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Ever since I was a young lad, I have had a competitive spirit. Quite frankly, I like to win at everything I do. After all, who doesn’t. Being married has accelerated that competitive spirit, sometimes to my personal detriment. Overall, it has been a rather good run and the Gracious Mistress of the Parsonage and I just celebrated another wedding anniversary.
I am not sure who invented summer vacation, but I think they deserve a Nobel Peace Prize. Every year is worth the intense strain when there is a summer vacation to look forward to. Ah, summer vacation. The freedom of not having anything to do. No schedule in my face. No appointments frustrating me.
During my high school years, a fellow student gained national attention by cutting his two cars in half and joining the front sections back to back. There was no rear seat in this modified Model A Ford; only two front seats and two steering wheels facing opposite directions. Memory allows me to see again the faces of confused and amused onlookers when the celebrated car surgeon sat at one steering wheel with his brother positioned at the other while driving through town in a parade.
Attention all ladies! Please join us for an exciting Bible study on the book of Exodus! Our twelve week study begins September 9 and ends December 2. We will meet each Wednesday from 9:15 am to 11:00 am at the Lutie Watkins Memorial United Methodist Church which is located at 800 Wright Street in Llano. Childcare is provided at no cost for infants and preschool age children.
In our house, we have a rule that has enabled us to live at peace with one another for more years than I can count. That rule is simple, “Don’t mess with my space and I won’t mess with your space.” I must admit some rather close calls have challenged that relationship during those years.
Yielding to temptation can be costly. A moment of weakness may bring years of regret. It is dangerous to take temptation lightly. Moses led his people out of their slavery in Egypt to freedom. He endured their complaining and criticism of his leadership and prayed for them when their destruction seemed imminent.
I know some things are better put into that black abyss called forgetfulness, to be remembered no more, not even when they would help win an argument. According to the Gracious Mistress of the Parsonage, forgetting some things is more important than winning an argument. Not that I would know.
Sitting among a seasoned group of sermon makers to examine a young minister for ordination was not a new experience for me. I had no way of knowing, however, that this one under pressure would shock me with his answer to an important question and send me home wiser than when I came. Ordination councils are usually made up of ministers from many churches.
Profanity is not an acceptable part of my life, and I do not appreciate others exercising their right to profanity while in my company. A little respect, please! Last week, for instance, I made somebody mad. I forget what I did or did not do provoking such irate anger toward me.
I met Orlen while in my twenties and serving my first church. He was the pastor of a thriving congregation. He had poor eyesight, but his spiritual insight more than made up for his limited vision. Impressed by his accomplishments and the relationship he enjoyed with his church, I once questioned him about the secrets of his success. "The Bible says the meek will inherit the earth,"

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