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The Llano News

August 28, 2019 Issue

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The Boys and Girls Club in Llano opened on Monday, August 19. Highland Lakes Executive Director Bill Drake and Llano Unit Director Angelyn Drake were geared up and ready for the children as they arrived.   The dream of a club in Llano began last May with a gift of $35,000 from HOPE Haus. A board was formed which is headed by Rob Wilson, of Llano.
The Commissioners Court met in regular session on Monday, August 26. It was announced that a Special Election that will take place on November 5, 2019. This election is for the purpose of adopting or rejecting the proposed Constitutional Amendments as submitted by the 86th Legislature. This election is called by the Governor of the State of Texas and has to be approved by the Commissioners Court of each county.
At the Llano Economic Development Corporation (LEDC) meeting on Monday night, it was announced that the lights and polls for the John L. Kuykendall Arena and Event Center are in and awaiting the City Crew to start installing them. They were paid for from this year’s budget. It will make it much easier to find your vehicle when you attend an event in the evening. Gail Davalos of the Workforce Network, Inc.
Attention Hill Country veterans! Thousands of Hill Country veterans are now eligible to become members of the American Legion as a result of President Donald Trump signing into law the LEGION ACT that eliminated all conflict era restrictions that barred “cold warriors” from Legion membership. Congress and the White House agree to expand definition of war eras to include all who served since December 7, 1941. “More than 1,600 members of the U.S.
Red Top Jail to Hold Annual Meeting The Friends of the Llano Red Top Jail, 501(c)(3), invites everyone to attend the Friends of the Llano Red Top Jail Annual Meeting on Friday, August 30, at the Llano Library, 5:30 p.m., business meeting at 6:00 p.m. Annual dues can be paid at the meeting or mailed to the address below.
On Monday, September 9, Becky Widner will present a hands-on acrylic Dutch and dipped pour painting demonstration from 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. at the Llano Fine Art Guild. The demo cost is $5, which includes a potluck lunch at noon provided by the Guild members. The regular monthly meeting of the Llano Fine Art Guild is held at 1:00 p.m.
Although the Yellow Jacket Marching Band includes a fairly equal mix of genders, the 2019-2020 LYJB’s drum major leadership positions are completely dominated by young ladies. Seniors Emma Richardson and Allyson White, along with junior Mackenzie Woolson, have already established themselves as leaders who both deserve and receive respect from their peers.
In 1854, just a few years after statehood had come to Texas, a group of people who had settled along the Colorado River in Burnet County gathered under a brush-arbor to worship. That is the earliest recollection anyone can remember, though it is possible that services were held prior to that time in some of the members’ homes.
To celebrate the 100th anniversary of the passage of the 19th Amendment, the Llano County Historical Museum is showcasing a comprehensive exhibit on the women’s suffrage movement in Texas, titled “Citizens at Last: The Woman Suffrage Movement in Texas.” The exhibition is produced by Humanities Texas, the state affiliate of the National Endowment for the Humanities and is made possible in part by a “We the People” grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities. The ratificati ...
Whatever color you're looking for, Calamity and Grace is sure to have it. And if you would rather just paint on canvas, but need a little shove in the right direction, then read on. That is exactly what we're here to accomplish. Valerie Smasal is in a class by herself. An art class, that is—and she wants to fill it with creative people just like you!
We are having an extra mixer this month on Thursday, August 29, to help celebrate the first anniversary of The Pink Cactus located at 407 West Young St. Donna will have specials throughout the day and from 5:00 – 7:00 p.m. we will have a cash mob with more specials.
LAMPASAS—The Lampasas County Chamber of Commerce & Visitor Center will be hosting the 9th Annual Lampasas Wine Tour Saturday, September 28. The tour will feature stops and tastings at several wineries in the area, along with a day filled with fun for everyone. The day will start with breakfast at the Chamber of Commerce at 8:00 a.m.
By Luke Clayton We Texas hunters are known across the country for our use of deer feeders. To my way of thinking, the use of feeders to attract and hold deer and other game is a very good thing; in Texas it is almost a must. We hunters joke that if we don’t use supplemental feeding as a tool to attract game, our neighbor across the fence will.
On Tuesday, August 20, a Burnet County jury found Defendant Allan Wayne Hawley of Cottonwood Shores guilty of Evading Arrest with a Motor Vehicle. Judge Allan Garrett then sentenced Hawley to 55 years in prison in accordance with the jury’s assessment of punishment. The jury further found that the defendant used a motor vehicle as a deadly weapon in the commission of the crime, which means he must be incarcerated at least half of his sentence before he is eligible for parole. In the early ...
GRANITE SHOALS—On August 25, Granite Shoals Police Officers responded to the report of a Burglary of a Habitation in the 100 block of W. Granite Castle. On arrival, the victims worked with officers to identify items taken from their secondary residence. During the investigation at the scene, one officer recalled a traffic stop that he conducted less than 24 hours before with items being described by the victim as missing, inside the vehicle of the earlier traffic stop.
Although the Yellow Jacket Marching Band includes a fairly equal mix of genders, the 2019-2020 LYJB’s drum major leadership positions are completely dominated by young ladies. Seniors Emma Richardson and Allyson White, along with junior Mackenzie Woolson, have already established themselves as leaders who both deserve and receive respect from their peers.
By Art Dlugach COMFORT—Progress was made by the Llano High cross country runners, August 23, 20 miles south of Fredericksburg. Anna Casey placed third—not her usual lofty location—but she did reduce her two-mile time to 13 minutes, nine seconds—39 seconds quicker than her winning number in Ingram a week earlier. Freshman Lauren Lee was a dandy 11th in a crowded field with a clocking of 13-44, 18 seconds faster than her tour at Tom Moore High School. “We had some who vastly impro ...
If you love offense, forget about the Spread, the 61s on the PGA Tour, the NBA games in the 140s or the U.S. Women winning a World Cup match, 13-0. Get yourself out to a major league ballpark and enjoy the juice—the baseball. We begin with the Astros scoring 23 against Texas, August 10, and, yes, they won!
Most all football coaches show a degree of enthusiasm. I would put Matt Wells at six degrees—but it is not six degrees of separation from his team. The man, who was successful at Utah State, has succeeded Kliff Kingsbury as the Head Coach at Texas Tech. “The biggest key for us in year one,” Wells said at Big 12 Football Media Days in July, “is installing our culture, building our foundation.
The Fall Sports Guide, which I just told someone, is lurking in my neighborhood, and it has a lot on Llano’s scrimmage success at Manor New Tech and news on the quarterback contest—it’s not that exciting, but worth reading, for sure. Since that “big time” Guide, as it calls itself, doesn’t much mention Hondo, I’ll take care of that right now.
On Monday, September 9, Becky Widner will present a hands-on acrylic Dutch and dipped pour painting demonstration from 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. at the Llano Fine Art Guild. The demo cost is $5, which includes a potluck lunch at noon provided by the Guild members. The regular monthly meeting of the Llano Fine Art Guild is held at 1:00 p.m.
Hello Toni: You have been referred to me as a resource that can answer questions I have about Medicare. I am turning 65 this December and have not discovered what I need to do to begin Medicare since I am still working? If I retire soon, do I stay on COBRA or enroll in Medicare plans?
FREDERICKSBURG—Hill Country Memorial (HCM) is forming a new support group for Ostomy patients and their caregivers. The first meeting of the Ostomy Support Group will take place from 5:30 – 6:30 p.m. on Tuesday, September 10 at the HCM Women’s Pavilion Classroom, 1011 S. Milam, Fredericksburg. The Ostomy Support Group will meet quarterly, and the next meeting will be held December 10 at the same location.
On Tuesday, August 20, a Burnet County jury found Defendant Allan Wayne Hawley of Cottonwood Shores guilty of Evading Arrest with a Motor Vehicle. Judge Allan Garrett then sentenced Hawley to 55 years in prison in accordance with the jury’s assessment of punishment. The jury further found that the defendant used a motor vehicle as a deadly weapon in the commission of the crime, which means he must be incarcerated at least half of his sentence before he is eligible for parole. In the early ...
GRANITE SHOALS—On August 25, Granite Shoals Police Officers responded to the report of a Burglary of a Habitation in the 100 block of W. Granite Castle. On arrival, the victims worked with officers to identify items taken from their secondary residence. During the investigation at the scene, one officer recalled a traffic stop that he conducted less than 24 hours before with items being described by the victim as missing, inside the vehicle of the earlier traffic stop.
STONEWALL—This year’s final “Movies Under the Stars” at Lyndon B. Johnson National Historical Park will take place on Saturday, September 7, with a special screening of “Apollo 11”. This fascinating documentary chronicles America’s mission to land on the moon, led by Commander Neil Armstrong and fellow astronauts Edwin “Buzz” Aldrin and Michael Collins.

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