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The Llano News


The current issue of The Llano News is available to read with an online subscription. Keep up-to-date with news.
On Wednesday, May 6, Grace Episcopal Church will present a program "Testament of a Naked Man—Good News According to Mark". The power of the Gospel is brought to life in a dramatic one-man performance. The audience is transported back in time to be with Jesus on the dusty roads of Palestine and on the shores of the Sea of Galilee. On Palm Sunday, 2007, Angus Stuart, Rector of St.
A visit to my doctor launched him on a search to find the reason for a feeling of heaviness in my chest. Thankfully, I passed the electrocardiogram with flying colors, but that was just the beginning. I was then scheduled for an echocardiogram and stress test. Life is filled with stress tests so we must learn how to handle them. I had the advantage of knowing the date and time of my stress test appointment.
I am of the opinion that standing in line is not a career although I have been so employed most of my life. If it is a career, I am not applying for any employment. This past week I had this brought to my attention in an interesting manner. I had ordered a printing job at Staples and went in to pick it up.
April 15 is the time of the year when Americans can communicate with their government. I cannot testify for anyone else, but I look forward to this marvelous opportunity and I am careful not to waste it. This year, for example, so much has happened to me since last year it took 15 single-spaced typed pages to include everything. However, to be perfectly honest (and who's perfect), I am a little disappointed.
Here's how to be perfectly miserable: focus on everything negative in your marriage, your church, your job or business and conclude there's no way of anything changing. This kind of negative thinking feeds despair; so reject it. Things and people can be changed by prayer. Jack Odell was controlled by alcohol and it was ruining his life. Not anymore. In his book, "Here's How!"
During the 1968 Olympics, held in Mexico City, John Stephen Akwari, a marathoner, represented Tanzania. His hopes were high but along the way he stumbled and fell, injuring his knee and ankle and enabling a runner from Ethiopia to win the gold. Events for the day were nearly finished and the crowd dwindling when a siren sounding at the finishing gate caught the attention of the remaining contestants and spectators.
One of my grandchildren asked me quite a penetrating question this week. "Grandpa, how old are you?" Before I was married, I had no problem about always telling the truth. I always got in trouble if I did not tell the truth and so my practice has been to always tell the truth, no matter how difficult it might be and no matter who it might hurt. After being married for several years, I was presented with a question I was in no way prepared for.
This is the time of year when tale spinners come out of the woodwork with conspiracy theories about the authenticity of the resurrection of Christ. As always, when the dust clears, the fictions fall and the resurrection stands. Why is this repeatedly true? What makes the resurrection so hard to bring down?
This week I heard of a place that always greeted people with, "Have a blessed day." I have heard that addressed to me and I have said it back many times. On the surface, this looks like a very wonderful, encouraging and positive thing to do and I am all for it.
This year I celebrate another birthday. The only thing I am wrestling with is which birthday am I going to celebrate? I have so many from which to choose, it is hard to pick out the birthday I want to celebrate. I believe, since it is my birthday, I have the option and right to pick which birthday I am going to celebrate. In thinking this matter over, I have been tempted to celebrate my first birthday because I have no memories of that birthday whatsoever. To celebrate my first birthday would b ...

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