Library was quite the success everyone hoped it would be. Inspired by a visit to the Mother Earth News Fair (sponsored by said magazine) they attended in Belton, Librarian Tommi Myers and fellow gardener Jannie Vaught decided they needed to bring such a fair to Llano. And who better to host it that the Llano Library— the tried and true traditional source of hands on learning!
For the past five months, th ...
By Ray Craig, John L. Kuykendall Arena/Event Center Manager
We hope everyone has enjoyed the new events that have come to Llano, like the circus and carnival we just had. And our new events like Indian dancing coming in June, the Ladies in Leather Motorcycle Rally and the Peddler Craft Show in September, the longhorn show coming in October and next April, Youth Bull Riding this August and the Dinner Theater in November.
Prosecutors would have another sentencing option for first time drunk driving offenders under a bill approved by the Senate Criminal Justice Committee Wednesday. The current system, which focuses on punishment over treatment, doesn't serve the cause of public safety well, said the bill's sponsor San Antonio Senator José Menéndez. His bill would allow for deferred adjudication, a type of probation, for a first time DWI offense under some circumstances.
Hill Country Area Crime Stoppers, and the Heart of Texas Auto Theft Task Force request any information of a theft of a truck and burglary of business at 320 Red Bluff Spicewood, Texas.
A white 2002 Flatbed FL60 Freightliner Texas tag/ CLD7149 (pictured above) with the Gilde Logo on both sides, along with numerous welding equipment and tools were taken in the early morning hours of May 7, 2019.
Anyone with information can contact Inv.
When one looks up ‘cowboy’ in the dictionary they will find:
1) One who tends to cattle and horses
2) A rodeo performer
3) One having qualities such as recklessness, aggressive behavior or independence
When I composed a definition of Oliver Rode, I came up with:
1) A loving husband
2) A caring father
3) A mentor to family and friends
4) A steward of the land
5) And a person that has practiced animal husbandry to many kinds of animals.
Oliver Rode is at least a ...
National Merit Scholarship Corporation (NMSC) announced this year’s National Merit $2,500 Scholarship winners. The 2,500 Merit Scholar designees were chosen from a talent pool of more than 15,000 outstanding finalists in the 2019 National Merit Scholarship Program.
Llano High School’s outstanding student who won the 2019 scholarship is Heath Buttery. His probably career field is listed as mechanical engineering.
National Merit $2500 Scholarship winners are the finalists in each state ...
At the School Board Meeting on Monday, May 13, the first item on the agenda was to canvass the recent bond election. The bond was passed by 56.66% of the vote. Since there were no opponents running against the board members up for election, those men were declared elected. Officers of the new board are as followed: President Rick Tisdale, Vice President Cody Fly, and Secretary Jeff Kuykendall.
Superintendent Mac Edwards presented the Prevailing Wage Schedule as Presented for Llano County.
By Art Dlugach
They don’t open the pay window too high for 7-on-7, but quite a comeback by the Jackets in the opener of a doubleheader against Lampasas, May 9, at chilly and rainy Llano Stadium.
“Gosh, we started slowly,” acknowledged offensive coordinator, Ryan Priem. “First three drives they could do no wrong, we could do no right.”
AUSTIN—One race was a runaway where the leader, ignoring the opposition, chased, caught and surpassed the state record. The second race was one of the most exciting during the rainy and cool-at-times State Championship weekend.
What did the contests have in common? Marble Falls sophomore Bailey Goggans won both to rise from “just” a 2018 state champion to an absolute phenom of ’19.
“I had more confidence than last year,” said Goggans to a crowd of reporters, “because I had r ...
If you read any of the Tiger Woods stories concerning his win at the Masters last month, you probably noticed a mention that he has now won 15 majors. The U.S. and British Opens are majors—or Grand Slam events—along with the PGA Championship and the Masters.
What reporters leave out are Tiger’s three U.S.
By Ray Craig, John L. Kuykendall Arena/Event Center Manager
We hope everyone has enjoyed the new events that have come to Llano, like the circus and carnival we just had. And our new events like Indian dancing coming in June, the Ladies in Leather Motorcycle Rally and the Peddler Craft Show in September, the longhorn show coming in October and next April, Youth Bull Riding this August and the Dinner Theater in November.
Highland Lakes Democratic Women is honored and excited to announce that the speaker for its May 23 meeting will be national radio commentator, writer, public speaker, and New York Times best-selling author, Jim Hightower. The meeting will be at the Meadowlakes Restaurant at Hidden Falls Golf Course in Meadowlakes. Check-in begins at 11:15 a.m., lunch and the business meeting at 11:30 a.m., and Hightower will speak at noon.
Twice elected Texas Agriculture Commissioner, Hightower believes ...
The Bluebonnet Chorale, the Hill Country Community Theatre Players will present a very special event, “Bluebonnet Country,” for two performances only on Saturday, June 1 at 7:30 p.m. and Sunday, June 2 at 2:15 p.m.
“The Bluebonnet Chorale and some of our very talented HCCT players are donning their boots and jeans and showing that they know a twang or two about country songs,” said Sally Stemac, one of the organizers of the event.
Hummingbirds have returned to the Hill Country! While we are familiar with the tiny birds buzzing around our feeders, their sex life is more elusive. Learn what to watch for in this class taught by Fredericksburg bird expert, Bill Lindemann. Male hummingbirds principally use their gorget and aerial displays to earn the right to mate with the female, but because of their minute size and high speed flying capability, their courtship is rarely witnessed.
We are excited to announce that the 2019 Hunter’s Appreciation giveaway is now underway. This year we are raffling off a 2019 Kawasaki Pro FXT that can be seen at Lowe’s Market. Tickets are $20 each, 6/$100, or 15/$200 and are available at Lowes, the chamber, or from one of our board of directors.
Recently, Congress voted on a pay raise across the board for federal employees – regardless of their performance – with the Federal Civilian Workforce Pay Raise Fairness Act (H.R. 790). There are hard-working people who work in federal agencies, but it’s hard to believe that every single one of them deserves this raise.
During my three-decade career as an outdoors writer, I have had the opportunity to travel to many places and spend time with some wonderful people. This past week, I enjoyed a turkey hunt up in Palo Pinto County on a ranch that ranks very high on my list. Through the years, I have enjoyed some grand times hunting this ranch situated right on the banks of the Brazos River.
If you read any of the Tiger Woods stories concerning his win at the Masters last month, you probably noticed a mention that he has now won 15 majors. The U.S. and British Opens are majors—or Grand Slam events—along with the PGA Championship and the Masters.
What reporters leave out are Tiger’s three U.S.
AUSTIN– On May 8, 2019, the Texas Veterans Commission (TVC) approved grant awards supporting 102 veterans assistance programs, totaling $23,340,000 from the TVC’s Fund for Veterans’ Assistance (FVA) 2019-2020 grant program.
“The organizations awarded today provide a range of important services to our Texas veterans,” said Commission Chair Eliseo “Al” Cantu, Jr.
By Crista Goble Bromley, Mayor of the City of Burnet
According to the Lower Colorado River Authority, the Burnet area has received 5.28” of rain in the past two weeks. Furthermore, KXAN Weather states, “In a pattern eerily similar to spring 2015, a weak El Niño Ocean pattern is likely contributing to unusually heavy rainfall across Central Texas, including 7.28 inches of rain last month--the 9th wettest April on record in Austin since 1897, and the wettest since 1976.” I think we all remember 2015 when the Memorial Day floods ravaged ...
AUSTIN— Texas lawmakers have yet to cast final votes on the marquee issues of the 86th regular session of the Legislature: the state budget, school finance reform and property tax relief.
Conference committees named by House Speaker Dennis Bonnen and Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick, who presides over the Senate, must complete their work on the state budget and the other top issues hastily in order to meet deadlines and deliver the finished products to their respective chambers.
Highland Lakes Democratic Women is honored and excited to announce that the speaker for its May 23 meeting will be national radio commentator, writer, public speaker, and New York Times best-selling author, Jim Hightower. The meeting will be at the Meadowlakes Restaurant at Hidden Falls Golf Course in Meadowlakes. Check-in begins at 11:15 a.m., lunch and the business meeting at 11:30 a.m., and Hightower will speak at noon.
Twice elected Texas Agriculture Commissioner, Hightower believes ...
The Bluebonnet Chorale, the Hill Country Community Theatre Players will present a very special event, “Bluebonnet Country,” for two performances only on Saturday, June 1 at 7:30 p.m. and Sunday, June 2 at 2:15 p.m.
“The Bluebonnet Chorale and some of our very talented HCCT players are donning their boots and jeans and showing that they know a twang or two about country songs,” said Sally Stemac, one of the organizers of the event.
Prosecutors would have another sentencing option for first time drunk driving offenders under a bill approved by the Senate Criminal Justice Committee Wednesday. The current system, which focuses on punishment over treatment, doesn't serve the cause of public safety well, said the bill's sponsor San Antonio Senator José Menéndez. His bill would allow for deferred adjudication, a type of probation, for a first time DWI offense under some circumstances.
Hummingbirds have returned to the Hill Country! While we are familiar with the tiny birds buzzing around our feeders, their sex life is more elusive. Learn what to watch for in this class taught by Fredericksburg bird expert, Bill Lindemann. Male hummingbirds principally use their gorget and aerial displays to earn the right to mate with the female, but because of their minute size and high speed flying capability, their courtship is rarely witnessed.
Hill Country Area Crime Stoppers, and the Heart of Texas Auto Theft Task Force request any information of a theft of a truck and burglary of business at 320 Red Bluff Spicewood, Texas.
A white 2002 Flatbed FL60 Freightliner Texas tag/ CLD7149 (pictured above) with the Gilde Logo on both sides, along with numerous welding equipment and tools were taken in the early morning hours of May 7, 2019.
Anyone with information can contact Inv.
In June 2018 a unique dining experience was brought to the banks of Lake LBJ in Kingsland. Boat Town Burger Bar’s quality menu, featuring stacked gourmet burgers, can be enjoyed both indoor and outdoor on the waterfront, admiring the glistening shimmer of the sun rays off the lake. The property’s large marina makes it the perfect place for boaters to port and dine at their convenience.
Guests can walk into the restaurant fully assured that they will be served freshly made food, crafted ...
We are excited to announce that the 2019 Hunter’s Appreciation giveaway is now underway. This year we are raffling off a 2019 Kawasaki Pro FXT that can be seen at Lowe’s Market. Tickets are $20 each, 6/$100, or 15/$200 and are available at Lowes, the chamber, or from one of our board of directors.
Free Art Demonstration
Highland Arts Guild is hosting a FREE oil painting demonstration by Cindy McBride on Thursday, May 16, 9:30 -11:30 a.m. Cindy’s love for art began at an early age. She took private art lessons through high school and then earned a B.S. in Art Education and later a Master’s in Education.
During my three-decade career as an outdoors writer, I have had the opportunity to travel to many places and spend time with some wonderful people. This past week, I enjoyed a turkey hunt up in Palo Pinto County on a ranch that ranks very high on my list. Through the years, I have enjoyed some grand times hunting this ranch situated right on the banks of the Brazos River.
Escondido Golf & Lake Club, the Tom Fazio masterpiece located in Horseshoe Bay, tied its highest-ever rating in the recently released Dallas Morning News statewide golf course, ranking sixth among all Lone Star courses, and first in Central Texas and the Texas Hill Country. Escondido, a member-owned club located 50 miles west of Austin and north of San Antonio, was ranked as the best Austin-San Antonio area course in the prestigious Morning News statewide poll, the state’s only comprehensiv ...
Wildflowers and native grasses are a very big subject that literally has books written on them, so why tackle such a large subject? Well, they are so abundant this spring, how can you not wonder about them? As I do with most big subjects, I take small nibbles and just look at a few.
The Kingsland House of Arts & Crafts presents their featured crafters of the month, Karen Shaw and Dawn Nicks. Among their many items are crocheted items, mobiles, wind chimes, recycled yard art and misc. crafts.
Visit the house at 112 Chamberlain (blue building behind Wells Fargo Bank) to purchase their products as well as the arts & crafts of all members. Hours of operation are 10 a.m.
When one looks up ‘cowboy’ in the dictionary they will find:
1) One who tends to cattle and horses
2) A rodeo performer
3) One having qualities such as recklessness, aggressive behavior or independence
When I composed a definition of Oliver Rode, I came up with:
1) A loving husband
2) A caring father
3) A mentor to family and friends
4) A steward of the land
5) And a person that has practiced animal husbandry to many kinds of animals.
Oliver Rode is at least a ...