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The Llano News

June 26, 2019 Issue

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Commissioner Mike Sandoval, Precinct 3, said the TxDOT’s 2019 Grant application for safe routes to school (SRTS) must be submitted by August 15. Sidewalks will be built along RR 2900 and RR 1431 to serve Packsaddle Elementary and Kingsland School. Commissioners are set to review the application on July 22 to approve before submission. The Court approved to support efforts to preserve night skies.
On Monday, June 24, Llano ISD School Board approved the acceptance of a donation from The White Family Foundation in the amount of $25,000 to the Llano Elementary School Library.  The grant money will be used to fund “The Dream Space” within the Library to create a welcoming environment where students enjoy reading, working with mentors and researching at Llano Elementary School. The Board approved Llano ISD to apply for and implement the Optional Flexible School Day Program (OFSDP); O ...
When there is a fire, a tragic auto accident, or any cause for law enforcement to be deployed, the citizens of Burnet, Llano, Lampasas, and Blanco counties know that First Responders from any of these departments will risk their lives to answer that call, and are aware of the difference these emergency services personnel make in their communities. Area McDonald's restaurants recognize the importance of First Responders as well, and have been partnering for years with the local Hill Country ...
On June 6, Judge Evan Stubbs sentenced former Bertram Chief of Police, James J. (J.J.) Wilson to four days in jail on each of two cases of official oppression, and five years’ probation on one count of Abuse of Official Capacity. The plea was part of an agreement between the defendant’s attorney, Bristol Myers, and the 424th Judicial District Attorney’s Office.
Llano’s Get Fit For Alzheimer’s “Alzheimer’s is becoming a more common cause of death as the populations of the U.S. and other countries age,” reports the Alzheimer’s Association. In part, this is because we are experiencing more success in reducing the rate of death from other causes such as heart disease, while the rate of death from Alzheimer’s continues to increase.
Crime Alert:
Hill Country Area Crime Stoppers and Burnet County Sheriff’s Office request any information of a burglary of residence in the Tobeyville area of Burnet County. Items taken:1963 Kay Bass Swingmaster Edition, Tuba Brand Mirafone, Gibson Mahogany guitar, Silvertone guitar, ship-light 18x24x18, Meade telescope, two 12-inch flat screen TVs, miniature slot machine, wall mounted pay phone and firearms. Anyone with information please contact Kristin Davis with Burnet County Sheriff’s Office at ...
Governor Orders Guard Troops to Border to Assist Feds On June 21, the day before President Trump called off a national sweep to find and detain undocumented non-citizens, Gov. Greg Abbott announced the deployment of 1,000 Texas National Guard troops to the Rio Grande. Accompanied by Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick, House Speaker Dennis Bonnen and Adjutant General Tracy Norris in a state Capitol news conference, Abbott said the deployment would assist the U.S.
BURNET— Imagine what it feels like to be the person who shows a child that heroes still walk the earth, that all grown-ups are not the same. Think about a time in your life when you felt totally alone and in need, and someone stood beside you. Remember what a gift that was?
Members of Central Texas Electric Co-op, Board District 4 (Llano County), met Monday, June 10 in the Llano High School Auditorium. The members were welcomed by the Co-op’s Chief Executive Officer, Robert A. Loth, III. Loth opened the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance and the introduction of members of the co-op’s board of directors in attendance.
The LHS Hall of Fame Nomination Committee has begun the process of choosing several individuals, a humanitarian, and a team of the year for 2019. The committee invites you to submit a nomination if you know of a worthy candidate or team for consideration. Anyone wishing to submit a nomination, please contact Donna Davis at (325) 423-1342 or email [email protected].
A building over 115 years old sits in historic Llano and houses beautiful, unique and inspiring artwork created by local artists, from paintings and clay works to jewelry and woodwork. Before Llano Fine Arts Guild’s existence, artists in the community found a way to band together, sharing their life’s passion. In the early 1960s, active members of the Woman’s Culture Club of Llano, Ann Harrison and Stella Hoerster, saw an opportunity for a club project by inviting an art teacher to Ll ...
The Darrell Staedtler Songwriter Series met with great success Thursday evening at the Dabbs. The audience, thrilled that Mr. Staedtler was able to make an appearance, cheered as he joined host WC Jameson and guest Joe Forlini on stage for a few old favorites. The Dabbs hopes everyone will stay tuned on social media for information for their next concert event.
On the evening of evening of Wednesday, June 12, a Burnet Police Officer was surveilling a vehicle parked at a residence known for drug trafficking and observed that the license plates on the vehicle did not match the make or model of the vehicle they were displayed on. When the vehicle left the residence, officers initiated a traffic stop on it and identified the driver, Heather Sparks, and front seat passenger, David Jones, as Oregon residents.
Hill Country Astronomers (HCA) will meet at 6:30 p.m., Monday, July 1, in the HEB Activity Room at Hill Country University Center in Fredericksburg. The program will feature a video lecture from Professor David M. Meyer’s series “Experiencing Hubble: Understanding the Greatest Images of the Universe.” Professor Meyer says he has “… found no better way to communicate the joy of discovery in astronomy than through the beautiful cosmic images obtained by the Hubble Space Telescope. ...
Hill Country Community Theatre announces its 2019-20 season, featuring two musicals and three comedies, including two world premieres. The five productions in the season include the musical comedy “More Senior Moments,” a holiday comedy “A Twisted Christmas Carol,” the comedy “Ken Ludwig’s Moon Over Buffalo,” the comedy “The Savannah Sipping Society,” and Rodgers and Hammerstein’s classic musical “Carousel.” This marks HCCT’s 34th year. “Many plays were considere ...
Over the years, ways to communicate have evolved, from mail, to phone calls, to the internet, to social media and many other ways in between. The Llano Chamber of Commerce is always trying ways to get the word out about the many events that are happening in Llano—some that we are 100% involved with and some that are brought to town by other organizations or companies that we depend on to assist us in getting the word out.
The UIL, by calling for a vote, and school superintendents, by voting “yes,” helped schools like Llano, several years ago, by declaring that the Jackets cannot play against the Burnets, Liberty Hills and Fredericksburgs in district in football because of the size difference. The range now for Class 4A, Division II, is about 500-780.
Superb. The Jackets have completed—almost assuredly—an unparalleled month of 7-on-7: 11 wins and one loss, 9-0 the final three weeks against Fredericksburg and Mason varsities and one or the other’s JV team. “What I care about most,” said Head Coach Matt Green, “is when our kids step on the field they play to win.
Barbara Burnett is a Llano middle school coach. She and her husband, Beau, are veteran head softball coaches. Coach Barb relates this recent experience: I went to a travel-ball tournament for my son's baseball team. He's eight, and it was a 10-and-under group.   The coach loves the kids and gets on them when they need it and loves on them when they need it, too. Being a part of the coaching profession I have a deep appreciation for parents who VOLUNTEER their time to coach these kids, ...
ARTIST OF THE MONTH Congratulations to Esther Jones, June Artist of the Month for Highland Arts Guild. Esther was delighted to discover, in 2015, that she had been a lifelong artist. A self-taught pastelist, she now paints to expand her knowledge of the world and worship her Creator. She delights in sharing his gift with others.
BURNET— Imagine what it feels like to be the person who shows a child that heroes still walk the earth, that all grown-ups are not the same. Think about a time in your life when you felt totally alone and in need, and someone stood beside you. Remember what a gift that was?
On Wednesday, July 10, the Friends of the Fredericksburg Nature Center will offer a presentation about creating a pollinator garden with native plants, and why they are so important for our birds, bees, and butterflies. Participants are encouraged to bring a sketch pad to design a garden for their yard, with help from Texas Master Naturalists and Native Plant Society of Texas members, to be ready for fall planting.
Travis County Tax Assessor-Collector and Voter Registrar, Bruce Elfant, will discuss increasing voter registration at the Highland Lakes Democratic Women luncheon at Meadowlakes Restaurant on June 27. Check-in begins at 11:15 a.m., lunch and the business meeting at 11:30 a.m., and Elfant will speak at 12:00 p.m. A native of Houston, Elfant moved to Austin in 1976 and earned a BS in Business Communications from The University of Texas in 1980.
Kim Roberti will lead a hands-on pastel oil painting demonstration on Monday, July 1, 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. at the Llano Fine Art Guild. The demonstration costs $5 to participate. “I paint what I want to see, tell the story I want to tell, convey the experiences with people and places I want to share,” said Kim.
The LHS Hall of Fame Nomination Committee has begun the process of choosing several individuals, a humanitarian, and a team of the year for 2019. The committee invites you to submit a nomination if you know of a worthy candidate or team for consideration. Anyone wishing to submit a nomination, please contact Donna Davis at (325) 423-1342 or email [email protected].
A building over 115 years old sits in historic Llano and houses beautiful, unique and inspiring artwork created by local artists, from paintings and clay works to jewelry and woodwork. Before Llano Fine Arts Guild’s existence, artists in the community found a way to band together, sharing their life’s passion. In the early 1960s, active members of the Woman’s Culture Club of Llano, Ann Harrison and Stella Hoerster, saw an opportunity for a club project by inviting an art teacher to Ll ...
The Darrell Staedtler Songwriter Series met with great success Thursday evening at the Dabbs. The audience, thrilled that Mr. Staedtler was able to make an appearance, cheered as he joined host WC Jameson and guest Joe Forlini on stage for a few old favorites. The Dabbs hopes everyone will stay tuned on social media for information for their next concert event.
Hill Country Community Theatre announces its 2019-20 season, featuring two musicals and three comedies, including two world premieres. The five productions in the season include the musical comedy “More Senior Moments,” a holiday comedy “A Twisted Christmas Carol,” the comedy “Ken Ludwig’s Moon Over Buffalo,” the comedy “The Savannah Sipping Society,” and Rodgers and Hammerstein’s classic musical “Carousel.” This marks HCCT’s 34th year. “Many plays were considere ...
Our sweet mother Patricia Ann Rogers fell asleep in death on Saturday, June 22, 2019.  Mom was born in Devine, Texas on August 30, 1931 to William Travis and Myrtie (Murphy) Mangum. Her family moved to Llano around 1949, where she first met George. 60 days and one promissory note later he became her husband.
Happy Summer! With this season arrives all the issues of heat, bugs and water. Let's remember some basics: If possible, cover tender plants with shade cloth, or ahead of time, plant where it has a little shade from larger plants or a tree. Water consistently and check soil by digging a little hole to see if there is moisture deeper in the root system.
ARTIST OF THE MONTH Congratulations to Esther Jones, June Artist of the Month for Highland Arts Guild. Esther was delighted to discover, in 2015, that she had been a lifelong artist. A self-taught pastelist, she now paints to expand her knowledge of the world and worship her Creator. She delights in sharing his gift with others.
Crime Alert:
Hill Country Area Crime Stoppers and Burnet County Sheriff’s Office request any information of a burglary of residence in the Tobeyville area of Burnet County. Items taken:1963 Kay Bass Swingmaster Edition, Tuba Brand Mirafone, Gibson Mahogany guitar, Silvertone guitar, ship-light 18x24x18, Meade telescope, two 12-inch flat screen TVs, miniature slot machine, wall mounted pay phone and firearms. Anyone with information please contact Kristin Davis with Burnet County Sheriff’s Office at ...
Governor Orders Guard Troops to Border to Assist Feds On June 21, the day before President Trump called off a national sweep to find and detain undocumented non-citizens, Gov. Greg Abbott announced the deployment of 1,000 Texas National Guard troops to the Rio Grande. Accompanied by Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick, House Speaker Dennis Bonnen and Adjutant General Tracy Norris in a state Capitol news conference, Abbott said the deployment would assist the U.S.
Happy Summer! With this season arrives all the issues of heat, bugs and water. Let's remember some basics: If possible, cover tender plants with shade cloth, or ahead of time, plant where it has a little shade from larger plants or a tree. Water consistently and check soil by digging a little hole to see if there is moisture deeper in the root system.
BURNET— Imagine what it feels like to be the person who shows a child that heroes still walk the earth, that all grown-ups are not the same. Think about a time in your life when you felt totally alone and in need, and someone stood beside you. Remember what a gift that was?
On Wednesday, July 10, the Friends of the Fredericksburg Nature Center will offer a presentation about creating a pollinator garden with native plants, and why they are so important for our birds, bees, and butterflies. Participants are encouraged to bring a sketch pad to design a garden for their yard, with help from Texas Master Naturalists and Native Plant Society of Texas members, to be ready for fall planting.
Travis County Tax Assessor-Collector and Voter Registrar, Bruce Elfant, will discuss increasing voter registration at the Highland Lakes Democratic Women luncheon at Meadowlakes Restaurant on June 27. Check-in begins at 11:15 a.m., lunch and the business meeting at 11:30 a.m., and Elfant will speak at 12:00 p.m. A native of Houston, Elfant moved to Austin in 1976 and earned a BS in Business Communications from The University of Texas in 1980.
Kim Roberti will lead a hands-on pastel oil painting demonstration on Monday, July 1, 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. at the Llano Fine Art Guild. The demonstration costs $5 to participate. “I paint what I want to see, tell the story I want to tell, convey the experiences with people and places I want to share,” said Kim.
On the evening of evening of Wednesday, June 12, a Burnet Police Officer was surveilling a vehicle parked at a residence known for drug trafficking and observed that the license plates on the vehicle did not match the make or model of the vehicle they were displayed on. When the vehicle left the residence, officers initiated a traffic stop on it and identified the driver, Heather Sparks, and front seat passenger, David Jones, as Oregon residents.
Hill Country Astronomers (HCA) will meet at 6:30 p.m., Monday, July 1, in the HEB Activity Room at Hill Country University Center in Fredericksburg. The program will feature a video lecture from Professor David M. Meyer’s series “Experiencing Hubble: Understanding the Greatest Images of the Universe.” Professor Meyer says he has “… found no better way to communicate the joy of discovery in astronomy than through the beautiful cosmic images obtained by the Hubble Space Telescope. ...
Hill Country Community Theatre announces its 2019-20 season, featuring two musicals and three comedies, including two world premieres. The five productions in the season include the musical comedy “More Senior Moments,” a holiday comedy “A Twisted Christmas Carol,” the comedy “Ken Ludwig’s Moon Over Buffalo,” the comedy “The Savannah Sipping Society,” and Rodgers and Hammerstein’s classic musical “Carousel.” This marks HCCT’s 34th year. “Many plays were considere ...

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