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In a grand symbol of reunification, officials with the Texas Department of Transportation, along with federal, state and local leaders from Llano County, followed fire trucks from each side of the Llano River arm of Lake LBJ and met in the middle of the new RM 2900 bridge for a ribbon cutting ceremony on Friday, May 24.
The Commissioners Court in their meeting on Tuesday, approved a resolution to authorize the certification of a cultural district to be named Llano Cultural and Arts Alliance. The Llano Museum and the Llano Library are in this district. By designating this area, it is hoped that it will make Llano a cultural destination for tourists, encourage and promote art and culture in schools, entice artists to move to Llano and improve cultural workspace and performing venues in our city.
The Court ap ...
Llano Christian Graduates One
“Thank you all for coming tonight and I have waited all year to say this; Isaac David Carter is graduating tonight at the top of his class,” said Headmaster, Alice Smith, as she introduced Carver to the stage as the lone graduate from LCA in 2019. The ceremony was held on Friday night at Bible Baptist Church.
On Monday, June 3, Dakotah Flannery will lead a demo over polymer clay beginner basics 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. for $5 at Llano Fine Arts Guild.
By the time Dakotah was eight, she was designing, knitting, crocheting and sewing clothing for her dolls and using marbles, beads, string and found objects as jewelry.
On Monday, June 3, Dakotah Flannery will lead a demo over polymer clay beginner basics 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. for $5 at Llano Fine Arts Guild.
By the time Dakotah was eight, she was designing, knitting, crocheting and sewing clothing for her dolls and using marbles, beads, string and found objects as jewelry.
In memory of J. D. Gray from Jerry & Sylvia Butler, Jerry & Alberta Allred, Dexter & Jennabeth Sagebiel, Robert & Sally Cowan, Darrell & Johnilee Templeton, Gene Hall
In memory of Paul Schuessler from Gene Hall from David & Diane Willmann, Llano County Farm Bureau
In memory of Herman Raesener from Darrell & Johnilee Templeton, Debbie Rabb
In memory of Mickey Martin from Chuck and Sally Dalchau
In memory of Spencer Landes from Robert & Sally Cowan, Janell & Calvin Cowan
In memory of ...
We are one week away from the annual Llano Open Pro Rodeo and Parade. The rodeo will be on Friday, June 7 and Saturday, June 8, and the parade will be at 10:00 a.m. on Saturday, June 8. Immediately following the parade is the Boy Scout BBQ and at 2:30, the Llano Country Opry.
With summer right around the corner, it’s time to think about keeping children eating healthy while school is out. Llano ISD provides free meals to children during the summer.
Each year, the U.S. Department of Agriculture partners with local organizations like Llano ISD to provide free meals to children when school is out for the summer.
More Texans could be prescribed a cannabis derivative to treat certain disorders under a bill approved by the Senate on Wednesday, May 22. Therapeutic use of cannabidiol (CBD) oil was first allowed in Texas under a bill passed two sessions ago but could only for the treatment of a particular seizure disorder that resists standard treatments.
Hill Country Astronomers (HCA) will meet at 6:30 p.m., Monday, June 3, in the HEB Activity Room at Hill Country University Center in Fredericksburg.
HCA member Mark Ward will discuss meteorites—what they are, where they come from, and why they are significant. Meteorites not only grant us a glimpse into the conditions of the early Solar System but studying them helps us understand our own geologic past, and may well help us defend ourselves against future meteorite impacts.
Ward has bee ...
The Highland Lakes Democratic Women met on Thursday, May 23, at Meadowlakes Restaurant. Chapter President Nancy Hill welcomed over 80 members and guests, including three new members. Don Adams, a former Texas state senator and current municipal judge, introduced the meeting’s keynote speaker, former Agriculture Commissioner, national radio commentator, writer, public speaker, New York Times best-selling author, and his personal friend, Jim Hightower.
Hightower’s speech was a call to a ...
Should we begin with the man’s resume? Okay, part of it: Defensive Coordinator at Westlake High, Odessa High and that other Odessa school—Permian. Plus five years as Head Coach at Gregory Portland.
He signs his scorecard, Matt Anastasio, and he’s the new co-DC (with Ricky Sparks) at Llano High. There’s a brother-in-law tie-in here, too, but that’ll have to wait.
“Great community,” Anastasio called Llano and the Hill Country.
Hello again on Memorial Day. Well, I know we’re a few days past, but one (not so important) fact this Day tells baseball fans the season is finally moving along—almost a third done of its 198 game (I’m kidding as well as filling) schedule. So, with a huge assist from, I’m going to take up a couple of minutes—beats nine innings—of your time with, I think, some pretty interesting stats.
With summer right around the corner, it’s time to think about keeping children eating healthy while school is out. Llano ISD provides free meals to children during the summer.
Each year, the U.S. Department of Agriculture partners with local organizations like Llano ISD to provide free meals to children when school is out for the summer.
Charles Kirkland, 78, of Young America, Indiana, passed away on Wednesday, May 15, 2019, at his residence.
Born on July 23, 1940, in South Bay, Florida. He was the son of the late C. A. Kirkland and Evelyn Fisher. On May 23, 1073, he married Brenda Petit in Fort Worth, Texas.
Charles was self employed as a heating and air conditioning technician.
Veragene “Gene” Immel Becker of Llano, Texas passed away Friday, May 24, 2019 at the age of 92. She was born to Ollie (Walker) and Edgar Immel November 5, 1926 in Crews, Texas.
She liked to sew, read, and do crafts, and loved cats! Gene was a member of Lutie Watkins Memorial United Methodist Church.
She is preceded in death by her four husbands; parents; brother, Roy Immel; son Robert Sudyka, and a granddaughter.
Gene is survived by daughters Ardith Becker Shea and husband Joseph of ...
A fly in fishing trip to a remote lake in northern Saskatchewan is an experience that anyone that loves the outdoors and fishing should consider doing. I believe its lack of information that deters many fishermen from enjoying the fun of catching fish that have never seen a hook and dining on daily shore lunches of fresh walleye fillets is a pristine setting that has to be experienced to be fully appreciated.
In a couple weeks, I will be heading up to Iskwatikan Lake Lodge for the third con ...
As we see our spring season maturing into a full growing season and heading into summer, there are a few plants that have almost taken over the garden. One is cilantro. I have grown this plant for as long as I can remember growing. This plant has been used for as long as there have been cooks and herbal healers.
More Texans could be prescribed a cannabis derivative to treat certain disorders under a bill approved by the Senate on Wednesday, May 22. Therapeutic use of cannabidiol (CBD) oil was first allowed in Texas under a bill passed two sessions ago but could only for the treatment of a particular seizure disorder that resists standard treatments.
Hill Country Astronomers (HCA) will meet at 6:30 p.m., Monday, June 3, in the HEB Activity Room at Hill Country University Center in Fredericksburg.
HCA member Mark Ward will discuss meteorites—what they are, where they come from, and why they are significant. Meteorites not only grant us a glimpse into the conditions of the early Solar System but studying them helps us understand our own geologic past, and may well help us defend ourselves against future meteorite impacts.
Ward has bee ...
The Highland Lakes Democratic Women met on Thursday, May 23, at Meadowlakes Restaurant. Chapter President Nancy Hill welcomed over 80 members and guests, including three new members. Don Adams, a former Texas state senator and current municipal judge, introduced the meeting’s keynote speaker, former Agriculture Commissioner, national radio commentator, writer, public speaker, New York Times best-selling author, and his personal friend, Jim Hightower.
Hightower’s speech was a call to a ...
A fly in fishing trip to a remote lake in northern Saskatchewan is an experience that anyone that loves the outdoors and fishing should consider doing. I believe its lack of information that deters many fishermen from enjoying the fun of catching fish that have never seen a hook and dining on daily shore lunches of fresh walleye fillets is a pristine setting that has to be experienced to be fully appreciated.
In a couple weeks, I will be heading up to Iskwatikan Lake Lodge for the third con ...